8.0 Critical Incidents Flashcards
8.01 - Critical Incident Management and Glossary
- CIMU is tasked with coordination of critical incident planning, training, response, and exercises.
- CIMU also assists the incident commander and support personnel during emergencies
8.01 - Critical Incident Management and Glossary
Standardized Emergency Management System / ICS
- Ca Govmt code 8607 = dept will utlize the ca standardized emergency mngmt system (SEMS) in response to and management of critical incidents
- SEMS is utlized by all local, county, State agencies to ensure a standardized resonse to incident regardless of location
8.01 - Critical Incident Management and Glossary
Definitions Critical Incident Dept op Center ENT Ent Commander EOC- Iap-Inc action plan IC- Incident commander ICP-Incident command post ICS- Incident command system OIC- officer in charge
Critical Incident: event involving potential / acutal injury, death, or property damage requiring an exceptional emergency response. (nat disaster, plane crashes, riot, terrrists acts, SWAT
- Dept op Center (DOC)-centralized point ofr police dept coordination during multiple, complex, or lengthy op-DOC serves as the point of contact for the EOC (emerg op center) and dept chiefs,
- serves as the channel for distribution of dept policty issues to the incident commander
- DOC is under the direction of the commanding officer
- ENT-negtiators - hostage, barricaded, suicidal, hostages, non tactical alternative to incident commander
- ENT Commander- liaison to inc commander regarding ENT responsibilities
- EOC- Emerg Op Center - location for multi-dept managament personnel to monitor an incident, develop management level strategies, and serve as a central info center.
- EOC is under the direction of the Deputy Chief of Public Safety and Homeland Security for the City
IAP-Incident Action Plan-containing general objective reflecting the overall strategy and specific action plans for the use of responding forces.
-IAP may have number of attachments, support the op strategy and tactics
-IC- Incident Commander -the indiv rsponsible for the command of all functions at the field response level
- ICP-Incident Command Post - the field loc at which the primary incident command functions are performed.
- Only 1 ICP is established per incident.
- The ICP should be kept apart from the SWAT TOC and staging areas
- ICS- incidetn Command System - nationally used standardized on scene emergency management concept specifically designed to allow its user to adopt an integrated ornaizational structure.
- provides structure equal to the complexity and demand of single or multiple inci without being hindered by jurisdictional boundaries
-OIC-officer in charge-the person in charge of the ICS LE section, branch, group field force, sqaud, unit, team
8.01 - Critical Incident Management and Glossary
Perimeter/containment Staging area SWAT SEV SRT SWAT commanding officer SWAT Mission Leader Tactical Op Center TOC Unified command Volunteer Control Center
- Perimiters/containment
- outter perimiter-safe distance from inner perimeter to control traffic and onlooker
- inner perimeter- closed boundary, whcih controls all entry and exits into a haz area
- containment-a secure status that has been established controlling entry and exit routes and limiting the haz to a designated area
Staging area
loc where responding units check in and are given tactical assignemnt or wait until assigments are made
-chekc in and check out from staging area
-kept apart from ICP to reduce noise and interference with ICP
-large to accommodate personnel, resources, growth
PRT-SWAT sgt, one sniper, at leas five SWAT officers -with equipment to assist in the containment and isolation of haz situation or v rescue, pending a full SWAT
SEV-the veh that contains weapons, and other equip to execute a SWAT mission
SEV responds with PRT on C11 and C12.
will be parked at SWAT staging area near theICP
SRT-full time SWAT compnent consisting of 2 sgts and 12 officers
- remains in a state of mobilization readiness in order to manage emergency resonses
- specially trained in hostage rescue and critical inc resolution
- reports directly to SWAT CO and may be used by SWAT mission leader to assist in implementation of mission plans that have been approved by inc commander
SWAT CO-liasion to inc commander regarding SWAT respon and mission
-SWAT Mission leader-SWAT sgt in charge of formulating and executing the tac plan to accomplish the missio of the inc commander
-TOC-the primary loc for SWAT personnel to meet plan and organize their mission
-led by SWAT EO who coordinates incoming intel and the mission leader who is respo for executing the mission
TOC is generally located along side the SWAT SEV
- Unified Command-a unified team effort whch allows all agencies with respon for the incident -geographically or funcial to manage inc by establishing a common set of inc objective and strategies
- designated inc commander maintains respon for inc
- volunteer control center - to provide a central loc for the management tracking and control of volunteer personnel
- coordinates with the Dept op center logistics section to determine where volnteer personnel are needed
8.02- Incident Command System (ICS)
- privides mangement structure and system for conducting on-site emergency ops
- applicable to small scale daily op activies as well as major mobilizations
- standardized op structure and common terminology
- ICS provides a useful and flexible mngmt system adaptable to incidents involving multi-discipline or mult-jurisdictional responses
- ICS provides felx needed to rapidly activate and establish an org format around those functions needed
- ICS shall be used on all critical incidents
- ICS systems is based on the LEICS as outlined int he Cal Emergency Mngmt Agency LE guide for Emerg Ops
8.02- Incident Command System (ICS)
-nationally used standardized on scene emergency mngmt concept specifically designed to allow users to adopt an integrated org structure equal to the complexity and demands of single or multiple inc without being hindered by jurs boundaries
8.02- Incident Command System (ICS)
Organization functions
-Common terminology-used statewide
Organizational functions refer to a standard set of 5 major predesignated functions: 1Command 2operations 3planning and intell 4 logistics 5 Finance / Admin
8.02- Incident Command System (ICS)
REsources refer to the comp of personnel, material, supplies and equipment in tac ops
8.02- Incident Command System (ICS)
facilities - common identifiers used for those facilities in and around the inc are which will be used during the course of the inc–Inc command post, staging area, etc
8.02- Incident Command System (ICS)
Modular organization
Modular organization -ICS- develops ina modular fashion based on the nature, size and anticipated duration of an incident
-ensures that the organization developed matches the requirements of the incident objectives and is arranged with the five organization functions of the ICS
8.02- Incident Command System (ICS)
unified command structure
Unified Command STructure-
allows all agencies to establish a comon set of inc objective and strategies and a single inc action plan
-inc commander-dsignated by the ciyt’s basic emergency plan, still remains as the final decision maker the the Inc Comman Post
8.02- Incident Command System (ICS)
Incident Action Planning
Used by the Inc Commander to establish goals objectives strategies for the incident based upon the requirements of the jursidiciton
plan may be in writing or provided orally, depending on situation
8.02- Incident Command System (ICS)
Mangeable Span of Control
ICS helps ensure a safe manageble span of control
- span of control should range from 3-7 subordinates
- some specilized funnctions (SWAT MFF) will increase the span
8.02- Incident Command System (ICS)
Pre designated incident facilities
-may include
Staging areas, ICP, Temp Evac Points, Mass Care centers
Inc commander will cause the activation of these facilities as needed during outbreak of emergency event
8.02- Incident Command System (ICS)
comprehensive resource management
-may be organized as either single resources, strike teams (MFF platoon) or task forces
-strict accountablility is absolutely essential by:
-establishing mandatory initial check in procedures
-assigneing a current status condition - avail, assigned, out of service
-ensuring all changes to resources, locations, and status conditions are reported to appro functional unit
8.02- Incident Command System (ICS)
check in procedures
ICS provids for a simple and effective check in process for personnel supplies and equip
8.02- Incident Command System (ICS)
integrated communications
- ICS ensures communications is established between responding / participating agencies
- during mult discipline inc “clear text” is used
8.02- Incident Command System (ICS)
area command
- provides a central ield level location for coordination of multiple inc command posts
- in most cases the DOC serves as the area command post
8.02- Incident Command System (ICS)
ICS Organization
Command Staff
- can be small or large as required by incident
- Inc commander will determine scope
-ICS organization’s key positions: duties of the positions not filled are the responsiblity of the next higher level
Command Staff
- Inc commander-respon for all inc activities
- ICS Specialist-person from Dept CIMU assigned to assist the Inc Commander as a tech resource
- PIO-the primary person for release of info to media
- Inc scribe-records information from all inc messages time, messsage, action
- safety officer-monitors and assesses haz and unsafe situations and develops measures for ensuring the safety of personnel
- liaison officer - serves as the poin of contact assisting agency reps
- agnecy rep-individuals in authority to make decisions affecting agency parti in emerg ops
**in incidents in which SDPD is not the Inc commander, the senior SDPD official on scene serves as Agency Rep
8.02- Incident Command System (ICS)
ICS Organization
General Staff
-planning and Intel section OIC-oversees the collection eval processing and dissemination of info
-also develops the Inc Action plan for the Inc commanders approval
1 Resource Unit (RESTAT)-prepares proceses and report resource status changes
2 Situation Unit (SITSTAT) collects organizes incident situation and stauats info
3 Doc unit - accurate and complete inc files
4Demob Unit (DEMOB)-plans and assists in orderly safe and cost effective movement of personnel and equip from the inc
8.02- Incident Command System (ICS)
ICS Organization
Operations Section OIC-
-responsible for implemenation and management of all ops plans
1 Op dispatcher - manages all tac radio and data frequ
2 branch OIC- branches overs specific functions such as evac, firefighting, traffic control, etc
3 Staging officer _ maintains a location where personnel and equip can be staged to support an incident
8.02- Incident Command System (ICS)
ICS Organization
Logistics Section OIC
-providing facilites services staffing and material in support of the incient
1-serivce branch OIC-maintains comm equip, provides med support to inc personnel, and feeds personnel
2 support branch OIC-supervises the op of facilities maintenance ground support and supply functions
3personnel branch OIC - supervses the staffing for the op, oversees the functions of personnel, volunteers, and mutual aid resources
8.02- Incident Command System (ICS)
ICS Organization
Finance/administrative section OIC
- responsible for all financial and cost requirements of the inc
- this position is only staffed on major prolonged field incidents
- when not staffted the logistics secion OIC carries our these responsibility
8.03-Incident Command Post
- only ONE ICP should be established her incident
- when SD Fire is also involved in an incident, the senior SDPD officer involved will coordinate wth Fire rescue dept to determine the site location of the ICP
8.03-Incident Command Post
Types f Incident Command Posts
-can utilize a variety of locations and/vehicles such as:
A- supervisor’s vehicle
B-fixed sites such as park and recreation centers, school, libraries, police stations, etc
C-Mobile vehicles -the 40 ft Mob Command post vehicle, the 24 ft Mob command post, the 44 foot, mobile decontam/prisoner processing vehicle with two holding cells, portable restroom trailer with four toilets.
personnel from CIMU or their designees will operate, maintain, and remain with these vehicles when thy are deployed
-the 44 mod decotam / prisoner command post vehicle s typically deployed during a preplanned event and staffed by the requesting the command. REquires Class B license to operate.
all mobile command veh are maintained by CIMU/HS and can be reserved for preplanned events using the mob equip reservation form on the f drive
8.03-Incident Command Post
Incident Command post set up
Consider the following factors
-when selecting a site for the establishment of an ICP, the following factors:
1 strategic - not too close to the incident
2 upwind and uphill of the inc
3 accessible to responding personnel and vehicles
4 defensible agasint crowds snipers fire bombs weather elements
5 sufficient space for respond personnel
6 accessible to restrooms
7 comm capabilitys or access to phone, etc
8 accessible to electricity and water
9 contains areas for personnel briefings /protection against weather
10 storage space and area for vehicles to park
8.03-Incident Command Post
Incident command post set up
when establishing the ICP following information should be considered
- advise communications div of location, name of inc colander, name of he inc, radio freq for contacting ICP
- request sufficient personnel for the IP staff
- identify routes to the ICP and staging area
- appoint ICP staff
- request additional assistance needed
- ID and isolate the ICP area with banner tape or ropes
- identify an area for the PIO to coordinate news media activities
- maintian comm with disp
- keep all concerned personnel briefed on the status of the problem
- notify other concernded agencies
8.03-Incident Command Post
staffing he incident command post
-incident commander determines the ICS postiitons to be filled
8.03-Incident Command Post
Incident command post - staging area
- whenever an ICP is established a staging area should also be designated
- saging area should not be located immediately next to the ICP to avoid interference
- initially resources are committed directly to the inc, as soon as practical, incoming resources should be directed to the staging area for checkin
8.03-Incident Command Post
Incident command post
set up diagram
whenever possible the ENT command van shall be set up within 300 yrd of a barricaded individual
8.04 = Contingency and Incident action planning
Contingency plans
- availability of lead time to properly pre plan a critical incident management
- preincident planning should incorporate the ICS to ensure continuity of the response org in the even that the inc should expectedly expand
- intell gathering, resonnel brefngs, and selection of tactical obj can be carried out without hase to the benefit of the continency plan
8.04 = Contingency and Incident action planning
Contingency plans
Step 1- Tactical intelligence
Tactical intell gathering is the initial, critical stp in preparing a per emergency contingency pan
- all major preparations including allocation of dept resources and establishing the enfrcement posture, are predicated upon intell data such as:
- historical bckround-review of prev inc that can reveal political issues, group objectives, prior plan can be applied as a yardstick in current planning
- meetings: arranging coordination meetings with those involve will prove beneficial
- police guidelines regarding applicable laws safety procedures and compliance expctations can be presentedto those in attendance
-site examination-a supervisor should visit the scene and make determinations as to the nature, type ad scope of the incident
8.04 = Contingency and Incident action planning
Contingency plans Step 2- staffing
-an adequate support staff must be seleted to carry out the arious tasks associated with incident management
-the structure of the staffing will vary according to :
the severity and anticipated duration of the inc
size of the impacted area
forces needed to coer the area
support resources required
required level of control coordination and command
post incden demands (security, prisoners, property)
8.04 = Contingency and Incident action planning
Contingency plans Step 3: Incident evaluation
- the review and evalutaiton of all tactical intell , data, and general info with the objective of identifying and prioritizing anticipated problems within the critical incident
- typical potential secondary hazards as well as secondary problems which will impac planning and decision making
- the ranking officer in charge and the preselected decision making staff responsible for management of the inc should carry out the inc eval
8.04 = Contingency and Incident action planning
Contingency plans - Step 4- assessment of resources
- pre emergency contingency plan and should include
- incident command post staff
- ability to secure the scene and maintain control
- on going intelligence gathering
- traffic and crwd control
- specializd tasks SWAT ABL Canine
8.04 = Contingency and Incident action planning
Contingency plans- step 5- staff briefings
-briefings are important in terms of efficient management of resources and effective control measures
-properly conducted briefings clarify ros and respons and establish clear lines of command and control
-decision making mut be property centerd in critical inc management in accordance wih the ICS structure
-it is during the intial briefing phase that the contingency plan is modified,finalizd, and approved for implementation
-in the field, the final supervior’s beefing is benficial before personnel are deployed
-changes to the inc control measures, tactics, r assignments can be defined and explained
brieing content should include:
-brief tact intell
-objectives of contingency plan
-command and control structure
-dept philiosphy and enforcement profile
-op strateges and tactics
-specific assignments and duties
8.04 = Contingency and Incident action planning
Fomat for pre-emergency contingency plan
1st: state the problem (what why who where when, etc)
2nd state historical background and tactical intell information
(previous experience with the same event, problems , results
3rd: define the ept objectivs and philosophy overning the plan (tac objectivs, prevailing philosophy and logic, enforcement profile parameters)
4th state planned allocation of resources for the duration of the inc overall logistics, specific of personnel utilization, ime tables for scheduled controlled responses, inc command post operation, statement of costs
5th describe the escalataing phases of the contigency plan whereby additional resources will be committed for control purposes
8.04 = Contingency and Incident action planning
the 5 phases of the contingency plan
phase1: min enforcement rqd with minimal staffing requirements, no concentrated prob exist, control is being maintained, describe control measures taken at this level
phase 2: escalating events stepped up enforcement increase in numer of assigned personnel required, staging of personel occurs, spec equip (SWAT), control is not absolute, describe control measures taken at this level
phase 3: mobilization of all on duty personnel incuding MFF, shifts may be extended, may require immediate dept call back 12 hr shifts, mass staging of ersonnel and support resources, multiple ICP activated or anticipated, DOC is readied or activated
phase 4: full mobilization, the DOC is activated and staffed, Multiple IP and staging areas may be in operation, the Emerg Op Center (EOC) is readied
phase 5: appropriate notifications are made to city staff and admin executives, operational area LE coordinator is notified, mutual aid planning and interaction begins
phase 6: describe the procedures for deomibilzation, securing of personnel and supportresources must be carefully organized and not left to change, very important step in contingency planning or anymajor inc or event, prioritied schedule of withdrawal s required for the efficient return to normal operations
8.04 = Contingency and Incident action planning
Incident action planning for unplanned spontaneous critical incidents
- when an inc occurs spontaneously or does not allow for preplanning an IAP (inc action plan) is developed
- IAP establishes teh Incident Command System organization, identifies incident objectives, strategies, and resource assignments, and assesses the overall incident
8.04 = Contingency and Incident action planning
Incident action planning for unplanned spontaneous critical incidents
BASIC IAP packet
-forms developed to assist Incident Commanders and ICS staff in developing an Incident Action Plan
-flow chart for IAP=illustrates the process for incident evaluation, IAP development, and incident reassessment.
-Public Information summary = Inc status form (209LEICS)
a. captures key informational inc issues
b used by both the inc commander and the public inofraiotn officer
-incident briefing sketch for ( 201 LEICS) provides for an inc scene sketch
-Organization Assignments form (203 LEIC)
a. shows inc organizational assignments
b fill in only those positions that are actually needed
c should reflect all agencis involvd
-incident objectives / strategies worksheet
a. use a separate shet for each major activity (Security, evac, inv, firefighting, etc.)
b. under dept/agency identify who will carry out the action for each task listed
c under role/actions list the tasks that are required to complete each activity
d under time elements identify when a task is expected to be completed
e. under status list the current status of each task
-resource status chart-provides for tracking of resources =all resources involved in the inc are classified under one of the following 3 categories:
a assigned-has been given an assignment within the inc.
b. available- available for assignment (usually from staging location)
c. out of service - resting, eating, refueling, mechanical breakdown, etc
- **Minimally, the forms in the Basic IAP packet should be utilized during a critical inc.
- -may be useful on preplanned incidents
- -LEICS forms may be obtained from CIMU or on shared drive
8.05- SWAT unit, PRT, and SRT
- provides weapons and tactical expertise not normally available to patrol officers and investigators of this dept, or other le agencies, in the resolution of critical incidents
- SWAT unit will min the potential for loss of human life or serious bodily injury
8.05- SWAT unit, PRT, and SRT
SWAT is capable of providing support in a range of critical situations including:
rescue operations of:
a. captured or isolated officer
b. citizens endangered by gunfire
c. hostages
- armed and or barricaded suspects
- active shooter response
- deployment of chem agents and specialty munitions
- VIP protections
- high risk warrant service
- riot situations
- inv unit support
- training n firearms and tactics
- support to metro medical strike team (MMST) during a regional disaster
- tactical support for field commanders
SWAT’s role is to provide a resource to the inc commander to restore order and return conditions to normal as rapidly as possible
-in all incidents, including riots, acts of terrorism, insurgency, or guerrilla tactics, the police goal remains to PROTECT LIVES AND PROPERTY
8.05 -SWAT, PRT, SRT
components and responsibilities = PRT
PRT- comprised of uniform patrol officers and sgts who have completed a SWAT academy and receive ongoing SWAT training
-goal is to rapidly provide Inc Comanders at critical incidents with pre-designated personnel who are equipped with special weapons and tactical resources
- establish a secure inner perimeter
- replace regular patrol officers in exposed or dangerous positions
- effect emergency rescue/recovery operations
- develop intell on supsects and situations prior to arrival of the remainder of SWAT tea
- provide tactical advice and support to inc commander and investigative personnel
8.05 -SWAT, PRT, SRT
components and responsibilities = SWAT Sgt.
-SWAT sgt or designated team leader
and six officers will be assigned to the PRT daily on each patrol watch as follows:
a. a PRT schedule will be prepared on a monthly basis by SRT
b. the schedule will designate the PRT leader / PRT officers, SEV, and Peacekepers to be called to the scene of a Code 11 or Code 12
c. a copy of the monthly RT schedule is maintained in the WC office
d. within 1 hour of their assigned shift, the T leader and each PRT officer will call the WC and report for duty. they will advise the WC of their unit designator and responsibility. officer then shall send PRT leader an MCT msg that they called in for duty
8.05 -SWAT, PRT, SRT
components and responsibilities = SRT
- -full time team composed of 2 sgts, 12 officers, and one armorer. team reports directly to the SWAT C/O
- -SRT is divided into 2 teams of 6 operators and one sgt (team leader) on-call response is rotated on weekly basis
- -responsibilities of SRT:
a. maintain constant state of readiness through training
b. acquire develop and maintain specialized equipment
c. resolution of all critical incidents
d. respond to all c11 and c12 activations - -during off duty hours only the oncall team responds
- -at discretion of CO SRT may be used to augment any SWAT response.
- Certified SCUBA divers
- special event support (SRT will not take primary responsibility for staffing special events, may be used in support of regularly assigned officers)
- site surveys-locations that can potentially become targets of terrorists or likely sites for SWAT ops.
- training and admin - facilitates all firearm and tactic training for the SWAT unit
- SRT is responsible for the research and development f new weapon systems, munitions, tools, and tech to be utilized by the SWAT team
- MFF-provides ongoing training to keep dept personnel prepared
- *Requests may be initiated by unit commanders
- *short notice requests should be directed to WC who will page the SWAT commander
8.05 -SWAT, PRT, SRT
components and responsibilities = SWAT Sniper Team
- comprised of uniformed patrol personnel who meet the PRT SWAT standards, completed sniper academy and receive on going monthly sniper training.
- team has 2 sgts. and 10 officers
- 1 sniper sgt and 4 snipers are oncall at all times
- sniper team s an ntegral component of the SWAT team response to critical inc and can provide assistance to the overall mission
a. utilizing powered optics to provide intell during SWAT ops
b. providing the ability to take a precise, long range shot, when necessary
8.05 -SWAT, PRT, SRT
SWAT responses:
3 different levels of SWAT responses
–PRT Assist, Code 11, Code 12
8.05 -SWAT, PRT, SRT
SWAT responses:
PRT Assist
- allows Filed LT or any inc commander to utilize on-duty PRT officers informally as a personnel resource
- PRT assist would not replace traditional SWA call-outs or change the protocol for serving high risk warrants
- a hostage, armed barricaded suspect, or suicidal subject armed with a firearm should remain a full SWAT call out
- PRT Assist provides a idle ground for the usage of PRT officers in a patrol function
a. assist as operators on warrant svc team not meeting SWAT criteria
b. Serve warrants for patrol or inv not meeting SWAT criteria
c. assist GST and inv with stake outs of armed and dangerous suspects
d assist on planned high risk veh stops
e assist in open air searches for suspects or endangered individuals
f search buildings for suspects not meeting the criteria for SWAT response
g. deliver a throw phone for ENT when a formal SWAT call out is not warranted
h. respond to 5150 and or barricaded suspect calls not warranting a full call out
I. assist patrol as the PRT leader deems appropriate
8.05 -SWAT, PRT, SRT
SWAT responses:
PRT Usage guidelines
- PRT Assist response utilizs PRT or SRT personnel only.
- no SWAT vehicles or specialty equpent such as diversionary devices, sniper deployents or tech equip will be used during a PRT assist unless authorized by the SWAT commander
- officers will remain in patrol uniform and can utilize their handguns or rifles heavy body armor, helmets, as dictated by the incident
8.05 -SWAT, PRT, SRT
SWAT responses:
PRT request guidelines
- the field LT or patrol supervisor in charge of the inc will contact the on duty PRT sgt to discuss the request and determine its appropriate for the situation
- PRT sgt will determine how many PRT officers are needed and may rqst them individually or as a group, over the air depending upon the urgency and the situation
- PRT sgt will not utilize officers assigned to the SEV unless necessary
8.05 -SWAT, PRT, SRT
SWAT responses:
Formal SWAT Call-out (Code 11)
1-C11 is a formal SWAT call out and requires the respnonse of
- -all on-duty PRT officers,
- -the on-call SRT team
- -the on-call snipers
- -and all SWAT Command and Control personnel
SWAT vehicles and equipment will be 11-48 to scene by assigned personnel
- –C11 is necessary when deploying the basic SWAT components of
- -Permiter containment (PRT)
- -long rifle (snipers)
- REACT (SRT and
- -Command and control elements
8.05 -SWAT, PRT, SRT
SWAT responses:
SWAT Emergency deployment (Code 12)
1 a C12 is a SWAT emergency deployment and includes the same personnel as a C11 and all available SRT officers (on or off duty)
- -C12 is prederminted system for deploying the baseic SWAT components directly to the scene of the incident rather than assembling at a staging location.
- all responding SWAT officers will respon C3
2- SWAT officer will immediately deploy
-once situation is stabalized additional responding SWAT officers will be directed to staging location, and C3 response will be terminated
3–an emergency deployment can be beneficial when SWAT personnel are requested for :
- –officer/citizen rescues
- –active shooter incidents
- –rapidly evolving critical incidents that require immediate SWAT action
8.05 -SWAT, PRT, SRT
Field requests for SWAT
Fielf supervisor may- :
- contact WC and request the PRT leader
- Inc commander will ensure WC is briefed as soon as possible WC will ensure the SWAT Co s notified and I responding when a C11 or a C12
- PRT assistor pending C11–non assigned on duty SWAT officers should free themselves from minor routine activities.(c7,paper,) not from urgent matters
- only PRT assigned to mission shall respond.
- C11, PRT leader and all PRT members on duty shall respond
- C11 or C12, esignated officer on PRT will drive SEV, Bearcat, peacekeeper (these veh do not respond to PRT assist.
- Inc commander wil brief the sWAT PRT leader and ASSIGN THE OBJECTIVE OF THE MISSION (officer rescue, contain, arrest, maintain perimeter)
8 during PRT assist the inc commander can upgrade to C11, if so, communications will broadcast - area captain, SWAT CO and SWAT Ex-O sall be notified by the WC and briefed at onset of all SWAT ops.
10 ENT will be called out at all C11 or C12 with hostages and at discretion f Inc commander for all other sitautions
11STAR will be notified by WC - SWAT CO retains tac control of SWAT unit, but Inc Commader is in charge of the oerall op in which the unit is employed.
a. inc command post
b. SWAT staging area/will be located close to Inc command post, but will be separated from the other
c inc commander will ensure mdia reps are kept away from the SWAT staging area and planning area (TOC)
d. bariers will be erected at the SWAT staging area only SWAT personnel
e. parol officers will provide secureity fo the SEV which will be located close to the Inc command post
13 at conclusion of inc, parl officers will take custody of arrested s’s and relieve SWAT officers. patrol is responsible for securing scene until investigative personnel are finished
8.05 -SWAT, PRT, SRT
Field requests for SWAT
Inc commanders rely upon the SWAT unit for Tac guidance
- SWAT CO will fully brief the INCD Comm of the SWAT units capabilities and potential reactive responses.
- inc co has the authority to limit any or all SWAT preplanned reactive responses
Rarely–during exigent cirucumstances, SWAT personnel, under the authority of a SWAT team leader or SWAT co may be forced to address life threatening situation beyond scope of the mission and the situation does not allow the ability to consult with the inc co
8.05 -SWAT, PRT, SRT
Field requests for SWAT
-Inv units shall complete an operational plan and conduct team briefings prior to carrying out search warrants, parole searches, warrant arrests, and ops of significant magnitude
- case agent and unit sup will review the op plan to ensure that adequate personnel and resources are used, and safe as possible
- case agent will conduct a through and systematic suspect and site assessment, computer chcks
-unit sup will bref the unit LT regarding the op, icuding suspect and site assessment LT or above will be responsible for approving the op including the use of SWAT
- the following situations should warrant SWAT:
- -fortified location-difficult to gain entry
- -suspects are known to be or suspected of being armed with weapons superior
- -s has past criminal history involving substantial violence likely to violently resist
- -target loc would require sophistaicted planning or tactics or would exhaust the resources of inv unit
- -high prob of hostage situation
- -supsects are members of a paramilitary or extremist org
- -info indicates a violent confronation is imminent, situation where the unit sup or LT believes assistane of SWAT s necessary to carry out mission
***All requests for SWAT assist shall be made through the SWAT CO except in emergency situations warranting a C11 or C12
8.06 Dept Op Center (DOC)
Emer Op Center (EOC)
- Area command Post - Inc Command System (ICS) provides centralized control of multiple inc command posts
- Dept DOC will normaly serve as the Are command posts for inc in which the SDPD serves as the Inc commander
Comm Access Phone System (CAPS)-telephones with rollover ability, allows ct to cal in and receive current info about an inc
Dept Op Center (DOC)-centralized point for Dept coordination during multiple, complex, or lengthy ops
Emergency Op Center (EOC)-a loc for multi dept management personnel tomonitor an inc develop management lvel strategies and to serve as the central info center
8.06 Dept Op Center (DOC)
Emer Op Center (EOC)
DOC - when activated, the role of DOC is to serve
When activated - role of DOC is:
- to serve as centralized point of pd coordination during multiple, complex, or lengthy ops
- central point of coordination between multiple inc command posts
- coordinate logistical support to inc commanders during multiple complex or lengthy ops
- as the dept pont of contact when the City’s Emergency op center is activated
- as the infor point for the Chief officers
- as the channel for dept policies to inc commander
8.06 Dept Op Center (DOC)
Emer Op Center (EOC)
DOC - location
-Primary City Develpent SEvices Center (basement level)
Alternate (any police area station)
8.06 Dept Op Center (DOC)
Emer Op Center (EOC)
DOC - responsibility for the DOC
-state of readiess of the DOC facility and its resources rests with the CIMU
8.06 Dept Op Center (DOC)
Emer Op Center (EOC)
DOC - activation
-DOC may be activated by
Duty Chief
Watch Commander
-activating entity shall notif CIMU to actiate the DOC
CIMU is responsible for the mobilization and demobilization of the DOC
-any pre planned activations of the DOC for special events hall be facilited through CIMU
-WC also has the keys needed to open the DOC in the event that CIMU is unable to respond
All positions have pre assigned staffing listed in the DOC manual
3 teams only one team is needed for the initial activation
any officer or supervisor may be assigned to a pstion to carry out the function of that position until the assignd person can arrive
8.06 Dept Op Center (DOC)
Emer Op Center (EOC)
DOC - DOC Manual
-each position has a DOC annual that contains activation information, position duties and other info for the operation s
CIMU s responsible for updating the manual
8.06 Dept Op Center (DOC)
Emer Op Center (EOC)
DOC - DOC training and Exercises
- CIMU does the training for DOC
- incorporated into training sessions
8.06 Dept Op Center (DOC)
Emer Op Center (EOC)
EOC - Role of the EOC
- to serve as the central point of emergency management for the policy making level of local government
- to provide inter-jurisdictional coordination
- to provide inter-departmental coordination on a citywide basis
- to develop recovery plans, plicies, and procedures
- to serve as the central point of public informaiton
8.06 Dept Op Center (DOC)
Emer Op Center (EOC)
Relationship of EOC , DOC, and Inc Command posts
**the relationship of the EOC and DOC and Inc Command Posts should be kept in perspective
- *EOC staff would make a POLICY decision that the threat was credible and order that Mission Valley be evacuated
- *and Inc Command post would be establsihed to oversee the TACTICAL planning and operations
- **The DOC would be activated to provide LOGISTICAL support and oversee dept wide operations
8.06 Dept Op Center (DOC)
Emer Op Center (EOC)
-located at City devel svc center-basement level
8.06 Dept Op Center (DOC)
Emer Op Center (EOC)
-EOC can be activated by:
-the Mayor
-a city dept director
under SEMS-Standardized Emergency Management system
EOC is to be activated when:
–a local emergency is proclaimed
a multi juridictional inc occurs
8.06 Dept Op Center (DOC)
Emer Op Center (EOC)
Positions / staffing
EOC has two primary rooms
- -policy room establishes overall exec policies related to the inc
- planning / intell and op room provides overall city coordination from the executive level during a major inc or disaster
PD provides three 3 positions to the EOC
- Policy room - chief of police
- planning / intell and op room - duty chief
- planning/inell and op room Sgt
8.06 Dept Op Center (DOC)
Emer Op Center (EOC)
EOC Manual
- the EOC manual is maintained by the City embergency management div of SDFire rescue dept
- copies of the EOC manual are kept at all EOC positions
- CIMU maintains copies at the dept’s DOC
8.06 Dept Op Center (DOC)
Emer Op Center (EOC)
Training and Exercises
-city emerency management office is responsible for EOC training and exercises and will coordinate sceduling with all affected depts and reps
8.06 Dept Op Center (DOC)
Emer Op Center (EOC)
CAPS -community Access phone system
-during an event or inc- CAPS can be activated at eiher an EOC or DOC level
-system is a series of phones with rollover ability
-allows citizens to call in and receive current info regarding the incident
-city employees or volunteers staff this function
CAPS line is 570-1070
-volnteer services is responsible for the activation of the police CAPS line
8.06 Dept Op Center (DOC)
Emer Op Center (EOC)
De-briefing of DOC operations
- after any incident that requirs activation of the DOC it may be necessary to arrane a debriefing session for all personnel involved witht eh DOC -
- the purpose of the debrief will be to provide a forum so the DOC activity during the inc can be critiqued and suggestion sofr improvements can be made
- responsiblitity of the CIMU supervisor to scheduel the debrief session if necessary
8.07 - Recalling off-cuty personnel
call back procedures
- chief or designee will contact WC and request call back
- if an actual call back is initiated–how many, how long, what purpose, what type of personnel
-if test call back requestor shall inform the WC that it is a test
–WC will send a test message to all Chiefs and CO including sworn and non sworn
- -CO will contact their LT or civilian equivalents to conduct the cal back
- -if COs are unable to reach LT s the CO will assign someone to make SGT notifications
- if Sgt cannot be notified, CO will need to assign someone else to make notification or do it themselves
LTs will contact their sgts or superviosrots to conduct the call back
SGTs will contact as many of their subordinates as possible
- -within 1 hour, each sgt will inform the LT of how many officers were contacted
- if sgts have trainee officers, they shall be included in their call back, sgts are required to obtain those trainees’ numbers when they are assigned to their squad
- those who are at trainign shall be includedin the call back
- lt will inform CO, CO will inform WC
- -personnel should refer their inquiries to their own comman–don’t call WC
8.07 - Recalling off-cuty personnel
My Voicemail Network (MVN)
-system allows mesages recorded for specific purposes to be dissemenated to dept personnel by utilizing the call back roster
8.07 - Recalling off-cuty personnel
Alert San Diego
- call back system to call dept command staff usedd by comm div
- systemis often used during major critical incidents to contact large groups of citizens with critical info during an emergency
8.07 - Recalling off-cuty personnel
Automatic call back
- in a large scale disaster or critical inc it is very probable the phone comm will be disrupted or overloaded and normal call beack procedures will not be feasible.
- personnel should not attempt to call comm div
- monitor local radio stations
- all off duty officers, reserve officers, trainee officers and civilian personnel will immediately to to their assigned duryt station without delay
- if unable to rach their station, go to nearest police stateion
sig alert may be used to comm messages to off duty personnel
civilian personnel employed by SDPD are considered disaster service workes and are required to report for assignemen in the event of an emergency
8.07 - Recalling off-cuty personnel
-at each shift change or major schedule change
CO will prepare an updated call back list for their area
-each unit will maintain an updated call back list and provide a copy to
:their chief, communications, WC, divisional CO, LT and SGT
each call back list will include a cover sheet listing unit, name of ass chief, unit div co
a list each unit will include the co name, howme work pager, cell in descending rank order, the anmes oand numbers of the persons to be called by each person in the unit
8.07 - Recalling off-cuty personnel
call back list maintenance
- change of name, address or phnoe number will be reported on Emp address form
- promptly-name changes with suff legal docs,
- sent to HR who will forward to City personnel
- employees will also need to sbmit a completed for o HR wihen newly hired, terminations, resignations
- each div will maintain a current call back roster
8.07 - Recalling off-cuty personnel
command staff alternate frequency
8.08 responsibilities of investigative personnel during critical incidents
- Investigative Personnel Control Center (IPCC) has ben established for investigative personnel may be assigned to emergency functions
- the center is to coordinate with the DOC (Logistics section) to determine where inv personnel are most needed
8.08 responsibilities of investigative personnel during critical incidents
PROCEDURES - Responsibility of Invesigators
Responsibilities of Investigators
-If needed they would initially remain under the direction of their immediate supervisor
- during a major critical inc-it is the responsibility of all on and off duty sworn inv who bcome aware of a major critical inc to immediately contact their sup or duty station to see if they are needed
- if unable to contact supervisor or duty station due to phone outage, they should report to te nearest operational police facility
8.08 responsibilities of investigative personnel during critical incidents
PROCEDURES - Investigative Personnel staging area
- purpose of the IPPC (Inv Personnel Control Center) is to control and coordinate the activities of centralized and area investigative units during a major critical inc
- IPCC is activated by Cap of Inv II and staffed by necessary personnel
- IPCC shall be located in rm 213 HW, captain in charge may activate satellite locations
- Once the IPCC is activated, all inv units shall report their available staffing to the IPCC without delay
- the DOC will coordinate with the IPCC to fill necessary positions by investigators
8.09 media Relations at critical incidents
PROCEDURES -Media Relations Responsibility-
Media Relations Responsibility-
- PIO will assist in providing info and direction to the media
- Inc Commander will designate a person (sgt) to act as PIO until PIO arrives
- PIO will be notified of any questionable or improper conduct of media reps
8.09 media Relations at critical incidents
PROCEDURES -Call out procedures for a PIO
all call out requests for PIO are coordinated through WC for the following situations:
-any time a CP is activated to handle a lrg inc
-all SWAT ops
upon death or critical injury of SDPD officer
-any inc other than an OIS that results in death or critical injury of a citizen as a result of plice action
-inc such as newsworthy arrests, lifesaving acts, and crime series information
-PIO information is kept by the WC
8.09 media Relations at critical incidents
- under the direction of the Inc Commander, PIO shall
- receive a gen inc briefing from the Inc Commander or designee
- designate a meda staging/briefing area near the CP (close but not so it would disturb activity at CP)
- ID locations accessible and restricted to media
- Conduct media briefings, remain avail to media personnel, and monitor media activities
- maintain contact with and advise WC of media briefing loations, updates, and dictate informal news releases for incoming media calls
- coordinate requests from Dept personnel for radio and television news stories to be broadcast regarding crime cases, SDPD activities or wanted persons
- *Issue media credentials
8.09 media Relations at critical incidents
Ranking dept member in command t disaster or crime scene will be responsibl for providing appropriate info to news media
- disaster and accident scenes may be closed to the public pursuant to 409.5 PC, howver, news media are exempt from this restriction
- as soon as disaster or accident scene has been ID and secured, authorized media shall be permiited free access to area after being advised of any existing danger -if it is not a crime scene
- dept members shall not decline to rescue news media in danger, but will not provide an escort into or out of dangerous areas
- authorizd member of the media are to be permtted free movement in the area as long as they do not interfere with law enforcement or public safety functions
- a PIO will maintain liaison with the media
8.09 media Relations at critical incidents
- Crime scenes shall be closed to all unauthorized persons including the news media
- crime scenes in areas of public access may be opened for media inspection after the scene is secured, evidence has been collected
- reporters and photographers shall be kept far enough from a crime scene being searched to protect it from beng disturbed or evidence being damaged
- media have no right of access to private property greater than the general public and are subject to public access restrictions imposed by owner of property when a crime scene is located on private property
-news is treated in same manner as Crime scene above
- allowed access to safest locations determined by Inc Commander
- PIO shall keep media briefed
- dept members shall not jeopardisze a tac mission in order to accommodate media, but every effort shall be made to keep meida informed of progress of op
8.09 media Relations at critical incidents
Authorized news Media
Authorized news media-reps possessing current valid media credentials issued by SDPD or bona fide LE, or ID with regular news media affiliation or employment
Freelance-valid SDPD media credentials will be considered authorized new media
8.10 Mutual Aid
- system LE agencies in adjacent / neighboring juris to provide assistance to other LE agencies when resources are limited
- Mutual aid is MANDATORY in a State of War or State of Emergency proclaimed by the Governor
- Cal Emergnecy Management Agency spells out the procedures for LE in the Cal LE Mutual Aid Plan
Failure to property use the LE Mutual Aid guidelines could have significant liability and fiscal impacts
8.10 Mutual Aid
- to request LEMA- 3 criteria MUST be met:
1. emergency must exist or be imminent
2. chief has determined that emergency situation may become or is already beyond the control of the depts. resources AND
3. a mission must exist - *may NOT be used for labor strikes
- *NOT used for large pre-planned events, unless an unanticipated emergency exists or is imminent
- *preplanned events are the responsibility of the local agencies
- *Outside agency assist can be handled through a contractual MOU
8.10 Mutual Aid
special resources
Special resources -k-9, SWAT, ABLE- the determination outlined above does not apply
-this support is considered day to day and does not require formal request
8.10 Mutual Aid
If Inc Commander or DOC(if activated) requires more personnel resources the WC (or DOC CO) will contact Duty Chief and explain what is needed
- Upon approval, he WC or DOC will contact SO WC or DOC commander and make the request for Mutual aid by completing a Mutual aid request worksheet
- WC or DOC CO will inform the Inc Cmmander of the results of the request for Mutual Aid
**a proclamation of emergency is not necessary for requesting Mutual Aid
8.10 Mutual Aid
Requests from other agencies to receive Mutual Aid from SDPD must be routed through the SD SO
**SO serves as the LE Op Area Mutual Aid Coordinator
-Requests for Mutual aid will be directed to the WC or DOC for evaluation
–MFF may be the most expeditious method f providing mutual aid personnel.
8.10 Mutual Aid
Responsibilities of the Requesting Agency:
When Mutual Aid is requested-the requesting agency remains in charge
-the assiting agency personnel will be kept together unless they are unfamiliar with the area or the mission makes it impractical
Responsibilities of the Requesting Agency:
- provides food, housing, fuel, and other on scene svcs and supplies for its own personnel and assisting presonnel
- maintains a detailed statistical report and provides a copy to the assisting agency
8.10 Mutual Aid
Responsibilities of the Assisting Agency:
Responsibilities of the Assisting Agency:
- provides salary and employement benefits for its own personnel
- covers emergency medical costs incurred by the agency personnel
- maintains a detailed statistical report and provides a copy to the requesting agency.
8.10 Mutual Aid
Use of Force
-all officers respective agency policies regarding the use of force shall remain in effect
8.10 Mutual Aid
-primary investigative responsiblilty is with the agency in whose jurisdiction the incdent occurred
8.10 Mutual Aid
On-duty Motor veh accidents
- detailed report will be completed by the requesting agency within the jurisdiction where the accident occurred
- a copy of the report will be sent to the assisting agency
8.10 Mutual Aid
Citizen complaints
-will be investigated by the agency whose personnel are involved in the alleged improper act
8.10 Mutual Aid
Use of the ilitary for Mutual Aid- Cal national Guard (CNG)
- Must be authorized by the Governor
- request is made via the Standardized Emergency Mngmt system by the Cheif Op Officer of the City or the Sheriff AND
- the requesting agency must
1. have an emergency which has occurred or is imminenet and threatens lives and property
2. have committed its available resources
3. have a mission to be prerformed
8.10 Mutual Aid
Use of the ilitary for Mutual Aid- Federal Military
- Must be authorized by the President of the US
- Conditions under which the Pres may authorize the use of Federal military resources are similar to those for the use of the CNG
- a local commander can committ Federal miliatry resources when
1. have an emergency which has occurred or is imminenet and threatens lives and property
2. local resources are unavailable or inadequate
3. a delay in accessing established Mutual Aid resources would result in deaths or great property damage
***under most cirumstances, miliatry Mutual Aid resources are not to be used to provide deadly force or to perform “routine” police funntions (crime report, traffic, etc.)
8.10 Mutual Aid
Preparation - Watch Commander
Watch Commander:
- ID staging location , normally Traffic
- notify Traffic when staging area is to be established at their facility
- contact comm div and have the appropriate number of personnel or MFF units activated
8.10 Mutual Aid
- ensure squad leaders have acknowledged the MFF activation and have given an estimated time of arrival to the staging area
- ensure squad leaders have inspected all officers for mandatory equipment
8.10 Mutual Aid
Preparation - MFF Squad Leaders
- Ack MFF activation and provide ETA to staging location
- ensure all needed vehicles are secured for the duration of the call out
- inspect all officers for mandatory and personal equipment
- ensure that MFF equpment bags contain all needed items on MFF check off list
8.10 Mutual Aid
Operating Policies and Procedures
- Dept personnel shall operate under all policies and procedures of the SDOD including MFF procedures
- any modifications to those procedures must be approved byt he dept’s agency representative
8.10 Mutual Aid
Personal Equipment
- all MFF personnel shall bring their standard MFF equpment
- also consider bringing-toiteltris, under garments, change of clothes, extra uniforms and footwear
8.10 Mutual Aid
After action report
-upon completion of the Mutual Aid Mission-agency representative shall complete and After-action report and forward to the Chief
It will include: -synopsis of events personnel deployed and hoursw worked arrests expenditures / remibursements significant problems encountered recommendations for improvements
**if MA is provided to this Dept, the INC Commander will provide the above info to the agency rep of the assisting dept
8.11 - Incident report Procedures
Procedures :
- incident report will include:
- narratvie analysis of inc
- number of officers incolved
- injuries or deaths
- personnel hours utilized
- number of arrests -property damage
- any other pertinent info
**all will have be CONFIDENTIAL
-reports will go to Assistant Chief of Patrol Ops and IA
- kept by year in IA for 5 years
- only those authorized by Chief may have access to files
8.12 - Code 100 at Police Facility
-During normal bus hours, ALL visitors and vendors accessing HQ or area stations MUST sign in and check out through the front counters
After hours, visitors MUST sign in and check out through the WC office
**This also applies to crime victims, witnesses, and suspects (except those under arrest and handcuffed.)
- -all visitors must have acceptable form of ID
- -if no ID, employee MUST escort them throughout the visitor’s entire stay
8.12 - Code 100 at Police Facility
*Two distinctive visitor passes
–Front counter officers and WC office personnel are responsible for issuing visitor passes
- must be escorted at all times pass
- visitor requires no escort
** all visitors / vendors who have not already passed a background check will be subject to a criminal history check
**Outside LE agency personnel in full uniform will be granted access after presenting photo ID
No visitor pass is required
**Non-uniformed personnel from outside LE agencies must display their bade and a photo ID card issued by their agency.
** they should be issued No Escort visitor pass.
**Visitor passes issued by other LE are not valid in our police facilities
- *all dept members not in uniform shall wear their dept issued photo ID in plain view at all times while in a police facility
- *dept members shall challenge anyone without a dept issued photo ID card or visitor pass
8.12 - Code 100 at Police Facility
CIMU developed a template to be used in preparing emergency plans for all police facilities
CIMU also can assist with development of inc facility plans for :
- -evacuation procedures
- -bomb threats /found bombs
- -haz mat accident/release
- hostage situations
SWAT CO , SDFD, CO of Facilities Mngmt will review the plan
After approval - all facility emloyees, WC office, Swat CO, Communications, Chief’s office, Fire REscue Dept, Posted in Resource Library
CO will ensure respective employees are familiar with the procedures
8.12 - Code 100 at Police Facility
- for heightened level of security is required due to credible threats from potential terrorist indiv or groups
- extraordinary situations–not to be repeated or released to public
8.12 - Code 100 at Police Facility
Plan Development
-Each CO will maintain a master cop of the plan and ensure most recent plan is in Resource library
–plans will be reviewed annually and approved by SWAT CO and CO of Op support
8.12 - Code 100 at Police Facility
After approval the plan will be delivered to CIMU, where the Supervisor will determine the appropriate distribution within that facility
-Copies also given to: Chief WC Communications Facilites Mngmt SWAT CO Resource Library
8.12 - Code 100 at Police Facility
CODE 100
3 types of Code 100
- -attack from outside
- -attack from inside
- -sniper
8.12 - Code 100 at Police Facility
Code 100- Plan development
CIMU has standardizd Code 100 plan format
-must be reviewed annually and then reviewed by:
Affected facility command
SWAT unit
Copies of plan will b kept at: DOC WC Communications Affected facility, CIMU for HQ Chief's office SWAT unit Resource library (CO should ensure this happens)
CO should conduct annual Code 100 excercises. CIMU will assist
CO should ensure personnel are familiar with Code 100 policy
8.12 - Code 100 at Police Facility
Code 100 -Procedures
- Code 100 will be broadcast
- Full SWAT callout (Code 11 or Code 12) initiated
8.12 - Code 100 at Police Facility
Code 100 -Procedures
WC will secure the station perimeter as outlined in C100 plan
-WC or supervisor in charge will request ABLE if necessary
Personnel in the station shall:
- remain away from the windows
- immediately secure all ext doors
- if not in an office, immediately go to a secure area and remain there unitl evac
- sworn personnel will assst civilians to locations of safety
- make only emergency phone calls
Personnel in the field:
- all units will move to within two blocks of station under attack
- remain off the air until a CP is designated
- Do NOT go directly to the station unless directed
- supervisor nearest the station will establish a CP
8.12 - Code 100 at Police Facility
Code 100 -Procedures
Area Stations
- division capt. or lt or sgt will immediately secure /guard the facility as outlined in the C100 plan
- W will be notified and advised of situation
- personnel in station
- remain indoors away from windows
- only emerg calls
- sworn assist civilian to safety
Area station field units:
- appropriate number of units will move to different locations within 2 blocks of stations
- do not go directly to sation
- supervisor in charge will establish a CP
- on duty SWAT will be sent to the CP, SEV contains site surveys of HQ and all area stations
8.12 - Code 100 at Police Facility
Code 100 -Procedures
Specific Area station contingencies –NORTHERN
- Div Capt, LT or supervisor in charge will notify Fire station next door to sub
- assign officers to assist in their station security
8.12 - Code 100 at Police Facility
Code 100 -Procedures
Specific Area station contingencies –SOUTHERN
- Border Patrol and US Customs should be advised of the situation and location of CP
- ranking officer shall follow the contingency plan as outlined above
8.12 - Code 100 at Police Facility
Code 100 -Procedures
Specific Area station contingencies -EASTERN, TRAFFIC
- Supervisor in charge shall immediately notify Montgomery Field Airport Security
- tower will be advised of the immediate danger to aircraft entering the airspace above Eastern Div
- FBI div office located in the Eastern Dv will also be notified
- supervisor in charge at TRaffic will have the SEV moved out of the station if possible
8.12 - Code 100 at Police Facility
Code 100 -Procedures
Specific Area station contingencies –Central, Mid City, Northeastern, Northwestern, Southeastern, and Western
-follow the contingency plan as outlined in the above sections (Area stations)
8.12 - Code 100 at Police Facility
- -access codes shall not be given to unauthorized persons
- peds may not enter the P1 and P2 parking levels of HQ through the vehicle entrance gates
8.12 - Code 100 at Police Facility
- phased increases in operational readiness levels and security
- may be initiated for terrorist threats and or attacks, violent protests, riots, natural disasters, major accidents, and other emergencies
- Duty Chief (or Duty Capt) is responsible for determining when an OPCON level should be implemented
- in an emergency, he WC can declare opcon level
- only Chief can cancel or modify an OPCON activation once it has ben initiated
–Federal state and local dept threat levels are associated with a color system
-Homeland Security also requests a Maritime Security (MARSEC) level with each OPCON level be displayed
8.12 - Code 100 at Police Facility
Low (MARSEC 1)-normal op procedures (GREEN)
Guarded (MARSEC 1)-(BLUE) general risk of terrorist attack, violent protest, other sig event
- -ID check at stations
- note and report suspicious packages and activity
- ensure building integrity and security is maintained
- -units exercise heightened caution when responding to related calls for service
- evaluate the need for D runs
-reg shifts , maintain routine security posture, establish liaison with fed, state, and local agencies to evaluate threat
8.12 - Code 100 at Police Facility
- Specific risk of terrorist attack, violent protest, other sig event
- limit public access to police facilities
- unts exercise extreme caution when responding to related service calls
- verify and inspect all inbound deliveries
- all personnel to wear ID cards whethr in unform r not
- test dep call back procedure
Activate DOC, if needed
daily liison with fed, state, local agencies
SWAT CO notified
MFF/ Bravo Co pre-designated on each shift
8.12 - Code 100 at Police Facility
-high risk of terrorist activity, violent protest, or other sig event
-limit nonessential contract work and deliverie
limit /restrict parking around sensitive areas and buildings
-vendor code on gates removed
-respond to emergency or priority 1 calls only
-escort all non police personnel after clearance
-eval the need to activate code 100 plan
-evaluate need for extension of shift
-activate DOC if needed
-activate CAPS if needed
-SWAT on standby
-MFF/Bravo on alert for deployment
8.12 - Code 100 at Police Facility
-severe risk of terror activity, violent protest, or other sig even t
-erect barriers and obstacles to control traffic flow
-limit access to all non police personnel verify ID and need for access
-restrict / deny parking in controlled areas
make frequent security checks of ID’d sites
respond to emergency calls only
eval need for dept call back
county Mutual aid coordinator notified
MFF/Bravo on alert for deployment
8.12 - Code 100 at Police Facility
-min appropriate security measures
generally applies when HSAS Threat Condition Greet, Blue, or Yellow
- appropriate additional protective security measures for the pd of time as a result of heightened risk of transportation security incident
- generally corresponds to HSAS Threat condition Orange
- further specifi protective security measures for the pd of time when a transportation security incident is probable
- generally when SAS threat condition RED
8.13- Critical Incidents
SWAT Armory, SEV, Bearcat, Peacemaker
-SWAT CO s responsible for maintenance and control of armory, Bearcat, Peacekeeper, and the SEV
8.13- Critical Incidents
SWAT Armory, SEV, Bearcat, Peacemaker
- controlled by access card readers accessible by all SWAT personnel
- access to inner armory is RESTRICTED to SWAT command staff, SRT sgts, SWAT Armorer, Ass ARmorer
8.13- Critical Incidents
SWAT Armory, SEV, Bearcat, Peacekeper
- non armored veh used by SWAT to 11-48 special weapons and equp to scene of critical inc
- once at scene it is also used as a SWAT TOC
- operational readiness f the SEV rests with the assigned SRT SGT or designated SRT officer
- SWAT SRT officers conduct the routine maintenance and repairs, inspection of the vehicle and the equipment contained inside it
- SWAT mission leader will have full responsibility of SEV during SWAT mission
- SWAT officer licensed to drive it will operate the vehicle
- Members of SWAT will conduct monthly inspections of the SEV
8.13- Critical Incidents
SWAT Armory, SEV, Bearcat, Peacekeeper
Bearcat, Peacekeeper
- armored vehicles utilized by SWAT at scene of critical incidents
- SWAT CO will make determination if needed
- use of both vehicles is same guidelines as SEV
8.14- Critical Incidents
ENT Team
ENT Team:
- s with 1or more hostages
- barricaded persons / stand off
- persons threatening 11-45
- high risk warrant svc where it is believed s may refuse to surrender
- sniper and or ambush incidents
- provide inv intell and support during critical inc
On-call ENT sgt shall be notified via WC in all instances when an inc commander has requested a C11 or C12 with a suicidal or barricaded subject
- ENT may also be called out at the discretion of the Inc Commander for a PRT assist or other instances deemed necessary
- ranking ENT CO reports to the Inc Commander and receives team’s mission
- Inc Commander determines whether ENT will be usd in an advisory or fully op capacity
- ENT CO will advise the inc commander and act as a liaison to the negotiating team
PUC Code allows ENT to obtain private phone numbers - coordinated with SWAT
8.14- Critical Incidents
Initial response by patrol officers
- contain the s
- isolate the scene
- establish a command post (ENT veh should be located within 300 yds of target)
8.14- Critical Incidents
initial contact with the suspect
- Preferred method of contact with subject is by phone
- Be an active listener
- don’t give impression you have power to make decisions
- encourage s to come out
- avoid giving s ultimatums or deadlines
- use of family members is normally discourages
- a getaway car or ransom money must be resisted
- avoid calling attention to hostage
- a LE officer dos not retain authority if taken hostage
- keep inc commander updated, decision to continue negotiations is responsibility of inc commander
- ENT will determine how to transition from patrol to ENT
8.14- Critical Incidents
- Subject in a DV dispute -emotional
- Criminal unable to escape -extremely dangerous
- Political terrorist (most dangerous)
8.14- Critical Incidents
PERSONS threatening 11-45
- avoid initiating the suicide or becoming part of it(11-45 by cop)
- maintain tactical advantage over subject
- preferred method of police intervention fr jumpers is verbal contact from a position of cover
8.14- Critical Incidents
-SEE DP 1.04
8.14- Critical Incidents
Dept Psychologists
ENT has psychologists available to them who have some training in critical incidents
-available for team consultation
8.15 Arson Investigations, Bomb Threats, Bombings, Explosives, and Pyrotechnic materials
MAST Procedures
-MAST is responsible for the inv of incidents involving arson and bombs
- MAST includes: SD Fire, PD, ATF
- MAST will respond to the scene of suspected arson fires, bombings, found explosive devices, or when requested
-perimeters requested on bomb incidents are 300 feet. this is an ABSOLUTE MINIMUM, 900 feet if possible
8.15 Arson Investigations, Bomb Threats, Bombings, Explosives, and Pyrotechnic materials
- patrol officer dispatched to a suspected arson, but the fire is extinguished without FD, officer should contact communications and request MAST
- if MAST is unable to respond a MAST supervisor may direct officer to complete a crime report without a case number, forward to MAST
- MAST will determine proper Penal Code and will obtain a case number
- if separate crime is discovered at scene, officer will complete separate crime report and case number, after approved forward to MAST also
8.15 Arson Investigations, Bomb Threats, Bombings, Explosives, and Pyrotechnic materials
Investigator’s responsibilities
- if MAST responds to scene, MAST will submit crime report
- any crime scene, such as 187, 211, dv, 459 which involves arson requires a response by MAST
- FU for a crime other than arson rests with the appropriate inv unit.
- in arson death case, or any fire related death that occurs through negligence other than the victim, Homicide will assume responsibility of the investigation with MAST assistance
8.15 Arson Investigations, Bomb Threats, Bombings, Explosives, and Pyrotechnic materials
Press releases
- with the assistance and approval of the on duty MAST supervisor
- if another crime is involved the MAST supervisor will confer with the supervisor from the unit having investigative responsibility
- if 187 involved, homicide unit will have full responsibility of the release of info
8.15 Arson Investigations, Bomb Threats, Bombings, Explosives, and Pyrotechnic materials
BOMB threat procedures
- patrol dispatched by MCT or phone
- radio active bombs biological agents, chemical agents or nuclear -communications MUST notify FBI and MAST
-City’s emergency management coordinator will be notified via SDFD Communication if major evacuation is needed
8.15 Arson Investigations, Bomb Threats, Bombings, Explosives, and Pyrotechnic materials
BOMB threat procedures
- responsible for the preliminary investigation of all bomb threats
- no need to turn off MCT, radios, cell phone, hand held computer and 2 way pagers en rout to or searching for suspected device
- upon arrival–make contact –decision to evacuate rests on the officer in charge of the scene
- SDPD Explosive K-9 may be requested to assist with search
- K-9s are not to be used to clear suspicious items
- MAST/BOMB Squad does that
- if booby-traps suspected, DONOT SEARCH or use K-9s to search.
- only MAST should search
IF bomb found, (see bomb threat procedures above)
if NO bomb, patrol will prepare a crime report, false bomb threat, records will forward a copy to MAST
8.15 Arson Investigations, Bomb Threats, Bombings, Explosives, and Pyrotechnic materials
BOMB threat procedures
- area command will be responsible for the bomb threat investigation
- MAST will not dispatch personnel to a bomb threat scene unless and actual bomb device or explosive material is found or unless it is likely that explosives may be found
- in these cases MAST will assume responsibility for case
8.15 Arson Investigations, Bomb Threats, Bombings, Explosives, and Pyrotechnic materials
Procedures for bombings attempted bombings and found bombs
Responsibility of Communications and Division
- Communications will notify WC and dispatch patrol officers/patrol supervisor
- Communications will notify MAST
- MAST will notify other agencies as needed
8.15 Arson Investigations, Bomb Threats, Bombings, Explosives, and Pyrotechnic materials
Procedures for bombings attempted bombings and found bombs
PATROL responsibilities
- officer should NOT attempt to approach or handle any suspicious device
- move all persons away from device and establish a min 300 ft perimeter or 900 if practical
- prior to MAST 10-97 all persons even officers must stay out of this perimeter
- do not need to turn off equipment outside this 300 ft perimeter
- maintain crowd control, traffic control, provide escort into the scene for MAST and SDFD
8.15 Arson Investigations, Bomb Threats, Bombings, Explosives, and Pyrotechnic materials
Procedures for bombings attempted bombings and found bombs
- make visual survey of the area and report to the WC via phone
- assume the role of n Commander, establish CP if needed
- request sufficient patrol officers and other personnel required
- coordinate with the ranking fire rescue dept official at scene
- supervise orderly evacuation if needed
- SDFD or MAST will determine appropriate distance
8.15 Arson Investigations, Bomb Threats, Bombings, Explosives, and Pyrotechnic materials
Procedures for bombings attempted bombings and found bombs
- SDD communication will notify battalion chief
- fire equip will not move into scene until MAST says it is clear to do so unless fire already erupted
- establish liaison with Police Inc commander
- determine degree of evac necessary
- coordinate rescue and firefighting operations
8.15 Arson Investigations, Bomb Threats, Bombings, Explosives, and Pyrotechnic materials
Procedures for bombings attempted bombings and found bombs
- MAST has responsibility of inv of a found explosive device (hoax or otherwise) or an actual bomb explosion (post blast scene)
- if death occurs in conjunction, Homicide unit will have responsibility of investigation with the assistance of MAST
- if officer determines fireworks were used the case shall be a vandalism handled by area command
- MAST will have the responsibility of controlling the search for and method of removing any bomb device or explosive material
- any device shall be rendered safe, collected and 11-48 in a special containment vehicle with a police escort if needed
- gathering of bomb or explosives evidence will be the primary responsibility of MAST
- primary concern is public, scene is secondary, evidence is not considered a priority if it endangers those present
8.15 Arson Investigations, Bomb Threats, Bombings, Explosives, and Pyrotechnic materials
Procedures for bombings attempted bombings and found bombs
-see DP 8.17
8.15 Arson Investigations, Bomb Threats, Bombings, Explosives, and Pyrotechnic materials
Procedures for bombings attempted bombings and found bombs
- local schools have been instructed to detain a bomb caller on phone to try to solicit info using a bomb threat checklist
- City School police and the school principal are notified after the call and a search s conducted
- unless a suspicious item is found a decision to evacuate the school rests with the school principal
-if suspicious item is found, responsibility shifts to LE. Students are evacuated at least 500 feet from affected building area and MAST is notified
8.15 Arson Investigations, Bomb Threats, Bombings, Explosives, and Pyrotechnic materials
Procedures for bombings attempted bombings and found bombs
- city schools police dept shall be dispatched
- may request assistance from SDPD
- only in the event of an actual bomb or bomb threat
8.15 Arson Investigations, Bomb Threats, Bombings, Explosives, and Pyrotechnic materials
Procedures for bombings attempted bombings and found bombs
INVESTIGATOR responsibilities
- in a bomb threat only case, the area command JST will handle the investigation with assistance from City schools Police
- if actual bomb device is found MAST will render it safe, assume responsibility for the investigation and will coordinate with other units or agencies as needed
8.15 Arson Investigations, Bomb Threats, Bombings, Explosives, and Pyrotechnic materials
Procedures for bombings attempted bombings and found bombs
Procedures for Impounding bombs, ammunition, explosives, and pyrotechnics
- upon finding ammunition larger than .50 cal, a possible bomb, or potential explosives, officers shall contact communications who will call SDFD and then MAST
-officer will complete an Officers report or other appropriate crime report
- ammo of .50 cal or less may be impounded in the property room with the approval of property supervisor
- if officer unfamiliar with ammo, MAST may offer assistance
- explosives or large amounts of pyrotechnics will be retained at MAST storage facilities, with assistance of MAST
- neither property room nor police range will store any type of bombs explosives or pyrotechnics
- fireworks to be held as evidence must be impounded by MAST
- fireworks with no evidentiary value may be turned over to the nearest SDFD station if:
- -commercially manufactured
- -less than one pound
- decision to accept fireworks rests with Fire capt
- responsibility for establishing lawful ownership and authorizing disp of impounded material rests with MAST
- explosives, ammo, and pyrotechnic material will not be released if it is against the law to possess
- unsafe explosive materials will be destroyed at the discretion of a MAST supervisor
8.15 Arson Investigations, Bomb Threats, Bombings, Explosives, and Pyrotechnic materials
Procedures for bombings attempted bombings and found bombs
- Radios, MCTs, cell phones, hand held computers with internet may detonate some IED’s within the 300 ft MANDATORY safe distance
- DO NOT open lift, move any suspected bomb device
- do not attempt to cover a bomb with any other objects or place it in water
8.15 Arson Investigations, Bomb Threats, Bombings, Explosives, and Pyrotechnic materials
Procedures for bombings attempted bombings and found bombs
Searching of Vehicles or dwellings of known terrorist groups
- when a vehicle is the subject of a bomb threat, officers are not to conduct the search or attempt to enter the vehicle
- EDT(Explosive Disposal Team) personnel are specially trained for this purpose and are called to the scene
- vehicles should be isolated ad all persons, including officers kept at least 300 ft away
- encouraged to request assistance from MAST when dwellings of radical or terror groups are to be entered for the purpose of a sw or arrest and there is reason to believe that explosives may be encountered
8.15 Arson Investigations, Bomb Threats, Bombings, Explosives, and Pyrotechnic materials
Procedures for bombings attempted bombings and found bombs
Military ordnance and military pyrotechnics
only trained MAST personnel shall determine the nature of military ordnance and military pyrotechnics
- do not pick up or transport military ordnance or military pyrotechnics
- request MAST assistance
8.16 - Incidents involving Haz Mat, weapons of mass destruction, emergencies at general atomics, and transportation of nuclear materials
Background–Haz Materials / waste
Hazardous materials may be found in 3 forms:
contamination and injury may occur through inhalation, skin absorption, ingestion, or injection.
illness or injury may occur immediately or can be delayed in some cases up to 12 hours or longer after exposure
8.16 - Incidents involving Haz Mat, weapons of mass destruction, emergencies at general atomics, and transportation of nuclear materials
Background–Weapons of Mass Destruction
5 groups: B-NICE
Biological -
a. Bacteria–anthrax, plague, Tularemia Bucellosis
b. Viruses–Smallpox, Hemorrahagic fever
c. Rickettsia – Q fever
d. Toxins - Botulinum, staphyloccaccal, Ricin Mycotoxins
a-detonation or threatened detonation of a nuclear bomb
b - dispersion of radiological material with explosive or other dispersal device
c-conventional explosive at nuclear facility
- a mechanical, electrical, or chemical dvice used to intentionally initiate combustion and start a fire
- can be stationary, hand thrown or self propelled
a. nerve agents-Sarin,
b. blister agents- mustard
c. blood agents- hydrogen cyande
d. choking agents - chlorine
e. irritating agents - CS tear gas, CN Mace, OC
EXPLOSIVE: most common WMD - 70%
a. conventional explosives
b. IED, vehicle bombs pipe bombs,
c. suicide bombers
8.16 - Incidents involving Haz Mat, weapons of mass destruction, emergencies at general atomics, and transportation of nuclear materials
-notify SDFD
SDFD will make other necessary notifications
Police-supervisor should be dispatched to scene to coordinate with SDFD and carry out PD responsibilities
8.16 - Incidents involving Haz Mat, weapons of mass destruction, emergencies at general atomics, and transportation of nuclear materials
-respond tactically
-stay upwind and uphill
-do not touch or walk through any materials
-assess the scene
-gather information -advise communication, advise color of warning placards
-assess symptoms of victims
-do not rush in or attempt an imposible rescue
-determine initial safe distance
Bomb-300 ft if possible 900 ft
haz material inc - 700 ft
if possibility of container exploding -MIN =2000FT
refer to ERG or consult SDFD
-all field supervisor vehicles will be equipped with a copy of the DOT ERG for Haz Materials
-the ERG provides valuable info for determining the PPE required for the type of hazard involved
-determine appropriate PPE
-most officers are level D, SWAT SRT is level A
BEST PROTECTION: Time, Distance, Shielding
ICS and establish a Unified Command
- Isolate the scene
- consider 2ndary devices
- isolate victims
- warn local population of any danger
- assist in evacuations/advise to shelter in place
8.16 - Incidents involving Haz Mat, weapons of mass destruction, emergencies at general atomics, and transportation of nuclear materials
Incident Indicators
- unusual number of sick or dying people or animals
- susp bombing inc
- unusual swarm of insects
- written or verbal threats
- others …
- placards or labeling
- specialized packaging
- written or verbal threats
INCENDIARY: -written or verbal threats -smell of accelerant - CHEMICAL: -dead or sick people or animals -lack of insect life -unusual liquid droplets -discolored plant life -odors -low lying clouds
- abandoned containers / vehicle
- obvious devices
- others
8.16 - Incidents involving Haz Mat, weapons of mass destruction, emergencies at general atomics, and transportation of nuclear materials
- police who have effected rescues or handled victims of haz material contamination should be isolated until screened by med personnel to determine the need for decontamination
- SDFD will coordinate the decontamination efforts
- all police personnel exposed to possibility of contamination shall complete the MSR for Occ Injury/Illness (RM1634)
- Supervisors will also complete the Ca Employers Report of Occ Illnes and City of SD supervisors injury assault in report
- WC will keep copy for 72 hours in the event the officer becomes ill after the end of shift
8.16 - Incidents involving Haz Mat, weapons of mass destruction, emergencies at general atomics, and transportation of nuclear materials
-In the event of a haz material / waste inc at a traffic accident-vehicles may be moved the shortest distance necessary to clear the right of way only after all alternatives have been considered and determine absolutely impossible
SDFD Inc commander must approve the moving of the vehicles
8.16 - Incidents involving Haz Mat, weapons of mass destruction, emergencies at general atomics, and transportation of nuclear materials
- if there is an attempt to seal nuclear materials, the General Atomics supervisor, security officer for alarms unlimited will
- call police communications
- ID as Gen Atomics and say “Cndition White at GA Technlogy”
- Communications will notify SDFD (Staging is on John Jay Hopkins Drive)
- Communicaitons will notify area Captain, duty chief if there is a potential or injury or loss of life, CIMU (thru WC), dispatch patrol or traffic supervisor
8.16 - Incidents involving Haz Mat, weapons of mass destruction, emergencies at general atomics, and transportation of nuclear materials
Field supervisor responsibilities
- Establish an IVP at intersection of John Jay Hopkins at John Hopkins court
- GA employee will meet PD at that location, if not or no contact can be made, assume there is an attack on the facility and initiate SWAT C11
-Establish traffic posts
8.16 - Incidents involving Haz Mat, weapons of mass destruction, emergencies at general atomics, and transportation of nuclear materials
-DOE (dept of energy) handles the 11-48 of nuclear materials
-DOE carriers are armed
-3 compnents to the DOE transportation system
Armed couriers, spcial vehciles, and comunciations
Armed couriers are federal officers-will be dressed in civilian clothing and ID themselves with badge
special vehicles - tractor trailer rig and escort will be unmarked but will have US gvmnt plates, tractor is armored and drivers are not allowed to exit the cab, use a loud speaker
communications - in constant comm’s with central comm based in Albuquerque New Mex, request for assistance will be routed to CHP
8.16 - Incidents involving Haz Mat, weapons of mass destruction, emergencies at general atomics, and transportation of nuclear materials
Contact of Convoys
- will comply with traffic laws
- do not delay the convoy any longer than necessary
- drivers and escorts will respond to officers as follows:
- –keep their hands in view
- –driver and passenger will remain in vehicle
- —will use speaker to say they are federal officer with DOE transporting sensitive material
- passenger will then exit and talk to officer
- a courier from escort vehicle will get out if two officers approach vehicle
-if we provide escort or assistance, communications shall notify the FBI, FBI will then be the lead agency in charge
8.16 - Incidents involving Haz Mat, weapons of mass destruction, emergencies at general atomics, and transportation of nuclear materials
- shall be impounded using an approved disposal company (WC has list)
- MAST will impound and 11-48 explosives
- Gen Atomics should be contacted for radiological materials
8.16 - Incidents involving Haz Mat, weapons of mass destruction, emergencies at general atomics, and transportation of nuclear materials
-Impounding officer responsibilities
- complete Haz Mat impound/disposal form
- sign wast manifest
- forwad to City of SD Haz Mat mangmnet program
- affix completed evidence seals to lid of each container
- complete FileOnQ and submit the property release form with barcode
8.16 - Incidents involving Haz Mat, weapons of mass destruction, emergencies at general atomics, and transportation of nuclear materials
Investigator responsibilities
- make immediate arrangements with Lab
- notify the city of SD env svs haz mat program when material is no longer needed as evidence
8.16 - Incidents involving Haz Mat, weapons of mass destruction, emergencies at general atomics, and transportation of nuclear materials
- SDFD has primary responsibility for clean up and removal of haz material
- in some cases where the material is under the control of the PD, and has been inspected by Fire, and has ben determined to be safe in its current state,
WC is to be contacted by supervisor for following information :
–chemical name , quantity and type of packaging
WC will notify approved disposal company
If at police facility-the City of SD Environmental Svc Dept should be contacted
-after hours, the approved disposal company
8.16 - Incidents involving Haz Mat, weapons of mass destruction, emergencies at general atomics, and transportation of nuclear materials
SUPERVISOR’S responsibility
-complete a haz mat disposal impound report
sign wast manifest
forward to City of SD environmental svc haz mat management program
- *officers should not accept haz materials frm citizens
- **notify SDFD and citizen is responsible for disposal not PD
8.17 Aircraft Emergencies / crashes/ accident investigations
Control tower will advise the category of the alert
- Alert II-aircraft experiencing difficulty and an emergency has been declared
- Alert III-aircraft accident has occurred or imminent, including aircraft fires
- Alert IV-an aircraft r building is a target of a bomb threat
communications will dispatch units to vehicle gate at Washington Street, Winship Gate at P18
- suprvisors and units will stand by at the appropriate location pending request for assist from Harbor Police
- Communications will notify DIMU if Alert II or Alert III
8.17 Aircraft Emergencies / crashes/ accident investigations
Alert II and Alert III=Washington Street or Winship Gate
Alert IV-units will e dispatched to scene to coordinate with Harbor Police for traffic and crowd control
- the threatened aircraft will be directed to pre-designated isolation area on North ramp.
- baggage will be removed to a security area to be searched -it will not be moved until cleared and Alert is cancelled
** US mail will be searched by Post office personnel
8.17 Aircraft Emergencies / crashes/ accident investigations
LINDBERGH FIELD- If bomb suspected on aircraft
FBI will assume jurisdiction
-media will not be notified of any bomb report incident
8.17 Aircraft Emergencies / crashes/ accident investigations
LINDBERGH FIELD- Procedures in the event of a HIJACKING
- TSA has exclusive responsibility for decisions involving LE action with regard to a hijacking when the aircraft is in flight (when external doors are closed )
- when not in flight - FBI has exclusive responsibility
EOC in the Commuter Terinal will be activated
ICP wil be established in an area dictated by the situation
HPD Unt 701 is In Comander
Airport LT will respond to the EOC and relieve 701 as Inc commander
SDPD will assign one officer to observe and monitor conversation with the aircraft until relieved by FBI.
8.17 Aircraft Emergencies / crashes/ accident investigations
Montgomery Field and Brown Field
- Comm will dispatch units to the airport, should stage at the Aiport Op Bldng
- if actual aircraft accident, proceed directly to scene
- PD will ensure crowd and news are kept away from the aircraft movement areas of the airport
- no news media will be authorized to be near an accident site unless escorted and montored by a member of the PD
- Security will be maintained until custody is turned over to the FAA and/or NTSB
- gate locks are IC026-or use bolt cutters
8.17 Aircraft Emergencies / crashes/ accident investigations
Assume role of Inc commander and establish a unified command post PD: -assume the role of Inc commander -provide traffic and crowd control -permiter containment -more
8.17 Aircraft Emergencies / crashes/ accident investigations
- Immediately notify military personnel
- site locations, crew parachuted, fatalities or injuries, any number on tail or fuselage
- evacuation and isolation of a military aircraft crash site should be at least 1500 ft
- military personnel will assume control and responsibility for the immediate area whether or not injuries or deaths have occurred
- military guards will be provided for scene protection
- *always position to the side with activating the canopy
- *careful of the ejection seat
8.18 River Rescue
River Rescue Team
- lifeguard div of SDFD = 16 member team
- City policy requires that River rescue team be called anytime in water rescue is to be made
- other safety personnel (police officers) are generally prohibited from making in water rescues unless immediate threat to the life of the victim and can be performed with minimal risk to the officer
–Senior Fire dept member will assume overall command of the scene
8.19- Haz Material Storage at Police facilities
Facility Cordinator Rspon
-each facility coordinator must complete a business plan with ESD anytime they store a haz aterial in the amounts specified
-eash Facility coordinator must be present during a county dept of environmental halth reg inspeiton and complete any fu actions id’d during inspection
–if chemical is unexpectedly released -clean up witout delay, notify SDFD if need assistance , notify Cal Osha if employee is exposed
report to the NRC is required
-must have annual training
8.20 - Evacuations
when EOC is activated, the director of the EOC will have overall authority of the EOC
-Ca Penal code 409.5=misd to remain in area which as been closed after being told to evacuate or leave (does not authorize forcible or mandatory evacuation)
–LE will not use force to remove any person who remains within the affected area when directed to evacuate
8.20 Evacuations
Inc Commander:
- IC will determine if evacuation is necessary
- should advise whether evacuation is mandatory or voluntary
PUBLIC NOTIFICATIONS: door to door PA system Telephones Mass Notification System Emergency Alert System Sig Alerts
SDPD willnot normally provide continuous on site security at evac shelters
Media access to disaster areas
-do not preent edia from entering closed disaster areas
media may be guilty of 148 if they interfere with emergency services at an active crime scene
8.20 Evacuations
Re-entry protocol
-uniform guidance to ensure a coordinated safe re-entry into impacted areas
The IC has overall management responsibility for coordination between all agencies
-consult with SDFD to ensure safe for re-entry
-re-entry in phases
8.21 Use of volunteers in critical incidents and disasters
IC responsible for the decision t utilize volunteers
Internal and External should be consistent with their training and specific skills/resources
Spotaneous volunteers should be used as a last resort
8.22 Mass Distribution of medicine for police officers, civilian employees, and families
Cities readiness initiative
Cities readiness initiative = aid the city in increasing its capacity to deliver medicines and supplies during large scale public health emergency
8.22 Mass Distribution of medicine for police officers, civilian employees, and families
communications will notify WC
-Communications lead disp will inform county public health fficer regarding the need to distribute medications to police employees and their families
8.22 Mass Distribution of medicine for police officers, civilian employees, and families
Dept Op Center Activation
-DOC will elevate to Orange or Red in the event of a biological agent release (anthrax)=DOC/EOC activation
-DOC = central point of coordination for internal distribution of medicine
-for distribution to general pop DOC will coordinate through County Pub Health Svc in disseminating med via USPS
8.22 Mass Distribution of medicine for police officers, civilian employees, and families
Internal Distribution
-current “push pack” of medication is in a secure location at HQ
DOC will request:
-MFF activation
CIMU and MAU will inventory and distribute the medicine
- accepting med is voluntary
- SWAT CO will coordinate and security, pick up, and delivry of medicines
MFF-once the DOC is activated the I will activate MFF SWAT will coordinate the delivery of meds with the MFF officers to Police HQ