8. Pulse Oximetry Flashcards
how many hemoglobin per RBC
300 million
hemoglobin subunits
4 subunits
each subunit contains a heme group
heme group
porphyrin ring
iron (site of oxygen binding)
how may oxygen molecules can 1 hemoglobin bind?
4 subunits
each bind 1 oxygen
= 4 total oxygen per hemoglobin
how many oxygen molecules per RBC
over 1 billion oxygen molecules
percentage of blood that is red blood cells
blood components
white blood cells (thrombocytes)
red blood cells (RBCs)
normal male hematocrit
normal female hematocrit
hematocrit vs hemoglobin lab values
Hct = 3xHb
hematocrit units
hemoglobin units
concentration (g/dL)
decrease in hemoglobin and/or hematocrit
- decr Hct will result in decr Hb (directly proportional)
anemia Hb
<6.5 g/dL
<65 g/L
anemia Hct
Causes of anemia
fluid administration
- dilutes [Hb]
blood loss
- decr Hb
lysed RBCs
- destroyed Hb
renal insufficiency/failure
-decr erythropoietin (EPO) production. –> less RBCs
partial pressure of O2 in the alveoli
cannot measure
can calculate
PAO2 factors
primarily determined by pt FiO2
- incr FiO2 = incr PAO2
- decr FiO2 = decr PAO2
barometric pressure
- higher alt: decr press = decr FiO2
minute ventilation (minimally)
- changing breathing rate does not really help
partial pressure of O2 in the arteries
portion of O2 that dissolves in blood
1.5% of all O2 in body
measured by blood sample
what percentage of O2 in the body is bound to hemoglobin?
PaO2 factors
determined by PAO2
- decr PAO2 = decr PaO2 (room air)
- incr PAO2 = incr PaO2 (supp O2)
not affected by Hct (RBC levels) or SaO2
normal PaO2
80-100 mmHg (room air)
decreases w/age
normal PaO2 for healthy pts calculation
PaO2 ~ 5x FiO2
low PaO2 causes
lung disease
problems w/alveolar capillary gas exchange
PaO2 can be a quick indicator of
if the pt has healthy or unhealthy lungs
% of Hb that is saturated w/O2
directly measured: blood sample
indirect measure: pulse ox
SaO2 factors
Primarily determined by PaO2
- lower PaO2 = lower SaO2
- higher PaO2 = higher SaO2
supplementary O2 impacts to SaO2
supp O2 incr PAO2
(incr FiO2)
incr PAO2 = incr PaO2
(incr diffusion of O2 into blood)
incr PaO2 = incr SaO2
( Hb can soak up more O2)
Other factors that impact SaO2
2,3 DPG
Carboxyhemoglobin levels
Methemoglobin levels
these alter the way Hb soaks up O2
A-a Gradient
difference in PAO2 and PaO2
- PAO2 (lungs) vs PaO2 (blood)
should be small in healthy pts w/good lung diffusion
normal A-a Gradient
room air: 5-15mmHg
100% FiO2: 10-110mmHg
widened A-a Gradient
expected w/lung disease
-impaired alveolar/capillary diffusion
PAO2 = normal
- O2 can still get into alveoli
PaO2 = decreased
- more difficult to get O2 into blood
Oxyhemoglobin Dissociate Curve
shows how PaO2 determines SaO2
PaO2 = 60 mmHg
SaO2 = 90%
PaO2 = 27 mmHg
SaO2 = 50%
Right Shift HbO2
Hb less affinitive f/O2
- wants to release O2 to tissues
- better tissue perfusion
Same level of O2 in blood
– Pa O2 no change
Hb unable to saturate as much w/O2
– SaO2 lower
If you want to incr SaO2 with a right shift, you need to increase PaO2
Right Shift HbO2 causes
acidosis (decr pH)
hypventilation (incr CO2)
incr 2,3-DPG
when you want better O2 delivery to tissues
Bohr effect
right shift
PaCo2 incr
O2 displaced from Hb
Left Shift HbO2
Hb more affinitive f/O2
- worse tissue perfusion
Same level of O2 in blood
– PaO2 no change
It does not take much O2 to achieve same SaO2
Left Shift HbO2 causes
alkalosis (incr pH)
hyperventialtion (decr CO2)
decr 2,3-DPG
CO poisoning (carboxy Hb)
CN poisoning (cyano Hb)
methemoglobinemia (metheoglobin)
the PaO2 which will cause a SaO2 of 50%
P50 of 27
when the PaO2 is 27mmHg
the SaO2 of an adult is 50%
High P50
right shift
Hb less affinitive for O2
better tissue perfusion
Low P50
left shift
Hb more affinitive for O2
worse tissue perfusion
P50 Sickle Cell anemia (HbS)
31 mmHg
want to be less affinitive for O2 to increase tissue perfusion
P50 Pregnancy
30 mmHg
want mom to be less affinitive for O2 to donate more O2 to the baby
P50 fetal
19 mmHg
baby is more affinitive for O2 to steal more O2 from mom
P50 packed RBC
18 mmHg
low due to depleted 2,3-DPG
SaO2 Direct Measurement
draw arterial blood sample
- blood gas
SaO2 Indirect Measurement
pulse oximetry
not always accurate
SpO2 monitor
- finger volume changes
pulse rate
what indicates adequate pulse measurement in SpO2?
adequate waveform
Oxyegenated Hb light absorption
absorbs more IR (940 nm)
allows more RED to pass (660nm)
De-oxygenated Hb light absorption
absorbs more RED (660 nm)
allows more IR to pass (940nm)
when is the pulse oximeter accurate?
if it has a good waveformc
Causes of bad SpO2 waveform
blood pressure cuff on same side
- flattens SpO2 wave on inflation
conditions that decr BF to fingers
- hypotension
- vasoconstriction (NE infusion)
- cold extremities (hyperthermia)
- low cardiac output
SpO2 probe placement
Best: opposite arm as BP cuff
(same side as IV)
NIBP cuff placement
opposite side as IV
alternative pulse ox placements
ear clip
nose clip
closer to heart = respond more quickly to SpO2 changes
(more accurate)
SpO2 accuracy
95% accurate when SpO2 >70%
(more inaccurate as SpO2 decreases)
bad SpO2 waveform treatment
ear/nose probe
treat hypotension (if present)
warm up extremities
SpO2 HR and ECG HR relationship
should be equal
if not equal, look for the bad waveform.
Trust the one with the good waveform.
Low SpO2
Normal SaO2 Causes
false low reading
bade waveform
diagnostic IV dye (MB,indigo carmine)
dark nail polish
Low SaO2
Normal SpO2
false normal reading
CO poisoining
CN toxicity
CO poisoning
CO binds to Hb
- CO is 230x more affinitive for Hb
displaces O2
- decr SaO2
caboxyhemoglobin forms (COHb)
CO absorbs light in same was as O2
- normal SpO2 reading
COHb Formation Causes
smoking/smoke inhalation
- nonsmokers: 1%
- smokers: 8-10% (SpO2: 90%)
dried out CO2 absorbant (old type)
CO2 absorbant old type fun facts
degradation of VA can produce CO
risk increases w/dried out absorbant
new CO2 absorbant doesnt degrade VA into CO or compound A
CO Poisoning Diagnosis
SaO2: decreased (hypoxic)
SpO2: normal or elevated
- COHb absorbs same RED as O2
- SpO2 thinks COHb is O2
PaO2: no change
No cyanosis
- Hb is still bound (skin pink/red)
2 methods to confirm CO poisoning
arterial blood gas lab
- SaO2
- carboxyhemoglobin saturation
- % methemoglobin
- special pulse ox for CO detection
what has a higher effect on tissue perfusion: SaO2 or PaO2?
CO poisoning treatment
administer 100% O2
- awake: mask
- unconscious: intubate (mech)
CN- poisoning
CN- bind to Hb
displace O2
creates cyanohemoglobin (CNHb)
decreased SaO2 (hypoxia)
CN- poisoning diagnosis
SaO2: decreased SaO2 (hypoxia)
PaO2: normal
SpO2: normal
No cyanosis
2 methods to confirm CN- poisoning
arterial blood gas
causes of CN- poisoning
high nitroprusside (nipride)
smoke inhalation
CN- poisoning treatment
Sodium nitrate
Sodiam thiosulfate
formation of methemoglobin
iron is oxidized
- Fe2+ to Fe3+
Causes of MetHb
high dose nitroprusside
high dose nitroglycerine
local anesthetic in pharynx
- benxocaine
- cetacaine
chemical workers
- factory/mine/pesticides
extremely potent vasodilator
light sensitive so covered w/ bag
less potent than nipride
more common
can be bolused
MetHb diagnosis
SaO2: decreased (hypoxia)
- unable to bind O2
SpO2 reading: 85%
PaO2: no change
Why does the SpO2 read 85% for MetHb
absorbs identical amounts of Red (660nm) and IR (940nm) light
MetHb treatment
methylene blue