#8: the nervous system Flashcards
What are the two main types of cells found in the nervous system?
Two main types of cells:
1) Neurons: cell body (contains the nucleus)/ dendrites (conduct impulses toward the cell body/ axons (conduct impulses away from the cell body)
2) Neuroglia (glial cells)
: supporting cells that carry out a variety of functions related to creating & maintaining an appropriate environment for neurons
1) ependymal cells (CNS)
2) oligodendrocytes (CNS)
3) astrocytes (CNS)
4) microglia (CNS)
5) satellite cells (PNS)
6) Schwann cells (PNS)
List the types of neuroglia in CNS and their locations/ structure/ functions
ependymal cells
- simple cuboidal epithelial cells
- lining ventricles (in the brain) and central canal (in the spinal cord)
> Assist in producing, circulating & monitoring cerebrospinal fluid
> located in the gray matter -
- non-neural cells
> produce myelin sheaths, which insulate axons and increase the speed of nerve impulses = myelinate CNS axons
> Provide a structural framework
> located in the white matter -
- star-shaped cells in the brain and spinal cord
[homeostasis/ synaptic support]
> Support neurons by anchoring them to capillaries and protect them from harmful substances
> Maintain blood-brain barrier (physically & chemically)
> Provide structural support
> Regulate ion, nutrient and dissolved gas concentrations
> Absorb and recycle neurotransmitters
> Form scar tissue after injury
> regulating synaptogenesis
» found both in the gray (protoplasmic astrocytes) and white matters (fibrous astrocytes) -
- immune cells in the CNS (key cells in overall brain maintenance)
- very small, bean-shaped cells
[homeostasis/ phagocytosis]
> help shape neural circuits by modulating synaptic transmission and sculpting neuronal synapses
> Eliminate any kinds of infection aggregates that may endanger the CNS
> can generate inflammation in response to infection
» mostly in white matter (more elastic relative to those in the gray matter)
List the types of neuroglia in PNS and their locations/ structure/ functions
Satellite cells
- surround neuron cell bodies in ganglia
> Regulate O2, CO2, nutrient, and neurotransmitter levels around neurons in the ganglia -
Schwann cells
- surrounds all axons in PNS
> responsible for myelination of peripheral axons
> Participate in the repair process after injury
*ganglion (plural: ganglia): a collection of neural cell bodies outside the CNS (i.e. in the PNS)
compare/ contrast the locations of gray matter and white matter to one another in spinal cord
Gray matter is found deeper in comparison to the white matter, resembles H or butterfly. White matter is surrounding in graymatter.
The steps of transmembrane potential or action potential
- resting state
- depolarization
- repolarization
- hyperpolarization
Explain the resting state
1) when the neuron’s membrane potential is stable and all gated sodium and potassium channels are closed
- when the outtside the stimulation is large enough to bring the membrane potential in the neuron body up from -70mV to the threshold voltage of -55mV are higher (depolarization) > trigers the actional potential at the axon hillock, which the travel down the axon
Explain depolarization
when the cell membrane reaches the threshold (-55mv from -70mV) voltage, the voltage gated Na+ channel changes to an open position & Na+ rushes into the cell b/c of the electrochemical gradient
> makes the inside cell less negative
- when it reaches ‘0’ = depolarization
explain repolarization
up to +30mV = overshot
as the membrane potential becomes positive,
> sodium channel closed (inactivated)
> potassium channel open
= stop the flow of sodium ions into the cell, the poassium ions flow out of the cell b/c of its electrochemical gradient
> outside cell getting less negative relative to the inside cell (repolarization)
Absolute refractory period - prevents action potentials from happening again too quickly and from traveling backwards along the axons
Explain hyperpolarization
Because the potassium voltage gated channels take slower to close for a brief period
= membrane potential is hyperpolarized
> more negative than the resting potential (-90mV)
> the potassium channel close
Relatively refractory period - they’ll take a larger than usual stimulus (even tho the Na+ gate is opened (inactivated) b/c the cell is hyperpolarized due to K+ still leaving the cell
Explain after hyperpolarization
Becoming the resting state again, since the sodium-potassium pumps are still working
- the pump stores the chemical gradients by putting the sodium & potassium back in place
= more sodium out, mroe potassium in
compare/ contrast the locations of gray matter and white matter to one another in cerebrum
Gray matter is the outter layer which is called the cerebral cortex, the white matter is more central to the gray matter.
- gray matter coating the white matter
- other gray matter structures, like the basal ganglia, are embeded within this white matter core.
- the brain’s fluid filled ventricles are also found within the white matter
Explain how reflexes work and how they are used in a clinical setting
Refelexes can be used in a clinical setting to assess the health of your nervous system.
e.g. they can test your reflexes by tapping your patellar tendon to see how well your knee-jerk reflex works (stretch reflexes)
> an overactive, weak or absent reflex could indicate a medical condition
Demonstrate how to test specific reflexes
biceps reflex (stretch reflex)
- elicited this reflex by holding the subject’s elbow with your thumb pressed over the tendon of the biceps branch
- strike a sharp blow to your thumb with the reflex hammaar to stretch the tendon
» this reflex functions through the C5 and C6 of cervical spinal nerves -
triceps reflex (stretch reflex)
- have the subject flex his or her arm at the elbow, holding the wrist with the palm facing the body
- strike the triceps branchii tendon above the elbow with the pointed end of the reflex hammar
» this reflex functions through teh C7 and C8 spinal nerves -
patellar reflex
(knee reflex, knee jerk reflex)
- the subject should sit on the edge of a table with the leg suspended over the edge and completely relaxed.
- strike the patellar tendon, to elicite the reflex
»L2, L3, L4 of lumber spinal cord
* clonus can occur: a manifestation of hyperreflexia and indicates damgae within the central nervous system (CNS) -
plantar reflex
= superficial reflex
- stroke the sole of the foot with a sharp object such as a key.
- With certain types of damage to the pyramidal tract, however, the response to plantar stimulation is dorsiflection of the great toe and spreading of the other toes = Always pathological in adults, but normal in infants (Babinski’s sign)
» S1 and S2 of sacral spinal nerves
describe the relationship between the structure and function of nervous system cells and tissues
You are good if you know the locations/ functions/ structures of neurons and neuroglia
2 types of clinical reflexes
1) stretch reflexes: elicited by sharply tapping (percussing) an appropriate tendon or muscle. Also called jerk or myotactic reflexes
- the receptors (spindles) for these reflexes are located in the muscle, not the tendon.
- tapping a tendon stretches the muscle, which, activates the muscle spindle and triggers the reflex response
2) superficial reflexes (cutaneous reflexes): withdrawal reflexes elicited by noxious or tactile stimulation. Instead of using percussion, stroking or scratching the skin induces the reponse.
Explain the three ways that damage to the nervous system may affect reflexes in
- diminished/ absent reflex
- due to loss of muscle or of afferet/ efferent neurons or diminished muscle tone caused by aging, malnutrition or deliberate relaxation -
- the loss of inhibitory control of the motor cortex and upper motor neurons of the pyramidal tracks often accompanied by increased muscle tone -
pathological reflex
- the reflex response occurs in one or more muscles other than the one where the stimulus originates
accompanied: go along with