8: Breast cancer Flashcards
Menstrual hx- risk factors
Early menarche: 55yrs
Age- risk factor
3/4 of all breast cancers seen in pts >50yrs
Pregnancy- risk factors
Late age at first pregnancy: >30yrs
Nulliparity: no pregnancy
Obesity or Overweight- risk factors
- Adult weight gain of 20- 25kg
- Western pattern diet
- Sedentary lifestyle
- Regular, moderate consumption of alcohol
Oral contraceptives & Hormone replacement therapy- risk factors
- Current users of OC-> risk goes down since discontinuance
- Post-menopausal HRT (esp. combination HRT [progesterone+estrogen])
- -Combination HRT is contraindicated in women with prior Hx of breast CA or a strong family Hx**
mammary Paget’s disease- sx
-chronic, eczematous eruption of the nipple
Inspections of the breast- 4 positions
- Arms at sides
- Arms over head
- Hands pressed against hips
- Leaning forward
Lateral portion of the breast
-roll onto the opposite hip
-hand on forehead but keeping the shoulders pressed against the bed or examining table
Medial portion of the breast
-lie with shoulders flat against the bed
-hand at neck and lifting elbow until is even with the shoulder
Dx of mass
Best time: day 5-7 of menstrual cycle
- Palpation-> Aspiration/US-> Mammogram-> Biopsy
- palpable mass not visualized on ultrasound must be presumed to be solid
Triple diagnosis
- palpation
- mammogram
- fine needle aspiration
Breast self-exam (BSE)
Best time day 5-7 of menses
- Look at your breast in the mirror
- Repeat step 1 in different positions
- Examine your breasts lying down
- in the shower
Clinical breast exam- screen
- by physican
- at least once per year after 40yrs women with risk factor
- at least every 3yrs for ages 20-39
Screening mammography
-Recommend annual or biannual mammography to women past 40yrs
Breast biopsy- non palpable lesions
-Ultrasound localization: used when mass is present
-Stereotactic localization: used when no mass is present (microcalcification)
Types of biopsy
-Fine needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB- low complication rate, less scarring, low cost)
-Core-needle biopsy & Open biopsy (permit analysis of breast tissue architecture, show if invasive cancer is present-> IMP for management)**
Surgical excision
-Needle (wire) localization biopsy
Breast biopsy- palpable lesions
- FNA is nearly 100% accuracy
- -clinical, radiographic, and pathologic findings should be in concordance*