3. Who gets what from the market system? Flashcards
Positive economics
- Identifies logical outcomes that follow from a set of underlying assumptions
- Nothing subjective/ No value judgments
Normative economics
- Involves comparing different outcomes and trying to reach a value judgment as to which is preferable = welfare economics
- What we** SHOULD** do?
Welfare economics
From preferences to decisions
* What is social choice rule
Contract curve
Utility Possibility Frontier (UPF)
From Contract curve to UPF
Ordinal assumption
Utility Possibilites set
Pareto Criterion
A social outcome X’ is Pareto superior to X if no-one finds X’ worse than X and at least one perso finds it strictly worse
* One way to make incremental policy changes until there is no further eay to improve the outcome of at least one member of society without making someojne worse off - hence Pareto Efficient outcome
* Avoiding normative debate
Social choice rules
Compensation and potential Pareto improvement
Hicks-Kaldor therom
The Pareto criterion appears reasonable but:
Arrows impossibility theorm
Condorcet cycle
No one is happy with the outcome of a vote
Pairwise comparision
What does SCR lead to?
Arrow (Economist)