8. Cerebellum Flashcards
cerebellum: functions
- regulation of upper motor neuron activity
- coordinating movement
- matching actual movement w/ intended movement (by detecting and reducing motor error)
motor learning: define
the process of improving motor skills through practice, with long-lasting changes in the capability for responding.
key players: cerebellum and basal nuclei play a major role in such coordination.
where in the hierarchy of volitional motor control does the cerebellum fall?
affects upper motor neurons of the brainstem centers (basic movements and postural control)
cerebellum: location
posteriorly in the brain
inferior to the occipital lobe
dorsal to pons and medulla
what are the 2 components to the cerebellum?
- cerebellar CORTEX
- deep cerebellar nuclei
general organization of the cerebellum: (rule of 3s)
- 3 anatomic subdivisions of cerebellar cortex (sagittal plane)
- 3 anatomic lobes of cerebellar cortex in horizontal plane
- 3 functional subdivisions of the cerebellar corted
- 3 deep cerebellar nuclei
- 3 main fiber tracts (peduncles) for inputs/outputs
- 3 major clinical syndromes
3 anatomic divisions of cerebellar cortex in sagittal plane
- Midline: Vermis and nodulus
- Intermediate: Paravermal region of cerebellar hemisphere
- Lateral: Lateral region of cerebellar hemisphere & flocculus
which anatomic region of the cerebellum contains the NODULUS?
(part of the vestibulocerebellum)
which anatomic region of the cerebellum contains the VERMIS?
(part of spinocerebellum)
which anatomic region of the cerebellum contains the FLOCCULUS?
locate the VERMIS, NODULUS, and FLOCCULUS in the view from the 4th ventricle
vermis and nodulus: on midline
flocculus laterally
3 anatomic lobes of the cerebellum & locations
- floccolondular: anterior to posterolateral fissue on inferior surface
- anterior lobe: anterior to primary fissue
- posterior: between primary fissue and posterolateral fissure
which fissure separates the 2 anatomic lobes:
anterior lobe and posterior lobe
primary fissure
which fissure separates the following 2 anatomic lobes?
flocculonodular lobe & posterior lobe
posterolateral fissure
3 functional subdivisions of cerebellar cortex
- CEREBROcerebellum
- SPINOcerebellum
- VESTIBULOcerebellum
VESTIBULOcerebellum: structures
flocculolondular lobe (connects w/ vestibular system)
this includes both the flocculus and the nodulus
SPINOcerebellum: structures
vermis and intermediate zone (particularly in anterior lobe), which connects w/ the spinal cord
lateral part of cerebellar hemispheres; (particularly in the posterior lobe) which connects w/ the cerebral cortex
function of the subdivision:
regulates movements to control posture and balance, gaze, and VOR (vestibulo-ocular reflex)
function of the subdivision:
regulates gross limb movements & gait
function of the subdivision:
regulates highly skilled movements, complex spatial and temporal sequences of movement (incl. speech, visually guided coordination of ongoing movement, motor planning)