8.2 IAS 40 Investment Property Flashcards
What is the argument for the fair value method under IAS 40 Investment Property
- As investment properties are held for their investment potential and not for use within the business. (not helping to generate sales)
- As such, it could be argued that it is not appropriate to depreciate them
What is an investment property
Land or buildings held to earn rental income and/or capital appreciation
What must and investment property not be
Used in normal operating activities
Held for sale
Where does investment property sit on the SFP
Both PPE and IP are NCA on the balance sheet just different lines
How does IAS 40 Investment Property deal with mixed use properties
If two floors are rented out and the others are used in normal operations the building must be split and the different floors treated separately
What is the accounting treatment for Investment Properties under IAS 40
- IP should initially be measured at cost
- IAS 40 then allows choice for subsequent measurements
1. Fair value method
2. Cost model
Does IAS 40 Investment Property allow you to change between the Fair Value Method and the Cost Model
No, the methods must be congruent across all properties
What is the accounting treatment for Investment Properties under IAS 40 using the Fair Value Method
- IP shown in SFP @ FV
- Recognise changes in FV (gain/loss) in SP/L.
o In strong property markets is good as gain goes to bottom line profits but can be reversed
o This does mean unrealised profits end up on P/L
o No depreciation charged
What is the accounting treatment for Investment Properties under IAS 40 using the Cost Model
- Apply same principle as IAS 16
o (i.e. capitalise and depreciate) - Disclose FV as a note to the accounts.
o This means no matter what has to be professionally valued each year
What is Fair Value
The price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date
Will land ever be depreciated under IAS 40 Investment Property
How do you change the use of PPE to IP using the fair value method
If an asset is transferred from being used as PPE to an investment property and the fair value model is used:
* The asset must first be revalued as per IAS 16 (creating a revaluation surplus in equity)
* and then transferred into investment property at FV.
How do you change the use of PPE to IP using the cost model
If an asset is transferred from being used as PPE to an investment property and the cost model is used:
* The asset is transferred into investment property at the current carrying amount and continues to be depreciated.
How do you change the use of IP to PPE using the fair value method
If an asset is transferred from being used as an investment property to PPE and the fair value model is used:
* The asset must first be revalued as per IAS 40 (taking the gain/loss to SP/L)
* Then transferred into PPE at FV.
How do you change the use of IP to PPE using the cost model
If an asset is transferred from being used as an investment property to PPE and the cost model is used:
* The asset is transferred into PPE at the current carrying amount and continues to be depreciated
o i.e. no change in method.
How is IAS 40 investment property treated in consolidated accounts when the sub rents
- If a building is rented by a subsidiary of the group, then the building will be:
o Classed as an investment property in the entity accounts
o Will be classed as PPE (per IAS 16) in the CFS. - This is because the asset will be used by the group, so must be accounted for in accordance with IAS 16.
What are the disclosure requirements for IAS 40 Investment Property
- Whether the entity has adopted the fair value model or the cost model
- The extent to which fair values have been determined by an independent valuer who holds a recognised and relevant professional qualification
- The amounts of any rental income from IP and related expenses that have been recognised when calculating the entity’s profit/loss for the period.