9: Flight Controls Flashcards
The rudder becomes aerodynamically effective?
Between 40 and 60 knots
Illuminates to warn the crew that the speed brakes are extended beyond ARMED position while with TE Flaps more than F10 or below RA 800ft
Also on the MAX it illuminates when speedbrakes extended and thrust greater than idle for 15s or greater than about 40 deg for 3 s
Maneuver Load Alleviation (MLA)- purpose and operation
Reduces wing and and aft fuselage bending loads
System retracts extended speedbrakes during certain maneuvers and gross weights. Speedbrake lever doesn`t move
Landing Attitude Modifier (LAM)- what is its two functions?
1) F30 and F40. Spoiler deflection about 10kt above Vref to maintain acceptable nose gear contact margin
2) F15 to F30 and thrust levers near idle. Spoiler deflection to increase drag
Emergency Descent Speedbrakes- purpose and operation
Increases the rate of your emergency descent.
Active when above 30 000ft and cabin alt warning active. Operates when you move the speedbrake lever
Speed Trim System (STS) what is it in short?
Include push and pull control column
Speed Trim System provides speed and pitch stability augmentation through the Speed Trim Function and Maneuvering Characteristics Augmentation System (MCAS)
Note, when Push on the control column STS nose up commands interrupted.
When Pull the same except it does not interrupt MCAS nose down stabilizer trim commands
At flap position 1 to 25, when approaching a stall, LE slats to full extend. It begins driving the slats prior to stick shaker activation
Stall Identification- Two things happen during high AoA operations:
- SMYD reduces yaw damper commanded rudder
- EFS module increases hydraulic A press, this approximately doubles control column forces
As part of the STS, Speed Trim Function. Conditions for operation
- up to M0.68
- 10s after T/O
- 5s after release of main electric stabilizer trim switches
- A/P not engaged
- sensing of trim requirement
As part of the STS, Speed Trim Function. When and how does it operate?
Speed stability augmentation to improve flight characteristics during low gross weight, aft CofG and high thrust when A/P not engaged.
It trims the stabilizer in the opposite direction to speed change. As you return to trimmed speed the commanded stabilizer is removed.
High rate with flaps
Operates most frequently during T/O, climb and G/A
As part of the STS, MCAS. Conditions for operation
- AoA above threshold
- up to M0.84
- 10s after T/O
- Flaps up
- A/P not engaged
As part of the STS, MCAS. When and how does it operate?
Pitch stability augmentation function to operate at elevated AoA to increase control column forces by commanding the stabilizer in the nose down direction.
It activates at a threshold AoA and when below that the commanded stabilizer is removed.
It operates the stab trim motor at the flaps extended rate.
MCAS safe logic
- corrected AoA by using both AoA vanes. If left and right disagrees by more than 5.5 deg with flaps up then SPEED TRIM FAIL
- when it activates the command limit logic computes a target trim limit. If it reaches this limit then SPEED TRIM FAIL
Look at overhead panel and say what all the lights and switches mean
Flap Asymmetry, what does your flap position indicator show?
It shows the actual flap position for each wing
Flap Skew, what does your flap position indicator show?
The pointer for the skewed wing is turned opposite to be 15 deg apart from the other pointer, therefore the pointer nearest to your last action shows correctly and the other pointer shows the skewed side