9. Asymmetric information - Moral Hazard Flashcards
What is Moral Hazard?
A pervasive problem that arises in markets when there is a post-contractual information asymmetry about an action
Give examples of Moral Hazrad
Moral hazard and the principal agent problem
What are the conditions that need to be satisfied for moral hazard to be expected?
What are the 2 instances in which the principal can observe the agent?
* Full information
* Asymmetric information case
Decision making for the agent
Step by step
Principal Agent model assumptions
Principal Agent Model: What are the assumptions about the agent?
Principal Agent Model:
What are the indifference curves (Expected utility) for the principal?
* When the agent has high effort
* When the agent has low effort
What is the principals indifference curve?
What are the agent’s indifference curves
* High effort
* Low effort
What are the indifference curves of the agent?
Contract design
* What is it called when the agent is observed and what happes to efforts?
* What is it called when the agent is not observed and what happens to efforts?
* What does the principal offer the agent?
* What are the considerations when the principal designs the contract?
Participation constraint
* What is the participation constraint?
* What is the constraint for hard-working and lazy agent?
Full information case utility curve
In the full information case, what are the decisions of the principal
* Wages to high and low effort
* What determines whether they require high or low effort?
* Whya re wages not conditioned on profit level?
Why can the full information contract not be optimal under Asymmetric information?
What is the contract that the principal offers under asymmetric information case?