9. Peritoneal Cavity and Mesenteries Flashcards
Which embryological structure gives rise to the greater omentum?
The dorsal mesogastrium.
What arteries run within the greater omentum?
The posterior gastric arteries.
The short gastric arteries.
The left gastric omental artery.
The right gastric omental artery.
What is the lowest place in the abdominal cavity for fluid to collect?
In males, it is the rectovesicular space.
In females it is the rectouterine space.
From which mesentery do the hepatoduodenal and hepatogastric ligaments arise?
The ventral mesentery.
What arteries run within the hepatogastric ligament?
The right and left gastric arteries.
(Recall that the right gastric artery also runs within the hepatoduodenal ligament.)
Which ligament does the splenic artery run in?
The splenorenal ligament.
From which mesentery does the falciform ligament arise?
The ventral mesentery.
What ligaments make up the greater omentum?
The gastrosplenic ligament.
The gastrocolic ligament.
The gastrophrenic ligament.
What arteries run within the gastrosplenic ligament?
The short gastric arteries.
Part of the left gastric omental artery.
Where is the lesser omentum found?
In between the stomach and the liver.
What are the borders of the lesser sac?
Anterior: lesser omentum (hepatoduodenal ligament / hepatogastric ligament), stomach, gastrocolic ligament.
Posterior: pancreas, left kidney and suprarenal gland, aorta, inferior vena cava, splenic artery and vein.
Superior: diaphragm and liver.
Inferior: transverse mesocolon and 1st part of the duodenum.
Left: hilum of the spleen and gastrosplenic ligament.
Right: epiploic (omental) foramen.
What arteries are contained within the mesentery proper?
The jejunal and illeal arteries.
The superior mesenteric artery.
Where are the superior mesenteric vein and artery in relation to the pancreas?
Behind the head, and tucking through the hook of the uncinate process.
The splenorenal ligament and the gastrosplenic ligament are a part of which mesentery?
The dorsal mesentery.
What arteries run within the gastrophrenic ligament?
The posterior gastric arteries.
What are the primary retroperitoneal structures?
The kidneys.
The ureters.
The aorta / IVC.
Through which mesentery does the sigmoid artery run?
The sigmoid mesocolon
At what vertebral levels do we find the pancreas?
The head is at L2, and the tail ascends to about L1.
What separates the right and left subphrenic spaces?
The falciform ligament.
What are all of the retroperitoneal structures?
Suprarenal glands, Aorta / IVC, Duodenum (second through fourth parts), Pancreas (except the tail), Ureters, Colon (ascending and descending), Kidneys, Esophagus, Rectum.
What is the orientation of the three vessels of the portal triad?
Hepatic portal vein – posterior.
Common bile duct – anterior and lateral.
Proper hepatic artery – anterior and medial.
What arteries run within the gastrocolic ligament?
The right and left gastric omental arteries.
Through which mesentery does the iliocolic artery run?
The root of the mesentery proper
What are the secondary retroperitoneal structures?
Duodenum (2nd - 4th parts).
Pancreas (the tail).
Ascending/Descending colon.
What arteries run within the lesser omentum?
The proper hepatic artery.
The cystic artery.
The right gastric artery.
The left gastric artery.
What two ligaments make up the lesser omentum?
The hepatogastric and hepatoduodenal ligaments.
Which arteries run within the transverse mesocolon?
The middle colic artery.
The marginal artery (of Drummond)
Where do we find the phrenicocolic ligament?
Attaching the splenic flexure of the transverse colon to the diaphragm.
What is the visceral peritoneum sensitive to?
Is this pain more localized or generalized?
The visceral peritoneum is sensitive to stretch, chemical irritation, and ischemia.
This pain is more generalized, and less precise.
What is the parietal peritoneum sensitive to?
Is this pain localized or generalized?
Pressure, pain, and temperature.
The pain is localized, and usually more precise.
What options does fluid exiting the lesser sac have in terms of cavities it can travel through?
Superiorly, the right subphrenic space.
Inferiorly, the right paracolic gutter.
What arteries lie within the hepatoduodenal ligament?
The proper hepatic artery and its two branches: the cystic artery, and the right gastric artery.
What are the four boundaries to the epiploic (omental) foramen?
Superior: caudate lobe of the liver.
Anterior: hepatoduodenal ligament and the portal triad.
Posterior: inferior vena cava and of the right crus of the diaphragm.
Inferior: 1st part of the duodenum.