7: Adrenal gland disorders Flashcards
Cortisol- action
- required for the actions of catecholamine (so indirectly it helps with stress)
- Protein: breaks down-> mobilize it to liver for gluconeogenesis
- Fat: lipolysis-> gluconeogenesis
- Carbs: increase blood glucose level (anti-insulin; can cause DM)
- Anti-inflammatory
- Immunosuppressive
- Inhibit fibroblasts
- also causes HTN
Adrenal- info
Medulla: secrete Catecholamine (helps deal with stress, sympathetic)
-Aldosterone (G) (affectss distal tubule of the kidney)
-Glucocorticoids (it comes out of both F & R)**
Cushing’s syndrome
Exogenous- Steroid intake (look for “no medical hx” to rule out) (MCC)
-Pituitary adenoma (Cushing’s disease)
-Adrenal adenoma
-Ectopic ACTH secreting tumor (small cell carcinoma of lung, carcinoid tumor of thymus, pancreatic cancer)
Truncal obesity- cc
Cortisol receptors are mainly in periphery
Insulin receptors are mainly in central part of body
Purple striation
Striation has pit due to loss of protein-> subcutaneous tissue (you dont see pitting of striation in pregnancy**)
Purple: blood vessels are fragile so see internal bleeding
Hirstism and Male pattern balding on Cushings
Slight increase in adrogen due to cortisol is produced in Reticularis also.
Dont affect males enough but females get that kind of sx
Fragile bones in Cushing
Decreased absorption of Ca++ by GI
Cushing’s syndrome- additional sx
Prolonged period of increased Cortisol (4-6 weeks effect starts, takes 1yr for the effect to go away)***
- Decreased: GnRH, CRH, Dopamine, TRF, GHRH
Amenorrhea, abortion, galactorrhea
Loss of pubic hair, growth retardation in child, hypothyroidism
Cushing- investigation
Urinary free cortisol test (False positive: stress, alcohol, obesity, CRF, anorexia, exercise, illness)
Dexomethasone suppression test
CRH stimulation (positive: PA)
Inferior petrosal sinus sample
Dexomethasone suppression test (4 different kinds)
Over night (11pm-> 8am: since a surge comes in the morning)
-Low dose (1mg): >10ug/dL: Cushing’s syndrome
-High dose (8mg): suppression means Pituitary adenoma
-Low dose: in case dont wanna give high dose to start with. could suppress and means PA or not and try high dose
-High dose: suppression means Pituitary adenoma
Now look at ACTH in case of no suppression
-High: ectopic
-Low: adrenal adenoma (due to negative feedback)
Inferior sinus sampling
Take sample from inferior petrosal sinus-> if ACTH is 3 times high than periphery, it is pituitary adenoma
-since pituitary drain to the IP sinus
Confirmatory test for Cushings
Cushing- rx
Removal of tumor: adenoma Treat accordingly: carcinoma Radiotherapy preferred: -Child -Post-op tumor recurrence Suppress adrenal glands: drugs (ketoconazole**)
Aldosteronism- cc
Retain sodium and water (HTN-> LV hypertrophy), Lose K+ and H+ (Arrhythmia, Metabolic alkalosis) (low K cause prominent U waves)
Primary (Con syndrome): adrenal adenoma, Bilateral nudular hyperplasia, adenocarcinoma (Ddx by bx and see if its bilaterally increased or unilaterally)
-high aldosterone-> low renin* (ratio higher than 25)
Secondary (Barter’s syndrome): hypovolumia, renal artery stenosis
-high renin*-> increased aldosterone
Saline stimulation test
Correct the hypovolumia-> Secondary aldosteronism gets better