#6: the Skeletal system Flashcards
Identify a subset of the major bones of the body, as well as which side of the body they come from, by using their bone markings
Bone markings:
1) projections:
For bone connections: process
For attaching muscles, tendons, or ligaments: trochanter, crest, spine, tubercle, tuberosity
for joints: head, neck, facet, condyle, trochlea
2) opening
: foramen, fissure, canal
3) depressions
: fossa sulcus
- Subdivisions of the human skeleton:
a) the axial skeleton
- skull and jaw
- vertebral column, ribs and sternum
b) appendicular skeleton
- the limb girdle (shoulder girdle, pelvic girdle) - each limb girdle has..
a) pectoral girdle (upper limb = shoulder girdle)
- consists 2 bones: the clavicle (collarbone) and the scapula (shoulder blade)
b) pelvic girdle (lower limb)
- consists of 3 bones: ilium, ischium and the pubis (for an adult, those bones consolidated into the innominate bone or hip bone (=pelvic or coxal bone)
» the bony pelvis + the sacral + coccygeal vertebrae
*the skeleton of the free portions of the upper and lower limbs correspond w/ one another
explain how the structure of the skeletal system relates to its functions in the proper functioning of the human body
- protections of organs in the body
- supports the weight of the body
- blood cell productions
- provides movement
- storage of minerals
Explain how the skeletal system works with the muscular system to affect movement of the body
- skeletal muscles are usually attached to the bone by tendons, when the brain signals to a muscle contract, muscles shorten and pull on the bone, causing movement. When muscles contract, the tendon acts on the bone, causing movement.
what are the bone markings: projections, openings, and depressions of the bones?
Bone markings:
1) projections:
For bone connections: process
For attaching muscles, tendons, or ligaments: trochanter, crest, spine, tubercle, tuberosity
for joints: head, neck, facet, condyle, trochlea
2) opening
: foramen, fissure, canal
3) depressions
: fossa, sulcus
What are included in the upper limb?
The upper limb:
- arm bone = humerus
- forearm bones = radius, ulna
- hand bones = 8 carpals, 5 metacarpals
- digital bones = 3 phalanges per finger (thumb = 2)
Which bones are in the lower limb?
The lower limb:
- thigh bone = femur
- knee cap = patella
- lower leg bones = tibia, fibula
- foot bones = 7 tarsals, 5 metatarsals
- digital bones = 3 phalanges per toe (big toes = 2)
Axial skeleton
Cranial cavity:
- frontal
- parietal
- temporal
- occipital
- ethmoid
- sphenoid
- zygomatic
- maxilla
- mandible
Spinal cavity:
- atlas
- axis
- cervical vertebrae
- thoracic vertebrae
- lumber vertebrae
- sacrum
- coccyx
Thoracic cavity
: sternum, ribs
Appendicular Skeleton
Pectoral girdle:
- scapula
- clavicle
The upper limb:
- humerus
- radius
- ulna
- carpals
- metacarpals
- phalanges
Pelvic girdle:
- ilium
- ischium
- pubis
Lower limb:
- femur
- patella
- tibia
- fibula
- calcaneus
- tarsals
- metatarsals
- phalanges
Which bone makes up the innominate bones (hip bone)?
ilium, ischium, pubis
*tail bone: sacrum, coccyx
The bones of the skull (9):
frontal, parietal, temporal, occipital, zygomatic, ethmoid, sphenoid, maxilla and mandible
what’s in the pectoral girdle:
pectoral girdle (upper limb = shoulder girdle)
- consists 2 bones: the clavicle (collarbone) and the scapula (shoulder blade)
What is pelvic girdle:
pelvic girdle (lower limb)
- consists of 3 bones: ilium, ischium and the pubis (for an adult, those bones consolidated into the innominate bone or hip bone (=pelvic or coxal bone)
» the bony pelvis + the sacral + coccygeal vertebrae
The arm bones
humerus, ulna, radius
The leg bones
femur, patella, tibia, fibula
The hand bones
carpals, metacarpals, phalanges