9-23 Back/Muscle Flashcards
1) What are the boundaries of the Back
2) Where is the SUPERIOR scapula angle located?
3) Where is inferior scapula angle?
1)Back: Base of the skull/occiput to the
[L4 vertebra iliac crest]
2) SUP scap: T1-T2
3) inferior scap: T7
A: Describe composition of VERTEBRAL COLUMN
B: What does this do?
C: Where does VERTEBRAL COLUMN arise from and how are they innervated?
A: True back muscles made of [erector spinae muscle] & [transversospinalis muscles]
B: moves vertebral column and maintains erect posture
C: epaxial musculature of embryonic myotomes–> innervated ONLY by spinal dorsal rami nerves
What is the Scapula and what does it articulate?
2) Name at least 7 landmarks for The Scapula bone?
Apprendicular upper limb bone that articulates the humerus head
2) ºSup/inf angles ºSupra/infra - glenoid tubercles ºScapular Spine ºMedial/lateral/superior BORders ºAcromion [sits higher than Coracoid] ºCoracoid process ºGlenoid cavity fossa & labrum ºSupra/infra - spinous fossas ºsuprascapular notch ºLateral angle / Head of Scapula ºNeck of Scapula
What are the 3 muscle groups attached to the Coracoid Process of _____
Coracoid process is apart of the SCAPULA
*Muscles attached:
Bicep short head / Pectoralis minor / Coracobrachialis
2) What’s the difference between Superficial fascia and DEEP fascia?
Connective tissue that compartmentalizes the body and holds it together
2) Superficial=variable thickness, contains fat, neurovascular bundles and is found a lot in lower back
DEEP= Covers/invests muscles
Thoracolumbar fascia
fascia thickening that invests many muscle groups and is continuous w/aponeurosis of the lats
Name and describe the 2 groups of muscles
1-[Superficial/Xtrinsic/Camper] muscle=
*act on upper limbs, moving scapula and ribs.
** innervated by
[spinal Ventral rami nerves or CN 11/spinal accessory]
2- “true” [inTrinsic Deep/scarpal] back muscles innervated by spinal Dorsal rami nerves! [move and begin in same room]
How many groups of _____[superficial/deep] Erector spinae muscle are there?
3 ! // Erector Spinae is a DEEP muscle (Group 1)
Which SUPERficial BACK muscles act on apprendicular upper limbs? [5]
- Traps
- Lats
- Levator scapulae
- BOTH Rhomboid
- Serratus ANterior (more lateral then back &attaches to scapula)
Name the SUPERficial muscles acting on ribs and respiration [3]
2)What nerve group innervate these muscles?
A. Serratus posterior superior
B. Serratus posterior inferior
C. Levatores costarum [Spinal nerve DORSAL rami]
2))BOTH SERRATUS POST Innervated by Spinal Ventral rami nerves
Describe the second DEEP muscle group Transversospinalis
DEEP muscle (Group 2) = extends from transverse process to spinous vertebrae processes = coordinate FINE muscle movement of vertebral column
Nerves are typically found within ____
What are the 4 muscles of the sub-occipital triangle
- Rectus capitis POST major
- Rectus capitis POST miNor
- Obliquus capitis SUP
- Oliquus capitis inferior
Cranial Nerve 11 (____ ____ nerve):
*Location and Function
Cranial Nerve 11(spinal accessory nerve)
C11 –> Innervates Traps!
Thoracodorsal Nerve
*Location and Function
C6–>C8 = Innervates Latissimus Dorsi
Long Thoracic Nerve
*Location and Function
2) What artery is paired up with this nerve?
ROOTS of C5 + C6 + C7 combined = LTN = innervates Serratus ANTERIOR
2) paired with [Lateral Thoracic Artery]
Dorsal scapular Nerve
* Location and Function
C5 Root = Innervates Rhomboid Muscles and Levator Scapulae!
Explain the Cutaneous innervation of the BACK area (3)
Done by spinal Dorsal Rami= in upper half medial branch of C2 (AKA GreATER Occipital Nerve!) supplies the skin.
Lower half of skin innervated by LATeral nerve branch
The 1st Cervical Nerve [AKA_____nerve] is STRICTLY ____
The SubOccipital nerve C1 is STRICTLY MOTOR
Circumflex Scapular Artery [3]
located on the dorsal scapula, this artery supplies blood to teres & infraspinatus muscles AND helps form scapular anastomoses
Posterior Circumflex humeral Artery
supplies blood to DELTOIDS & arm muscles near surgical humerus neck. It anastomoses w/anterior circumflex humeral artery
A: Describe the following Triangles!
- Triangle of auscultation
- Triangle of subOccipital triangle
- (Triangular space)
- (Lumbar triangle)
- Quadrangular space
B: **What’s special about the SubOccipital Triangle?
- auscultation = bound by Traps, Lats and Scapula
- SubOccipital Triangle = bound by [rectus capitis POST major], [obliquous capitis SUP] & [oliquous capitis INF]
- bound by teres major, teres minor and tricep long heads
- bound by lats, external ab obliques and ilium
- NOT A TRIANGLE=same as [Triangular Space] but also bound by HUMERUS
B: SubOccipital Triangle contains a LARGE IMP. BRAIN ARTERY
- *Trapezius**
1. Attachments [3]
2. Nerve Innervation
3. Blood Supply
- Scapular Spine, Clavicle and spiny processess C-T12
- Spinal Accessory CN 11
- Superficial Transverse Cervical Artery
Latissimus dorsi
1. Attachments [4]
2. Nerve Innervation
3. Blood Supply
- Humerus /Spine /POST illiac crest /Ribs 9-12
- Thoracodorsal Nerve
- Thoracodorsal Artery
- *Serratus Anterior**
1. Attachments [2]
2. Nerve Innervation
3. Blood Supply
- Ribs 1-9 and ANT scapula margin
- Long Thoracic Nerve (AKA “armpit nerve”)
- Lateral Thoracic Artery
A: What are the 4 main jobs of the Superficial Serratus Anterior?
B: This muscle is also known as the ____ _____
C: Where is the Superficial Serratus Anterior located?
1- Pulls Scapula medial(toward spine) [along w/Rhombi]
2- Scapula External rotation
3-Lowers arm from raised position
4- Elevates Ribs
B: AKA “Boxer’s Muscle”
C: Lateral aspect of the Thoracic Cage
Describe the 2 bony projections on the Scapula Bone
- ACROMION = arises from Scapula Spine & articulates clavicle –>synovial joint. Sits Higher up than Coracoid
- Coracoid Process=sits lower and has 3 distinct muscle groups that it attaches!
____ ___ is thought to be an extension from Erector Spinae and is THiCKER than Splenius Capitis
SemiSpinalis capitis is an Extension of the Erector Spinae and is THiCKER than splenius capitis tht sits above it
Greater Occipital Nerve-C2
medial branch of spinal dorsal ramus that does NOT innervate muscles but very involved with PAIN relay
Describe the actual physical differences between Nerves and Artery
Nerves= LiNEar & has acute branchery
arteries = sqquiigly/tortuous with 90º branches
What 3 muscle groups does the Transverse Cervical Artery Perfuse?
- Traps
- BOTH Rhomboid
- Levator Scapulae