9 - Type II Hypersensitivity Flashcards
How is type II hypersensitivity defined?
destruction of normall tissue cells by antibody igg or igm with activation of complement or antibody dependant cell cytotoxicityw
hat are some common examples of type 2 hypersensitivity
hemolytic anemia of newborns
penicillin induced anemia
some autoimmune dz
blood transfusion reactions
What is the difference between agglutination and rouleaux?
Rouleaux are orderly linear stacks of RBCs, whereas RBC agglutination is formed by grapelike RBC aggregates. To aid in differentiating between rouleaux and agglutination, a saline dilution test is useful.
What is ACD (acid citrate dextrose) solution?
An anticoagulant and energy source
there are ready to go human blood collection packs
and sigma chemical co
What is the following formula for ACD solution?
Trisodium citrate 22.0g
citric acid (monohydrate) 8.0g
Dextrose (monohydrate0 24.6 g
Distilled water to make up to 1L
for each 100ml of blood, need 15ml of ACD solution (pH 5.0)
What are blood group antigens?
Part of the structure of RBC’s
molecules expressed on the surface of RBC’s - not involved in antigen processing
Name often starts w/ species code and EA (erythrocyte antigen) followed by letter/number denoting order of discovery
EX DEA(dog erythrocyte antigen) 1.1 (first allele of antigen 1)
What are some transfution reaction causes?
A recipient may contain pre-existing antibodies as a result of previous exposure - to blood (prior transfusions or pregnancies), to vx’s (some contain animal tissue), and to similar antigents thru diet
dietary risk is species dependant such as in cattle
significant clin signs if infusing lg amounts of incompatible blood into sensitized patient
what does sensitized mean?
has pre-existing antibody
What is the mechanism of transfusion reaction causes?
Mechanism: pre-existing antibody binds to erythrocyte antigens
by aglutination, opsonization, complement activation results in hemolysis (free hemoglobin can damage kidneys) and anaphylatoxin release + mast cell degranulation
How can we prevent transfusion reactions?
by doing cross matching
most important is donor RBC’s w/ patients serum and look for lysis or agglutination
And less important is donor serum and patient RBC called minor cross match
What are some blood transfusion reaction clinical signs?
montior for signs of incompatibility
mild to moderate
- sweating, salivation, diarrhea, vomiting, increased RR + HR, fever
Severe - Shock
Weakness, hyper/hypotension, tachy/bradycardia, dyspnea, DIC, Collapse, death (arrhythmia or apnea)
How should we respond when we see a transfusion reaction?
STOP transfusion
maintain urine prod via IV fluids and diuretics
meds with diphenhydramine and +/- epinephrine
What is the recovery phase of transfusion reaction
Hemoglobulin eventually converted to bilirubin
icterus of mucosae and sclera
What is useful information in terms of blood transfusions in cattle?
MANY blood types and some have preformed Ab’s against foreign RBC antigens
- Ab seen in cattle have had no previous blood transfusions
1st transfusion lasts d’s-wks
repeated transfusions have shorter RBC lifespan
DO dogs have preformed Ab’s against foreign antigens?
How many RBC antigens do dogs have? What are some of their antigens?
DEA 1, strong antigen - causes most significant problems, several labs make card test to detect it
DEA 1.1 is subgroup is major concern with DEA 1 dogs
DEA 1.1 + k9’s are universal recipients
DEA 1.1 - k9’s are universal donors
What happens if a DEA 1.1 + dog recieves blood from DEA 1.1 + and DEA 1.1 - dog?
Both + and - are unlikely to be a problem
Meaning DEA 1.1 + are universal recipients and DEA 1.1 - are universal donors
What happens if we transfuse a dEA 1.1 neg dog with positive blood?
First transfusion is free
transfusion reactions on subsequent transfusions
potential problems in puppies if pregnant (neonatal iseoerythrolysis)
recommended that always cross match on subsequent transfusions and in breed dogs
Does Ag testing for strong Ag prevent: problems on 1st transfusions? on subsequent transfusions?
on 1st trans: yes
on subsequent: yes + sm risk of incompatibilities from minor Ag’s
Does cross matching first transfusion prevent problems: on first transfusions? on subsequent transfusions?
1st trans: yes
subsequent: no + may be incompatible on second transfusion even though compatible on first
How many blood groups do horses have? Do they have any preformed antibodies? Is there a risk of reactions?
Many blood groups, only 2 important
no preformed Ab unless previously exposed to antigenic RBC’s or sensitized thru Vx’
Same risk as in dogs except multiparous pregnant mares who have a higher risk
What is important information about blood transfusion in cats?
3 blood types - A, B, and AB
About 99% of DSH/DLH in NA are type A
Purebreeds typically have Type B
Type AB is rare <1-6%
Most type B cats possess IgM against Type A antigens bc of alloantibodies
in transfusions RBC half-life of 4-5 wks w/ a donor and recipient match.
if Type B is transfused in Type 3 cat, RBC half-life is only a few days
Type A into Type B, RBC halflife of 1 hr
What blood types are the following?
Siamese + burmese, exotics +british SH + cornish/devon rex + and UK cats?
Siamese + burmese - all type A
Exotics, Brit SH, rexes - up to 60^ are type B
UK cats - 40% type A, 60% type B
What is the difference btw a mule and a hinny?
Mule: Donkey stallion x Mare
Hinny: Stallion x Donkey mare
Which breeds of equines are most commonly affected by neonatal isoerythrolysis?
Common in throroughbreds and standardbred mares that have had several foals (about 0.05-2% foals affected
In mules, 8-10% are affected
What are the signs of hemolytic nemia?
mm are pale and later are icteric
may have possible hemoglobinuria via diagnostic
weakness, lethargy, may have possible shock nd death
What are some simple tests to do to test for hemolytic anemia?
PCV - mild Hct = 0.15-0.25 L/L or PCV 15-25%
Severe is <15 %
A juandiced foal agglutination test - mares colostrum is combined w/ foals RBC’s, pos agglutination test
test mares blood during pregnancy for rising titers of Ab’s against Aa or Qa Ag’s
What are some ways to treat hemolytic anemia in foals?
Prevent/stop colostrum ingestion for at least 36h
ideally, feed colostrum from another mare - as an alternative, and can give serum from an unrelated horse
Oxygen, fluids and electrolytes, antimicrobials
may need a blood transfusion if PCV <15% - convenient source is WASHED RBC’s from dam and can perform by letting RBC settle by gravity
What happens with type II drug hypersensitivities? What’s an example of it?
drug or its breakdown products bind to cells making them appear foreign (antigenic)
ex penicillin associated hemolytic anemia in horses
How does neonatal isoerytholysis show in cats?
“Fading kitten syndrom”
rare in NA, common in UK
likely seen w/ blood type B queen mating with Type A tom
Type A is dom so Tom(aa or ab), queen (bb) so offspring:
Tom aa - all kittens ab (type A)
If tom ab (kittens ab or bb(type b)
Blood group A offspring at risk of neonat iso from Anti-A antibody in colostrum
chance of dz is sm if Type A queen and Type B tom - Type A cats has less preformed antiB antibody
What are the signs of neonatal isoerythrolysis in cats?
anemia, icterus, weakness, hemoglobinuria
What do vx’s have to do with type II drug hypersensitivities?
vx grown on tissue
such as cattle killed BVD vx grown on kidney cells
contained potent adjuvant
stimulated anti- MHC Ab production which is transferred to calves in colostrum and caused pancytopenia
What is pancytopenia?
A condition in which there is a lower-than-normal number of red and white blood cells and platelets in the blood.
In which species is a blood transfusion likely to be successful even if there is no cross matching?
k9 + horses
Define type II hypersensitivity
IgG/IgM antibody attacking normal tissue
why might a 1-day old foal be severely anemic?
neonatal isoerythrolysis