8. How do governments behave? Flashcards
What is adverse selection?
Asymmetric information about a characteristic
What is moral hazard?
Asymmetric information about an action
What is asymmetric information?
One economic actor knows something pertinent to the transaction that another party does not know
What are the issues with asymmetric information?
What is a market for lemons?
The work of George Akerolf
What are examples of adverse selection?
Market and government solutions
* Gurantees
* Trading standards
Slide 7
When will consumers buy the second hand car?
Probability function
Demand function
Simple adverse selection model: What happens to supply when there is no way to tell apart the bad and good quality?
What if there is full information in a market where there previously was asymmetric information between bad and good quality goods?
Probability function when:
Demand and supply when:
What are the implications of adverse selection?
Is this pareto efficient?
Who makes profits?
Is there regret?
When does the market collapse