2. Spinal cord Flashcards
structure of spinal cord
- segmental
- spinal cord ends at L1
spinal cord: functions
- processing sensory information
- movement
- regulating visceral functions
review anatomical planes:
- coronal (frontal)
- sagittal (median)
- axial (transverse, horizontal)
what is found in WHITE MATTER?
axon bundles; ascending and descending
what is found in GRAY MATTER?
neuronal cell bodies
white matter territories and if motor/sensory
- VENTRAL (anterior) funiculus : mostly MOTOR
- LATERAL funiculus: (BOTH) mostly mostly, some sensory
DORSAL (posterior) funiculus: ONLY SENSORY
- Fasiculus gracilis: found at all cord levels
- Fasiculus cuneatus: present from C1-T6
gray matter territories
- dorsal/posterior horn
- ventral/anterior horn
- medial motor neurons (M)
- lateral motor neurons (L)
does amount of white/gray matter change at different spinal levels?
why or why not?
yes, because there are spinal enlargements for upper limbs and lower limbs. *The cervical and lumbar enlargements of the spinal cord result from enlargement of the gray matter that contains the neural machinery necessary to operate the limbs
- cervical enlargement (C5-T1)
- lumbosacral enlargement (L2-S2)
describe the blood supply of the spinal cord?
- posterior spinal arteries
- anterior spinal artery
each spinal segment has:
dorsal and ventral roots –> come together to form spinal nerves
dorsal root ganglion: define
swelling on the dorsal roots; contains the cell bodies of sensory neurons
how does information flow from periphery to spinal cord?
- From periphery:
- sensory axons from skin, muscle spindles, etc
- sensory axons from visceral organs
- Cell bodies of sensory neurons are found in dorsal root ganglion
where are cell bodies of sensory neurons found?
dorsal root ganglion
pathways for sensory axons
- central processes enter the spinal cord gray matter
- **can synapse on cells in dorsal horn (more often), OR
- ascend to other levels
pathway of MOTOR INFORMATION from the spinal cord
Exits the gray matter of the spinal cord:
- motor neurons from ventral horn send axons out to innervate skeletal muscles (aka lower motor neurons, or alpha motor neurons)
- motor neurons from the lateral gray matter send axons to innervate neurons that control viscera (cardiac muscle, glands, etc)