8. HIV Flashcards
What conditions are associated with severe HIV?
Oral thrush - candida albicans Kaposi's sarcoma - raised purple lesions Pneumocystis pneumonia (PCP)
What is the outcome of patients with HIV?
Chronic infection (no cure) but no disability if managed properly.
What is the structure of viruses?
Genome - either RNA or DNA, ds or ss
Capsid protein coat around genome - helical, icosahedral
Lipid envelope/ unenveloped - from host cell membranes
What type of virus is HIV?
Retrovirus - ssRNA gest converted to DNA in cells, transcription into sRNA again.
What is the structure of HIV?
Which cells does HIV infect?
CD4+ cells
- T helped lymphocytes
- Monocytes, macrophages
How does HIV damage hosts?
- Destroys the CD4+ cells
- Inflammation
- Spreads to/infects more cells
How is HIV transmitted?
Sexual contact
Contaminated needles
Vertical - breast milk, transplacental, birth canal
How does HIV enter CD4+ cells?
Binds to CD4 and co-receptors, fuses with the cell and contents released into the cell.
Once in the cell, how does HIV virus replicate?
- Reverse transcription of viral sRNA to DNA by reverse transcriptase enzyme
- Integration of viral DNA into host genome by integrate enzyme.
- Transcription of viral DNA during host replication.
- Budding of immature virus
- Maturation of immature virus - proteases
What symptoms and signs might be present during the primary infection stage of HIV?
Flu-like or asymptomatic
What happens during the primary infection phase of HIV?
Viral load is very high as virus enters tissue and lymph nodes, temporary drop in CD4+ cells.
What happens in the latent infection phase?
Viral load decreases to a viral “set point”
The lower the set point, the longer it takes for viral load to increase again.
Which stage(s) of HIV progression are asymptomatic?
Primary infection can be asymptomatic
Latent phase is asymptomatic
How long can the latent phase last?
Months- years