8 directive principles Flashcards
Article 36?
Definition of state under dpsp
Article 37
Application of the principles contained in the part 4 dpsp
Equal justice and free legal aid article
Organisation of village panchayat article
Article 40
Right to work, to education and public assistant in certain cases article
Article 41
Provisions for just and human conditions of work and maternity relief article
Promotion of cooperative societies article
Uniform civil code for the citizens article
Article 44
Provision for early childhood care and education to children below the age of 6 years article
Article 45
Promotion of educational and economic interests of scheduled caste schedule tribes and other weaker sections article
Article 46
Duty of the state to raise the level of nutrition and the standard of living and to improve public health article
Article 47
Organisation of agriculture and animal husbandry article
Article 48
Protection and improvement of environment and safeguarding of forests and wildlife article
Article 48a
Protection of monuments and places and objects of national importance article
Article 49
Separation of judiciary from executive article
Article 50
Promotion of international peace and security article
Article 51
The directives principles of state policy are enumerated in which part of the constitution
Part 4 from article 36 to 51
From where did the Indian constitution take the idea for dpsp
Irish Constitution of 1937 which borrowed from Spanish constitution
Who described the director principles of State policy as the constitution novel features
BR Ambedkar
Who described the directive principles and fundamental rights as conscience of the constitution
Granville Austin
Relation of the term state in dpsp in comparison to that in fundamental rights is
The term state in part 4 as the same meaning as it has part 3 that is fundamental rights
Which section of the Government of India act 1935 do dpsp share similarity
Instruments of instruction
Which part of the constitution shows that India desires to be welfare state not a police state
DPSP art 36 to 51 part 4 of the constitution
What is the nature of directive principles of State policy
Online fundamental rights these are non justiciable in nature
Which article tells the non justiciable nature of DPSP
Article 37 application of the principles contained in this part
Classification of directive principles in the constitution
The constitution does not contain any classification of directive principles
Which article contains the provision to promote the welfare of people by securities social order permitted by justice social economical and political and minimize in equalities
Article 38
Artical containing the provision of prevention of consultation of wealth and means of production
Artical 39 provision c
Which article contains the provision of the right to adequate means of livelihood for all citizens
Article 39 first provision
Which article contains the provision of the equitable distribution of material resources of the community for the common good
Article 39 second provision
Which article contains the provision for equal pair for equal work for men and women
Article 39 4th provision
Which article contains the provision for preservation of the health and strength of workers and children against forcible abuse
Article 39 fifth provision
Which article contains the provision for opportunities for healthy development of children
Article 39 6th provision
Which article has the provision to secure the right to work, to education and to public assistance in cases of unemployment old age sickness and disablement
Article 41
Which DP SP article contains the provision to organised village panchayat
Article 40
Both like khadi development board which promote cottage industries are in support of which directive principles article
Article 43
Promote the education and economic interest of SC ST and other sections of the society is mentioned in which article
Article 46
Prohibit the conception of intoxicating drinks and drugs which are injurious to health is mentioned in which article
Article 47
Which article is related to prohibit the slaughter of cows
Article 48
Which dpsp articles were added by 42nd CAA 1976
39: to secure opportunities for healthy development of children39A: to promote equal justice and to provide free legal aid to the poor43A: to take steps to secure the participation of workers in the management of industries48A: to protect improve your environment and to safeguard forest and wildlife
Which dpsp articles were added by 44th CAA 1978
38: to minimise inequalities in income, status, facilities, and opportunities
Which dpsp articles added by 86th CAA 2002
Changed subject matter of article 45 and made elementary education a fundamental right under article 21A
Dpsp added by 97th CAA 2011
43B: to promote voluntary formation autonomous functioning, democratic control and professional management of cooperative societies
Which member of the constituent assembly suggested to divide the rights of citizens into justiciable and non justiciable
Sir BN Rao constitutional advisor
Which article makes clear that the dpsp principals are fundamental in the governance of the country and its shall be the duty of the state to apply these principles in making laws
Article 37
Who said the following statement “if all the principles of dpsp are fully carried outcomma our country would indeed be heaven on earth “
MC chagla former chief justice of India
In which landmark judgement did the supreme court rule that directive principles have to confirm to run as a subsidiary to the fundamental rights and fundamental rights could be amended by parliament
Champak Ram dorai Rajan case of 1951
In which landmark judgement did supreme court rule that fundamental rights are sacrosanct in nature and cannot be amended for dpsp
Golaknath case 1967
After the supreme court judgement on the golaknath case 1967 the parliament reacted how
Parliament enacted 24th amendment act 1971 and 25th amendment act 1971 and inserted article 31c whose second provision prohibited the court from questioning which was later declared unconstitutional with keshavanand Bharati case 1973
In which landmark judgement did the supreme court first mentioned the basic structure of constitution
Keshavanand Bharati case 1973
How did the parliament react to supreme court order of keshavanand Bharati case 1973
The enacting the 42nd amendment act and positioning the supremacy of dpsp over the fundamental rights conferred by articles 14 19 and 31. This was declared unconstitutional with Minerva Mills case 1980
In which case extension declared by 42 amendment act 1976 was declared unconstitutional
Minerva Mills case 1980
In which landmark judgement did the supreme court said that the Indian constitution is founded on the bedrock of the balance between fundamental rights and directive principles
Minerva Mills case 1980
When was planning commission established and then replaced by niti aayog
Established 1950 replaced in 2015
Which constitutional amendment established the National commission for scheduled caste and schedule tribe
65th amendment act of 1990
OBC reservation was facilitated by which amendment act
103 of 2019
Which act gave legs to article 50
The criminal procedure code of 1973 separated the judiciary from the executive in the public service of the state
Freedom from attending religious instruction article
Article 28
Protection of interest of minorities article
Article 29
Under hurting 29 any educational institution maintained by the state or receiving aid of state funds cannot discriminate on the grounds only of
Only of religion race caste or language
The two provisions of article 29 which protects the rights of a group and which protects the right of an individual
Nautical 29 the first provision protection rights of a group while the second provision protect the rights of an individual
What kind of minority is does the article 29 give protection to
Both religious minorities and linguistic minorities
Why did the supreme court hold that under article 29 protection is not only for minorities but for majority also
In the first provision of article 29 because of the use of the words “section of the citizens”
Right of minorities to establish and administer education institutions article
Article 30
When the 44th amendment act of 1978 delete the right to property as a fundamental right what did it do for protection of minorities properties
That the compensation of any property of a minority educational institution shall not restrict the right guaranteed to them
Articles under cultural and education rights: which right protects minorities and which protects all the sections of the citizens
Artical 30 is confined only to the minorities and article 29 contains the words section of the citizens
According to Dr Ambedkar what makes the fundamental rights real
Article 32 which gives the right to constitutional remedies
What is habeas Corpus
Literally means to have the body ofCan we issued against both public authorities as well as private individuals to produce the body of the detainee
What is mandamus writ
Literally means we commandIssued by the court to a public official asking them to perform their duties
What is a prohibition writ
Literally means to forbidHe should buy a higher code to Alwar court that is it can be issued only against judicial and quasi judicial authorities to forbid them from wrong actions
What is certiorari writ
Literally means to be certifiedIt is issued by a higher to a lower court or a tribunal or administrative authority to transfer a case pending with the latter to itself
What is a quo warranto writ
Literally means by what authority or warrantIssued by the court to enquire into the legality of claim of a person to a public officeThis can even be sort by any interested person and not necessarily by the aggreaved person
Which writ can be sort by any interested person and not only the aggrieved person
Quo warranto
Which article empowers the parliament to restrict or agrogate the fundamental rights of members of armed forces police forces etc
Article 33
From where is the concept of martial law has been implemented
From the English common law
Which article least on the power to make loss auto give effect to certain specified fundamental rights only to parliament and not the state
Article 35
Which articles were repealed by the 44th amendment act of 1978 to abolished the right to property
Repeat article 19(1) and 31
In which two cases compensation is mandatory when the government acquires a property
Site acquired from the property of a minority education institution article 30Landheld by the person under his personal cultivation and the land is within the statutory ceiling limit article 31a
Why is the scope of article 31 b wider than article 31 a
Because article 31 b saves the acts a regulations included in the 9th schedule
On which date after were the new provision added to 9th schedule came under judicial review
24th April 1973 keshavanand Bharati case
Who called the Indian constitution a Paradise for lawyers
Sir Ivor jennings
When was Magna Carta the charter of rights issued by which king
In 1215 by King John of England
The provision for cooperative societies were made by which constitutional amendment act
97 2011