9. Neurology Flashcards
sudden onset ipsilateral hyperacusis (Ear pain) + Complaining of waking up with Unilateral facial paralysis + uable to lift eye brow or forehead
Name: Bell’s palsy
Risk: HSV
Nerve: CV7 (facial nerve)
PE: unable to wrinkle both side
Tx: Prednison (less than 72 hrs), artificial tear for lacrimation, Acyclovir
hx of DM + numbness tingling at lower extremities
Name: Diabetic neuropathy
Tx: Gabapentin for pain, DM control
Ascending(leg first -> arm) weakness (usually symmetric) + DTR decreased + breathing difficulty
Name: Guillian Barre syndrome
Pathogen: Campylobacter Jejuni
Dx: CSF (protein high/Normal WBC)
Tx: Plasmapheresis, IVIG
- Contraindicated Prednisone
Complication: Repiratory failure
worsened with repetitive movement (worsen throughout the day/better with rest) + eye lid weakness + breathing problem
Name:MG (myasthenia gravis)
Risk: young women/Thymic abnormality
PE: DTR normal, respiratory muscle weakness
- ACTH receptor antibodies
- edrophonium (tensilon) test
- ICE pack test (10 min on eyelid better)
- Rule out CT or CXR for Thymoma
- Pyridostigmine (1st)
- IVIG/Plasmapheresis
- Thymectomy
Throughout the day weakness gets better + weight loss
Name: Lambert-Eaton
Related: SCC
Patho: antibodies against presynaptic voltage gated calcium channels prevents ACTH
Dx: electrophysiology
Tx: plasmapheresis (1st), remove tumor
Bilateral tight band like (vise like) HA + No N/V + focal neurologic (photophobia)
Name/MC type HA/Tx/Prophylaxis
Name: Tension HA
MC common type: Tension
Tx: NSAID, acetaminophen
- May be used for TCA, antimigrain med, BB for prophylaxis
Unilateral HA + visusal change
Name: Migraine HA
Risk: MC in Women
Type: classic (with aura), Common (without aura)
Aura: scotoma (blind spots), light flash
Caution: always remember focal neurologic problem possible Stroke
Tx: Triptans
- CI: CAD, uncontrolled HTN or MI
Prophylaxis: BB, CCB, TCA, NSAID
Unilateral HA + around eye pain + lacrimation
Name: Cluster HA
Risk: Males (young/middle age)
Trigger: ETOH, Worse at night
Tx: 100% O2, Triptan meds
Prophylaxis: Verapamil
Meningitis Definition/MC/MC important/Less common/Age group
Definition: infection of membranes covering the brain and spinal cord
MC common: Viral
Most important: Bacterial
Less common: TB, Fungal
Age group Bacteria Pathogen
- less than 1 month - GBS, lister
- 1 mo - 18 yrs - N Meningitidis, H flu
- 18yr - 50 yrs - S pneumo
- 50 yr above - S pneumo, listeria
- Farm worker, pregnancy - listeria
Fever/chill + nuchal rigidity (stiff neck) + alter mental status
Name/PE/Dx/Tx/Prevention/Post exposure (alternate)
Name: Baterial meningitis
- Brudzinski - neck flex + knee hip flex
- Kenig - can’t straighten knee when hip flexed
Dx: CT head (1st), LP (definitive)
Tx: Abx + Admiti ICU
- neonate (less than 1 month) - cefo + ampicillin
- 1 mon - 50y - ceftx + vanco
- 50y above - ceftx + ampicillin + vanco
- Dexamethasone - if strep pneumo (prevent hearing loss H flu)
Prevention: Hib, MCV
Post exposure: Cipro 500mg x 1 dose/alternate Rifampin
Encephalitis vs viral meningitis
Define/Etiology/clinical menifestation/dx/tx
- Define: infection in Parenchyma
- Etio: HSV
- Clinical menifestation: lethargy, AMS, abnormal brain function
- Dx: LP - high WBC, normal glucose
- Tx: supportive care
Viral meningitis
- Define: infection in Meninges
- Etio: Enterovirus (coxackie)
- Clinical emnifestation: HA, fever, Brudzinski & Kernig sign, Normal brain function
- Dx: CSF - High WBC, Normal glucose
- Tx: Supportive care
Bacteria/Viral/Fungal CSF difference
- Opening pressure high, Glucose low, Protein high, PMN (neurtrophil) high
- Opening pressure normal, Glocose normal, protein high, WBC high
- Opening pressure Normla or high, Glocose low, protein high, WBC high
Hx of sinus infection or ear infection + HA + fever + neurologiccal finding
Name: Cerebral abscess
Tx: Ceftx + Metronidazole + surgical drainage
Tremor with movement and resolves at rest or drinking ethanol + often shaky voice + normal DTR and tone
Name: Essential tremor
Risk: Elderly, MC movement disorder
Tx: Propanolol
hx of father died in early + behavior change + dementia + Choreiform
Name: Huntington’s disease
Patho: autosomal dominant (50% chance to get it if one of parent has it)
Dx: CT scan (caudate/cerebral nucleus atrophy)
Tx: none (die in 30-50), Benzo helpful
Resting tremor + bradykinesia (slow movement) + rigidity (cogwheel) + fixed facial expression
Name: Parkinson disease
Define: dopamin depletion
- lewybodies(misfolded protein - accumulation cause death)
- loss of pigment cell seen in the substaintia nigra (contain lots of dopamin makes color - loss cell make depigment)
Tx: Levodopa/carbidopa
Acutely Confused
Name: Delirium
Risk: Dementia predisposition
Tx: Underlying cause (Lorazepam)