9.2 Flashcards
What does myopic loss aversion consist off
- Loss aversion
2. Evaluation period = mental accounting
Loss aversion related to equity premium
Ppl more sensitive to losses
They are more willing to take risks when evaluation period is long, checked infrequent
Short time horizon = less preference for stock/ more Bond
Equity premium and evaluation period
Short time horizon - less preference stock (risk)
What is the equity premium puzzle
Stock have been outperforming bonds by A LOT. Why are ppl still willing to hold bonds?
Evaluation period is
1 year
Financial duties and annual reports
Given 1y EP, what is he optimal asset allocation
Same utility
Relationship Equity premium and evaluation period
If EP goes up. Eq Pr goes down. Because Stock becomes more attractive
Less psychic cost
psychic cost definition
Price you pay for frequently observing - short EP
Why does risk aversion not explain the puzzle
The coefficient should be 30 then. And fewww people are ThAT risk averse
Difference planning horizon and evaluation period
Planning horizon = number of years after which an inc wants to achieve a certain amount of value. Eventual goal
Ep = length of time over which inv aggregates returns -> implicit planning horizon