9. Contents of lease ii Flashcards
general exam structure - the 4 Ls
Lease (+ supplementary docs) Law (statute and case law) LL's title (freehold issues) Local Authority (PR, BR)
Consider also:
- L’s costs (legal/professional) - recoverable?
- can L demand money as condition?
- how will consent be documented?
- what covenants can LL grant?
LL’s objectives
ensure premises are:
- insured
- repaired (ensure return on investment)
- used only for permitted purpose (retain control)
LL will want ALL COSTS passed to T (avoid its return being reduced by expenses)
T’s objectives
- NO RESTRICTIONS preventing T using premises for required purpose
- flexible lease (use, alienation, alteration)
- rent rises not too steeply
- no unduly onerous provisions (e.g. unusual service charge, unusual RR provisions)
- alienation possible
- lease must be attractive enough to be marketable
ALTERATIONS - how to deal with questions
deal with each alteration separately
(e. g.
- removal of walls,
- removal of non-structural walls,
- removal of demountable partitioning)
absolute - LL not obliged to consent (and can unreasonably say no) and if consent, can impose any conditions (e.g. premium, recovery of legal/proff costs)
qualified - LL’s consent required
fully qualified - LL’s consent required and can be unreasonably withheld
no restrictions - no consent required but check conditions (e.g. costs, whether T needs to notify LL when works are completed)
S.19(2) LTA 1927
- APPLIES TO IMPROVEMENTS, this will be an improvement (Lambert v Woolworth)
- applies only to QC
- means LL must act reasonably
- reasonable refusal must be referable to LL+T relationship
Conditions allowed:
- charge for any legal or other expenses
- reasonable sum for damage and diminution in value
- undertaking to reinstate
Iqbal v Thkrar
LL entitled to reasonably not give consent
Ll had serious concerns as to consequences of works on structure of building
alterations - LL’s title
what consents are required?
- check official copies
- RC requiring PWB consent?
alterations - local authority
PP? unlikely
BR - LIKELY REQUIRED (consult surveyor for confirmation)
alterations - what if absolute covenant
LL can still give one-off consent for that particular alteration
Document one-off consent in:
- LICENSE FOR ALTERATION (LL can stipulate any conditions he wants - not subject to any test of reasonableness)
- DEED OF VARIATION (if parties agree to permanent change to terms of lease) - usually found in deed packets and document deletion of clauses, additional clauses, and amendment of clauses
s. 1 LTA 1998 does NOT apply to T’s request to make alterations (so T might want a clause to say consent to alterations may not be unreasonably withheld or delayed)
change of use - when is this requested?
not usually by existing t
usually occurs in conjunction with assignment of lease (if this is the case, can combine 2 licenses or issue separate licenses)
change of use - lease
what kind of clause is it?
is consent required?
usually more than 1 provision of the lease:
- clause setting out main wording
- definitions (‘permitted use’)
- definition might refer to Use Class Order (statute)
change of use - law
s.19(3) LTA 1927
If NO STRUCTURAL ALTERATION and there is a change of use –>
LL CANNOT charge premium for granting consent (e.g. increase rent)
LL CAN charge for:
- any legal/other expenses incurred
- any damage/diminution in value of premises
(NB. statute says ‘alterations’ but it means change of use)
change of use - LL’s title
other consent?
- RC requiring PWB consent if PP needed to be applied for?
- if yes, determine if PP is required (in detail)
- and if needed, need PWB consent
change of use - local authority consent
s. 57(1) - PP required for ‘development’
s. 55 - ‘material change of use’ is a development
- what is use class now?
- what will it be?
- does GDPO permit this change of use without formal application of PP?
BR = will be required if T carries out building works
service charge = overview
All parts of building should be covered by T’s repairing obligations or L’s repairing obligations (no gaps)
- LL wants FRI lease so upkeep of prop is borne by Ts
- LL’s repairing obligations will be paid for by T under service charge
serivice charge = how to check
- check definitions of premises
- check T’s repairing obligations (what will T do)
- check L’s repairing obligation (what will L do)
service charge - if lease of whole
T likely to assume responsibility for repair of the whole building
T may still have to contribute to some shared facilities (e.g. upkeep of access way/car park) – this will be recovered by way of service charge
service charge - if lease of part
T will only be directly responsible for repair of its ‘internal envelope’
T will be responsible for upkeep of its ‘Premises’ and LL will be responsible for maintenance of the structure and common parts – LL will recover cost of this via a service charge levied on all T in the building
what should T look out for in service charge provisions?
SUSPENSION of covenant to pay service charge in event o insured damage (T already paid cost of insurance)
ENSURE T HAS EXPRESS RIGHT TO USE COMMON PARTS (otherwise contributing to upkeep without being able to use it) - i.e. make sure T can use all parts it is paying for
Recommendation 6 Code
- Encourages LL to be open at outset about service charge
- let T know extent to which it will need to contribute to major improvements
- let T know how SC is calculated and divided
service charge - what does T want
- reasonable and proper costs
- Only paying for services needed/used
- Not paying for unlet premises
service charge - what does L want
- Clear rent
- Protect capital value
- T pays for all services
‘Service Charge’
- sets out proportion of total SC payable by T
- proportion usually calculated according to internal area (sq. foot) of premises
- list of services
- carefully negotiated
- usually:
• maintenance and repairing structural parts of the building
• maintenance and repairing common parts
• heating, lighting, air-conditioning, pest-control, providing porterage, landscaping an estate, maintaining estate roads