8. Sterilization, Antiseptics and Disinfectants Flashcards
What is sterile?
no LIVING microorganisms are present - which is why we cannot be sterile
What is asepsis?
no PATHOGENIC organisms present - we can be surgically clean
What are the 4 categories that all things within an operating room fall into?
- Sterile - Absence of all living microorganisms including spores and pathogenic products
- Aseptic - Absence of pathogenic microorg. that cause infection
Ex. portion of a living creature can be surgically clean - Clean - Object or surface disinfected and not knowingly exposed to any pathogens, achieved by chemical disinfectant and scrubbing motion (mechanical)
- Contaminated - an object, animate or intimate, that is known to harbor pathogens - ex floor shoes pus and suspected infections
What is aseptic technique
all steps takent o prevent contam of sx site by infectious agents - properly sterilizing sx equipment, cleaning operating room, scrubbing and draping
risk doubles every house under GA
What are the two sources of microorganisms routes?
Exogenous route: Air, sx supplies, patients skin, sx team
Endogenous route: bacteremia: through the bloodstream
What is the surgical procedure designation of clean, clean-contaminated, contaminated and dirty
Clean: no break in asepsis during sx, the GI, resp and urinary tracts are not entered
Clean-contaminated: a contam area such as genitals, urinary or resp tract has been entered with no spread of contents
Contaminated: no infection present but spillage of viscera contents
Dirty: major break in asepsis. Sx that is infected or contaminated
Define sterilize
complete destruction or removal of all microorganisms and their pathogenic products
define disinfect
destruction or removal of vegetative pathogens but not bacterial endospores. usually referring to an inanimate object
Define disinfect
chemical applied to inanimate objects to destroy or inhibit vegetative pathogens. Chemicals typically too harsh to use on living tissue
define antiseptic
chemical applied to body surface to destroy or inhib vegetative pathogens
What is sterilization, how does it work?
process of destroying all microorgs. AND their pathogenic products (endotoxin and exotoxin)
Does nOT refer to prions (abnormal proteins) and may not destroy all plasmids
Used to maintain asepsis; both o prevent contam and to destroy contams
items then considered sterile
What are the 4 main methods of sterilization
sterilization by heat (moist heat or dry heat)
Chemical sterilization
ionizing radiation
What is steam sterilization
sterilization by moist heat
Item subjected to moist heat, at a predetermined temp, pressure, length of time
microbes destroyed by coagulation of protein, damages nucleic acids, destroys spores and prions
What is autoclaving?
placing steam under very high pressure to inc the temp to approx 120C
Pressure does not inc the killing effect but causes more heat to be required for water to boil
typical pressures in an autoclave are 20 psi (pounds per square inch)
What are the components of an autoclave?
airtight door w/ bolting mechanism to hold in pressure
metal chamber for holding materials to be autoclaved
Steam source and steam exhaust
pressure and temp gaugesH
How long does it take for an object to be sterilized w/ an autoclave. What can we use in it?
can use sterilized liquids, wrapped and unwrapped materials
What are some precautions when autoclaving
pack materials loosely
Containers w/ liquids - caps MUSt be loose or bottles explode, cannot fill to top as they’ll boil over, place bottles in tray to catch spills, allow pressure @ end of cycle to release slowly or there is risk of boiling over, overexpansion or explosion
ALWAYS open door a gap (bolts still engaged) allows pressurized steam to escape from chamber as rapid release = sever burns
NEEEVVERR autoclave alcohols, bleach, acids, formalin or anything noxious or flammable
What quality controls is there for autoclaving?
autoclave tape, fusible melting pellet glass, culture tests, chemical indicators, air removal test (prevacuum sterilizers)
What is autoclave tape?
placed on outside of an autoclave pack or container
Tape changes when reached 121C
does not indicate HOW LONG it was exposed to that temp so it should not be used as the only indicator of sterility
What are steam chemical indicator strips?
strips of paper w/ a chemical pellet that melts after reaching a certain temp for a certain amount of time
As pellet melts, a dark dye wicks along the strip of paper. must reach end of strip to be accepted
strips should be placed in center of each individual pack and the center of loaded autoclave to ensure sterility