9.1 Cilia Flashcards
What is the function of dynein in cilia?
Dynein anchors it’s tail to the A microtubule in cilia and produces microtubule sliding by interacting with neighboring B microtubule
What is the function of kinesin in cilia?
Kinesin-dependent movement of ciliary subunits to the + ends is required for maintence of cilia.
The study of Chlamydomonas, a motile algae was used to define this mechanism…
Ciliary movement.
Outer doublet microtubule
Microtubule A + microtubule B (incomplete)
Polycystic Kidney disease
Defect in protein called Polycystin which is a calcium channel that opens when the cilia bend in response to fluid flow. In the absence of this signal, the cells lining the tubule remain in a immature state where they reproduce rapidly and develop cysts.
Cilia move in a _____ manner.
Asymmetric beating manner
Flagella move in a _____ manner.
Symmetrical undulating manner.
How does male infertility relate to cilia mutation?
Lack of cilia movement of sperm tail = cannot move thro the reproductive tract
How does female infertility relate to cilia mutation?
Paralysis of cilia of female reproductive tract = no movement of egg or sperm
Kartagener’s syndrome
Disorder affecting the movement of cilia (ex: heart on the R side of the body). Movement of cilia in the early development of life transports compounds important for development and concentrates them on one side of the body axis. When the cilia are paralyzed, the structures develop randomly.
How are cilia anchored to the cell?
Anchored by a basal body with a centriole inside.
How are the cilia microtubules nucleated?
From the centriole embedded in the cell outer cortex by a meshwork of actin + intermediate filaments.
Basal body
Acts as a mechanical anchor for cilia where the cilia attach to the cell surface.
Cilia centrioles
Short barrel-shaped arrangements of triplet microtubules. The triplet microtubules contain a complete A microtubule, and 2 incomplete B and C microtubules. A and B centriolar microtubules are continuous with A and B ciliary microtubules.
Cilia centrioles lack ______ .
Central doublet microtubules