what are waves caused by?
-friction between wind and water with some energy
-force of wind blowing on surface of water generates ripples which grow into waves
what does wave size depend on?
-strength of wind
-duration wind blows for
-water depth
-wave fetch
what is the fetch?
-the uninterrupted distance across the water over which wind blows
-so waves grow in size
what are tides caused by?
-gravitational pull of the moon acting on water on the earths surface
how can wave frequency be measured?
-time the gap in seconds between the arrival of one wave crest and the next
what do constructive waves have?
-strong swash
-weak backwash
what do destructive waves have?
-weak swash
-strong backwash
beach profiles may change due to?
-sediment supply from rivers being reduced due to the construction of dams that trap sediment upstream
-interface in sediment supply along coast
what is the swash?
-the flow of water up beach as wave breaks
what is the backwash?
-when water runs back down the beach to meet incoming wave
what is beach morphology?
-shape of beach including width and slope
what do storm beaches result from?
-high energy deposition of course sediment during storms
what do berms result from?
-summer swell wave deposition
what are offshore ridges formed by?
-destructive wave erosion
what is hydraulic action?
-air trapped in cracks is compressed by force of waves crashing
-the pressure forces cracks open, more air trapped
-dislodges blocks of rock from cliff face
what is abrasion?
-sediment picked up by breaking waves is thrown against cliff face
-this chisels away at surface, removing small rock particles
what is attrition?
-as waves move sediment around the collisions chip fragments of the sediment
-sediment gets smaller and rounded overtime
what is corrosion?
-carbonate rocks are vulnerable to solution by rainwater and seawater
how is wave cut notch formed?
-eroded at base of cliff by hydraulic action and abrasion
-as notch becomes deeper the overhanging rock collapses
-cliff recedes inland
what is a blow hole?
-forms when coastal cave turns upward and breaks through flat cliff top