7. Circulating and Scrub Nurse Duties Flashcards
What is asepsis?
absence of pathogenic microorganisms that cause infections - a surgically clean environment, not a sterile environment
What is sterile?
absence of all living microorganisms, including spores
along w/ aseptic techniques, most important practices to prevent infection
How can we maintain asepsis?
aseptic + sterile techniques
AORN’s “recommended practices for maintaining a sterile field”
aseptic technique used to maintain the absence of disease-causing organisms in the surgical enviro
Asepsis does not guarantee sterility
A surgical conscience requires acknowledging when a breach in asepsis or sterility has occurred and taking the necessary steps to address and correct it, even if no one else witnesses the breach
What is the sterile field?
any area covered w/ a sterile barrier (person, table, table cover, patient, gown, grape)
Scrubbed personnel: functions within sterile field
Maintained and monitored continuously by sx team, never left unattended
What are the sterile parts of the surgical gown?
chest to lvl of sterile field, 2 “ above sleeve elbow to edge of cuffWha
What are the unsterile parts of surgical gown?
neckline, shoulders, bottom of cuff, lower portion of gown, back of gown
What are sterile surgical drapes?
barriers btw sterile and non-sterile areas
Covers entire animal, sx table, equipment
Strike through contam: liquid soaking thru drape from sterile to unsterile area
How is sterility maintained?
nonsterile personnel should only touch nonsterile items, never reach over sterile field
Sterile personnel can only touch sterile items or areas, always face sterile field, neckline/back/armpit area not sterile, hands stay above waist-below shoulders
What are the responsibilities of the surgical technician?
Do no distract surgeon, perform careful planning, prepare everything needed for sx, assist as sx assistant if necessary, assist as a circulating nurse if necessary, monitor anesthetized patients, have a knowledge of particular sx procedure, instruments, and aseptic and sterile techniques, anticipate surgeon’s needs
What is the role of the circulating nurse?
may be responsible for the final sterile pre of the patient
assist sterile personnel w/ owning
open packs and supplies
assists w/ draping as needed
is a runner for the sx team
b4 opening packs, ensuring someone can take them/area is prepared to receive item
What do we need to check before opening items to be used in the surgical field
Check for tears or holes in the outer package
Check that the autoclave tape has changed color and is not torn
Check seal of the package to ensure it is secure
Check the package itself: if it looks worn, like it is opening or is over-handled, consider it contaminated
once page is opened, check indicator strip if visible, check date writing on autoclave tape
Open w/o contam contents or sterile field (1” of sterile wraps considered non-sterile)
Sterile person may lift item straight out of package w/o touching any edge of package or tossed onto fild
How do we open peel-away packs
Hold packet only at outer ends w/ both hands, grasp w/ thumbs and slowly peel open
Open, dispense, and transfer methods that maintain sterility and integrity of product
How are linen wrapped packs opened by the circulating nurse?
Will unwrap both layers of the linen pack
sterile supplies are opened by unwrapping the flap furthest away first, the sides next and the nearest flap last - never reach across or over a sterile area to open the final flap
How do we open a new gown and glove?
Open on a clean, flat, dry surface in the surgery room
For gown: open distant flap first, then side flaps, and nearest flap last - NEVER reach across surgical pack
For gloves: unfold top and bottom edges of the paper wrap, place your hands under the side flaps and pull packet open