19 - Vaccination Programs for Cattle Flashcards
What is the intended use for vaccination programs for cattle?
Breeding cow herd
feedlot cattle
dairy cattle
What are the core vaccines for breeding cattle?
For cows, replacement heifers, bulls
Clostridial (killed)
Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR/BHV) - MLV (injectable = risk of abortion, IN = no risk), IN (No risk)
Bovine Viral diarrhea (BV) - MLV (Inject =Abortion risk, IN = no risk, killed = no risk)
ovine syncytial virus )BRSV) - MLV (inject = NO risk, IN = no risk)
What is the general vaccine schedule for breeding cattle?
1st vax calf in fall, following weanin @ >6mo of age
clostridial and BRSV vx is killed, req booster 4-6 wks later
IBR/BHV, BVD - MILV one dose is sufficient
next dose prior to breeding @ 12 mo of age
ALL cattle, in spring, when OPEN, every year
When do we boost for BVDV if their vaccine hx is known vs unknown in breeding cattle?
Previously vx’ed >1mo b4 breeding
Vx unknown - 2 doses, 3wks apart -> last vx >1mo before breeding
wanter to administer closest to breeding to have maximum antibodies in colostrum without risking abortion
When do we vaccinate for IBR/BHV in breeding cattle when we know vx don’t know vx history
previously vx - >1 mo b4 breeding or at fall preg check
Unknwon - booster w/ 2 vaccines, 3wks apart. Last vx is >1mo b4 breeding
When do we vax for BRSV (killed) if we do/dont know vx history in breeding cattle
previous vaxed - prebred, pregcheck or precalving
not vaxed/unknown - as per the label
When do we vax for clostridial bacterial (killed) if history is known vs unknown?
Prev vaxxed, booster at prebred, preg check, precalving
not vaxxed - booster series of 2 vax’s, 3 wks apart
What are some optional bacterial vaccines for cattle?
usually req 2 doses for initial series
Leptospirosis (issue in wet areas bx of standing water), protection shortlived, may vx x2/year in spring/fall, causes abortion
Vibriosis(campylobacter) - venereal infection, signs are poor conception rates, long calving interval, abortions, more likely given to cows going to community pasture
do not use combo lepto-vibrio vx’s bc of reduced immunity
When might we give anthrax vaccine?
problem when high rainfall follows a drought or new excavation of land
results in sudden death
modified live bacterial vx - avoid giving antibiotics
req 2 doses for primary series
accidental vx of people is not a health risk
When do we vax for calf scours?
4-way vx - C. perfringens, E.coli, rotavirus and coronavirus
it is doubtful that rota/corona components provide much protection, they are given to pregnant cattle
2 doses for initial series
start 2-3 months prior to calving, last dose at least 4wks from calving
combine with management recommendations for maximum benefit: adequate space, well-drained, separate cows and heifers
What is the problem in vaccinating young calves?
interference from colostral antibodies
What are some things to keep in mind with calf cavvines
interference from colostral antibody
some herds suffer from pneumonia problems in younger calves (IBR, and PI3(parainfluenza) are part of the problem. Can vax young calves using IN vx
other vaccines are typically given in the fall and depend on where the calf is entering the breeding herd or a feedlot
Where should we vaccinate feedlot/background calves? What programs include which types of dz’s and vaccines?
Ideally vaccinate on home farm - this is prior to exposure to major pathogens
programs vary btw vets and clients but typically include BVD, IBR, PI3, and clostridia
Often include Mannheimia, BRSV, H.somni
MLV vaccines require one dose, Killed req 2 doses
What is pink eye vaccines treating? risks?tx? prevention?
Bacterial infection - morexella bovis
risk - vx not always effective
tx - antibiotics
prevention - fly control, reduced crowding
What does foot rot vaccines treat, what is the risk with them?
bacterial infection of fusobacterium necrophorum
risk - mixed reported results - not controlled studies
better results to prevent liver abscesses in feedlot calves
What is the biggest difference btw beef cows and dairy cow vaccine programs?
given same vx as beef cows
timing is not at a fixed time of year
instead at a fixed stage of repro cycle - ex MLV IBR is only given when cow is open