9- Blood & Nerves of Abdominal Organs Flashcards
What are the branches of the abdominal aorta that supply the foregut, midgut, and hindgut?
Celiac Trunk (retroperitoneal) = Supplies foregut
Superior Mesenteric A. (intraperitoneal) = Supplies midgut
Inferior Mesenteric A. (retroperitoneal) = Supplies hindgut
What are the organs in the foregut?
Distal esophagus Stomach Duodenum (proximal to bile duct) Liver Gallbladder and Cystic Duct Pancreas Spleen
What are the branches of the Celiac Trunk?
Common Hepatic A.
Left Gastric A.
Splenic A.
What organs does the Common Hepatic A. supply?
Liver Gallbladder and bile ducts Stomach Duodenum Pancreas
What do branches of the Left Gastric A. supply?
Distal Esophagus
Stomach (Lesser Curvature)
What do branches of the Splenic A. supply?
Spleen Body of Pancreas Posterior Stomach Stomach (Greater Curvature) Fundus of Stomach
What branch of the Splenic A. supplies the greater curvature of the stomach?
Left Gastroepiploic A.
What branch of the Splenic A. supplies the fundus of the stomach?
Short Gastric As.
This branch of the Superior Mesenteric A. supplies the duodenum and pancreas.
Inferior Pancreaticoduodenal A.
These arteries are intestinal and intraperitoneal in the mesentery. Branches of the Superior Mesenteric A.
Jejunal A.
Ileal A.
This branch of the Superior Mesenteric A. is intraperitoneal in the transverse mesocolon.
Middle Colic A.
What are the colic branches of the Superior Mesenteric A.?
Right Colic A.
Ileocolic A.
Middle Colic A.
What are the branches of the Inferior Mesenteric A.?
Left Colic A.
Sigmoid As. (intraperitoneal in sigmoid mesocolon)
Superior Rectal A.
This artery supplies the proximal rectum.
Superior Rectal A.
There exists arterial anastomoses between the SMA and the IMA, predominantly one artery called the…
Marginal A. (of Drummond)
The Marginal A. (of Drummond) consists of multiple anastomoses connecting SMA and IMA, which are…
Right Colic A.
Middle Colic A. (intraperitoneal)
Left Colic A.
Sigmoid As. (intraperitoneal)
What supplies blood to the rectum?
Superior Rectal A.
Middle Rectal A.
Inferior Rectal A.
Where do each of the rectal arteries branch from?
Superior Rectal A. = Inferior Mesenteric A.
Middle Rectal A. = Internal Iliac A. (in pelvic cavity)
Inferior Rectal A. = Internal Pudendal A. (in perineum)
Veins of this system drain blood from the viscera (stomach, spleen, and intestines) to the liver so that nutrients are absorbed.
Hepatic Portal System
Why do Portal-System anastomoses occur?
Due to decreased blood flow through the liver
Review notes for blood supply to each organ!