littoral zone?
wider coastal zone including adjacent land areas and shallow parts of the sea just offshore
name the 4 subzones of the littoral zone…
- backshore
- foreshore
- nearshore
- offshore
what are the 2 diff coast types?
-coastal plains
features of a cliffed coast? (3)
-abrupt transition from land to sea
-at low tide, the foreshore zone is exposed as a rocky platform
-vertical cliffs
features of a sandy coastline? (2)
-at high tide the sandy beach is inundated
-it prevents erosion through the dune vegetation
features of an estuarine coastline? (2)
-extensive mud flats
-gradual transition from land to sea
what are primary coasts dominated by?
-dominated by deposition
what are secondary coasts dominated by?
-dominated by marine erosion
what is an emergent coast?
-coasts that are rising relative to sea level
what is a submergent coast?
-being flooded by sea
what are the three tidal ranges and what is the range?
microtidal (0-2m)
mesotidal (2-4m)
mactrotidal (>4m)
what would small waves be caused by? (4)
-low energy
-sheltered coasts
-limited fetch
-low wind speeds
what would big waves be caused by? (4)
-high energy
-exposed coasts
-facing prevailing winds
-long wave fetch
what is a cliff profile?
-height and angle of cliff face as well as features
-e.g cut out notches
where marine erosion dominates, what features are there?
-steep cliffs
-limited base debris
-active undercutting
where sub-aerial processes dominates, what features are there? (3)
-curved slope profile
-lower angle face
-accumulated debris
what is coastal accretion?
-build-up of the coast through deposition from sea + land via rivers
whats dynamic equilibrium?
-balance between inputs and outputs through feedback overtime
what is weathering?
-chemical, biological and mechanical breakdown of rocks into smaller fragments and new minerals
what is mass movement?
-landslides, slumps and rock falls
-which move material downslope under the influence of gravity
what is surface runoff?
-water, usually during rain, falling down cliff face and causing erosion
resistance is influenced by? (3)
-how reactive minerals in the rock are when exposed to chemical weathering
eg calcite can be weathered by solution but quartz is not subject to chemical weathering
-is rocks are clastic
-degree at which rocks have cracks
coastal recession rate for granite? and what lithology is it?
coastal recession rate for limestone? and what lithology is it?
coastal recession rate for chalk? and what lithology is it?
coastal recession rate for sandstone? and what lithology is it?
coastal recession rate for boulder clay? and what lithology is it?
how do coastal plains form and give an example? (3)
-result of a fall in sea level exposing the seabed of what was once a shallow continental shelf (eg Atlantic coastal plain in USA)
-depostion of sediment from land