7. Security of Tenure Flashcards
first thing to do in SOT question (in your rough notes)
- who is T
- who is LL
- Who are you acting for
- Issue - what does LL/T want to do
- Does 1954 Act apply - s.23(1)
- excluded lease? (s.43)
- contracted out (s.38A)?
- Protection given under s.24 (because it is protected under part II LTA 1954)
- any other notice been served?
- discuss requirements for each specific s.25 (hostile/friendly), s.26, s.27
Street v Mountford requirements must be established (exclusive possession for a term absolute)
includes: periodic tenancies, fixed term tenancies, oral and written tenancies
excludes: licenses, tenancies at will (terminable at any time by either party)
Tenant must be the occupier of at least part of the premises to obtain protection (and if only occupier of part, only entitled to apply for new lease of the part it occupies)
If tenant underlets all the premises, it loses protection under 1954 Act
Consider: measure of control it exercises over anyone else using the premises
has the lease been contracted out under s.38A?
IF YES - SOT does not apply
in exam - “nothing to suggest this but..”
- should check lease to see if parties contracted out of 1943 Act
- see if it was a valid contracting out
- lease should include clause stating s.24-28 LTA 1954 has been excluded and refer to the LL’s warning notice and T’s declaration in relation to this exclusion
Business (s.23(2))
- members of tennis club/charity
- incidental residential use
not business
- sunday school
protection given under LTA 1954 (s.24)
T has 2 layers of protection
ONE - right to hold over (i.e. stay in occupation of leased premises after CED has passed)
TWO - right to apply to court for an order for grant of a new lease of leased premises
S.26 exam struture (after main)
- discuss strategy (e.g. rents going down, T wants to serve notice ASAP so PCD is as early as possible so T can get new lease ASAP and take advantage of lower rents)
- prescribed form + competent landlord
- must set out T’s proposals for new lease (s.26(3)) and PCD
- can be served before or after CED
- PCD = cannot be less than 6m or more than 12m from the date s.26 request is served (AND cannot be before CED - but can be on the day of)
s.25 notice exam structure
- Discuss strategy
- prescribed form + state STD + served by competent LL
a) if hostile - specify s.30(1) grounds (s.25(7)) at least 1
b) if friendly - state proposed new terms (s.25(8)) and attach to s.26 notice
4. STD cannot be less than 6m or more than 12m from date notice is served BUT cannot be before CED (can be on the dat of though) - s.25(4)
grounds of opposition - when talking about it
specify at least 1 ground
- apply to facts
- identify relevant issues
- time frames?
- likelihood of success?
- consider D first
- then consider other ones
proposed new terms - when talking about it
s.26(3) - must include description of premises, propsoed rent, other key terms
- good practice: specify proposed length
- new lease must be based on terms of old lease
- new clauses must justified by person suggesting changes
- not binding just starting point
s.27 notice - exam structure
- explain s.27
- immediate LL and at least 3m before date it wishes to leave
- result - if T vacates on or before CED, T’s obligations under lease (e.g. paying rent) will end on CED (s.23 requirement not satisfied so T doesn’t enjoy 1954 act protection) BUT FOR CERTAINTY / BEST PRACTICE - T may wish to serve s.27 notice anyway
if notice served: obligations end on expiry of notice
(can’t serve s.26 if s.27 served)
s.27 - what is it
served by T
- used to terminate lease without requesting renewal lease
- no requirement for notice to be in prescibed form
- cannot use this to end lease before CED (if T wanted this, should have asked for break clause)
- only necessary if T does not plan to vacate premises by CED (s.27(1A))
S.40 - enables parties to require each other to provide specific info during last 2 years of lease term
- LL can serve s.40 notice on T requesting info such as details of underlettings (whether it still occupies or all or part of the premises)
- T can serve s.40 notice on LL to find out identity of freeholder/superior LL
how to serve?
lease provisions
if lease silent - s.23(1)
- personal service
- leave at last place of business/abode of relevant party
- reg./recorded delivery may be used (service deemed to occur on date of posting if evidence or posting is retained) - Railtrack v Gojra
- other types of service may be effective (e.g. ordinary post) but only if notice actually recieved (service deemd to occur on date of receipt)
Mannai Investment v Eagle Star
If notice has an error in it –> valid if it would not mislead a “reasonable recipient”
court considers if notice is sufficiently clear to leave a reasonable recipient in no reasonable doubt as to terms of the notice
slight error in prop address prob won’t confuse most reasonable recipients
corresponding date rule (for calculating expiry of notice period)
same date as that on which it was served
“from and including”
“commencing on”
(calculating CED)
Lease expires DAY BEFORE that day in relevant year/month
calculating CED
Lease expires on the same day
because if from e.g. 25 March it actually commenced on 26 March
if counting time = not possible because different months have different days
last day OF THAT MONTH
e.g. 7m notice
Served on 31 July 2017
Expire on 28/29 Feb 2018
common error - not reading this properly:
Q: “last date you can serve the notice for earliest CED/PCD”
this doesn’t mean latest date STD/PCD can be on (12m from notice)
- this means 6m before CED
excluded tenancies under s.43
- tenancies of agricultural holdings
- mining leases
- service tenancies (e.g. security guard’s flat)
- fixed term tenancy not exceeding 6m BUT can arise if same tenant occupied for 12 or more months or tenancy renewable beyond 6m
when might LL contract out
- short term letting
- LL wants to be certain of end of lease term
- ensure it can regain premises at end of lease term
when might T contract out
- lower rent