80th and T-6 standards Flashcards
When should a flight’s formal mass brief end?
NLT 10 minutes prior the first scheduled sortie briefing time.
How much free time should a SP have between end-of-brief until step time?
5 minutes
Do you use the term ”GO” og ”PUSH” when directing a frequency change in formation?
You use ”GO” prior solo and ”PUSH” may be used post-solo.
In formation – which is the “Prime” and “Aux” radios used for?
Prime radio is used for ATC and outside entities.
AUX is used for intra-flight comms.
What is the formation visual signal for “Go to route”?
Fishtail the aircraft or “push” with an open hand towards the wingman.
What is the formation visual signal for “Take spacing”?
And how much spacing is to be taken?
Open palm facing aft moved fore/aft.
The wingman will maneuver to obtain 500-1,500’ spacing in trail
Does the wingman need to acknowledge signals or comms from the lead?
Yes, unless the wingman’s actions are immediately obvious to lead.
What does ”Sweep Atis” mean in a formation?
This is directive call for all flight members to listen to one cycle of ATIS, then return back to the same frequency (or to the frequency directed). Sweep ATIS on Prime unless briefed/directed otherwise by FL or required by the ATIS’ Frequency (VHF/UHF).
What does “(Position #), cleared ATIS”. ” mean?
This is directive call for that wingman only to listen to ATIS, then return to freq previously assigned. The wingman will automatically report up on the Aux as follows:
- 2.6.1 Wingman: “(Call sign), up with (ATIS identifier)”
- 2.6.2 Lead: “Go with (ATIS identifier)”
- 2.6.3 Wingman: “(Runway), (winds), (altimeter), (*)”
- 2.6.4 *Add any new information that will impact the recovery such as status, winds for a formation landing, single runway ops, bird severe, etc.
Which line up card should normally be used for out-n-back and X-country?
On a formation sortie the student/trainee in the FL aircraft is responsible for ____, ____, ____ and ____ before a formation briefing?
Mission profile
Assessing mission risk (RM score)
Checking bird hazard
Low level conflicts
On a formation sortie the student/trainee in the WING aircraft is responsible for ____, ____, ____ and ____ before a formation briefing?
GK topic of the day
How many minutes before take off is normal step-time?
35 minutes
In the aircraft – which pilot is responsible for initiating checklist procedures and that challenge items are responded to?
Who responds to challenge items?
The pilot flying (PF)
ThePNF (Pilot Non Flying) does the response items
How to setup the GPS before taxi – with regards to emergency SA during the mission?
Setup page 3. for hard and minimum 3.000’ for all sorties – 4.000 for solo UPT sorties.
How to setup the RMU (Radio Management Unit) prior to taxi?
For all local sorties, pilots will use UHF as the Prime radio and monitor Texan Ops on Aux.
Normally, set the RMU to “MEMORY MODE SINGLE FREQUENCY” on each radio display for local sorties.
How to setup EADI prior taxi?
Use COMPOSITE for GPS navigation and/or instrument approaches.
How to setup EHSI prior taxi?
Bering Pointers:
White Bearing Pointer for VOR/LOC info
Magenta Bearing Pointer for GPS info.
ASR/PAR. HSI in ARC presentation to enhance heading cross-check.
ILS. Steering bars are available on EADI and HSI.
MAP mode for GPS navigation and/or approaches.
How to use the TAS (Traffic Advisory System?)?
ABV for climbs and enroute
BEL for descends
NORM in the pattern
During low LVL all formation members have TAS on.
What should be cleared and announced prior to turning on the battery during the “Before exterior inspection” check?
Clear the prop area and announce “PROP clear”.
What should be done after completing the “Exterior inspection” check?
A last “Big picture” overview in front of the aircraft.
Should the aircraft control be transferred between cockpit for a brake check?
No – it is not necessary to transfer aircraft control for brake check.
How do you taxi staggered on Sheppard?
Aircraft will use the nose wheel on the expansion crack closest to the centerline of the taxiway for staggered taxing operations
How do you signal the crew chief that you are ready to taxi?
Use a Run Up hand signal
What is the RNEWS-T check?
R - RAIM and FED check N - NAV aids and Needles set E - review emergency during T/O and DEP W - WX and Winds S - SID / DP T - TOLD review
During a formation EOR (End of Runway) check, what should the wingman respond to FL’s bullseye check if wingman is meeting the ____ ° and ___ NM max difference?
1 NM
Who should guard the breaks when the Over-speed Governor check is accomplished at the EOR (End of Runway)?
Pilot Non Flying (PNF)
Where should you line up for a single ship take-off?
On the hot side of the RWY close to the center line (with main gear to wingtip on the center line).
If during a formation take-off wingman requests “Give me one” – which power setting may lead not go below?
85% torque
Unless IMC or for training purposes, lead should loosen the formation for increasing _____ especially below ____ ft AGL when Bird Watch Condition is ____.
Clearing/mutual support
Should UPT and PIT trainees execute in-flight checks and frequency changes in fingertip?
Yes. To train/achieve skills.
What is the FENCE-in check?
Fuel – quantity and balance Engine – within limits NAVAIDS – GPS/EHSI as req., TAS – NORM Comms – prime to tactical Checks – complete (Climb, OPS, CLEF/desc.) Equip. – G-suit test, loose items stowed Emergency – fileds are reviewed
When should a FENCE check be completed?
Before conducting an area profile
Before entering a low level route
What should be called out during all OPS checks between FENCE-in and FENCE-OUT?
Fuel and G’s:
Lead: “C/S, OPS check, 1, 800, 4,5 G’s”
Wing: “2, 800, 4,9 G’s”
How is the G-awareness Exercise (GX) conducted?
220 KIAS
MAX power
1 x 180 degree turn at 4 G (Warm up)
1 x 180 degree turn at 5 G (Awareness)
On shut-down after the flight – how do you show the crew chief that the aircraft is ok/not ok?
Thumbs up/down
During shutdown, how should you setup the avionics before turning off the Avionic Master Switch? VOR GPS CRS select HDG bug RMU Clock
VOR – Time display, white needle GPS – magenta needle CRS select – 030 HDG bug – 325 RMU – Prime ch. 3, AUX ch. 1, SQUACK 42xx, VOR ch. 1 Clock – ET and reset
How do you do an Emergency Ground Egress to the left?
Stop the Aircraft. AC will command “Egress, Egress, Egress” 1. ISS mode selector - SOLO (RCP) 2. Seat safety pin - install (BOTH) 3. Parking brake - as req 4. Canopy - open If canopy cannot open - or if sit. req. right side egress AC commands "Egress right x 3" 5. CFS safety pin - remove (BOTH) 6. CFS handle - pull (BOTH) 7. Unstrap 8. BAT, GEN and AUX BAT switches - OFF 9. Evacuate aircraft
How do you do an Emergency Ground Egress to the right?
Stop the Aircraft. AC will command “Egress, Egress, Egress” 1. ISS mode selector - SOLO (RCP) 2. Seat safety pin - install (BOTH) 3. Parking brake - as req 4. Canopy - open If canopy cannot open - or if sit. req. right side egress AC commands "Egress right x 3" 5. CFS safety pin - remove (BOTH) 6. CFS handle - pull (BOTH) 7. Unstrap 8. BAT, GEN and AUX BAT switches - OFF 9. Evacuate aircraft
How do you transfer aircraft control during intercom failure?
PF pumps rudder pedals to pass control.
Pilot assumes control by shaking the stick.
PF not flying is showing hands in the air.
Normally, abort the takeoff for any Master Caution or Warning or abnormal aircraft behavior prior to Abort Speed.
What should you do in case of a birdstrike outside the propeller area?
If a bird strike occurs and the aircraft is in a safe position to land, the PF should full stop. Otherwise, if time and conditions permit, coordinate for a chase ship and consider a controllability check. Normally, the aircraft should fly a straight-in approach.
What should you do in case of a birdstrike inside the propeller area?
All bird strikes in the prop area should be treated as an engine-related emergency and a PEL should be flown to the nearest suitable airfield.
In case of electrical fire during IMC – you should do??
Consider climbing to MSA/ESA and restoring enough systems to recover the aircraft.
During a formation NORDO deconfliction ____ will take LOA, and ___ will take HEB.
What does LOA/HEB abbreviate?
FL will take LOA – lower, ODD or A portion of the area.
WING will take HEB, higher, EVEN or B portion of the area.
Which RWY should you use in case of a landing emergency?
Ref: AFMAN 11-217 Vol 1)
Put the drag in the center
How should communication always be in principle?