8. Ecology Flashcards
What is a population?
Group of individuals of the same species living in a general area
What is population ecology?
The study of factors affecting the size of a population
What 4 main factors affect the size of a population?
How can populations change over time (general trends)?
Grow to reach a stable size
Fluctuates irregularly
Rise and fall in regular cycles
What is intra-specific comeptition?
Competition for resources between between members of the same population / species
What is inter-specific competition?
Competition for resources between between members of different population / species
True or false: Populations have structure
True. Structured by age, sex and spatial structure.
True or false: Populations are unregulated
False. Populations are regulated.
True or false: Populations don’t generally change over time
False. Populations are dynamic over time
What is a survivorship curve?
A plot of the proportion of a cohort still alive at each age.
This shows the pattern of survivorship for a population
How many survivorship curves are there and what are they called?
3 - Type I, II, III
Describe the environment that type I organisms may be found
Mortality highest in older age classes
Found in long lived species
Living in a stable environment
Iteroparous (reproduction spread throughout lifetime)
Describe the environment that type II organisms may be found
Mortality constant throughout life
Found in short-medium lived species
Living in a relatively stable environment
Iteroparous (reproduction spread throughout lifetime)
Describe the environment that type III organisms may be found
High mortality in juveniles
Short lived species
Often semelparous - reproduction in a single breeding event
Unpredictable and temporary environments
Describe the type I survivorship curved
Describe the type II survivorship curved
Describe the type III survivorship curved
What does it mean for a species to be intermediate in survivorship
Do not fit in perfectly to each type of survivorship as they can show more complex patterns.
True or false: Survivorship patterns for the same species will always be the same
False: Survivorship curves can differ among populations within a single species
What can population pyramids be used to visualise?
Population structure by age and sex
What is spatial structure of a population?
How can organisms be dispersed?
Random dispersion
Uniform dispersion
Clumped dispersion
Describe random dispersion
Position of each individual is independent of other individuals
What causes random dispersion?
Occurs in the absence of strong competition or constant distribution of key physical or chemical factors
Describe uniform / regular dispersion
What causes uniform dispersion?
seeking ideal factors
territorial animals
planted crops
Describe clumped dispersion
Individuals aggregate in patches
What causes clumped population
Aggregate in areas of high resource availability or favourable physical conditions
Mating behaviour and group predation or defence against predators can also influence clumped dispersions
Define population growth
The rate of change at each instant in time
dN/dt = rN
(where r = per capita change in population size, N at each instant in time)
r = intrinsic rate of increase