8 - Agglomeration Economies & Externalities Flashcards
Some facts about Agglomeration - how is the distribution
- spatial distributon of population and economic activities extremely unequal
- income & GDP are concentrated in a small number of countries
-> agglomerations are pervasive!
how about the spatial distribution within the countries?
we have large metropolises (Paris) as well as specialised cities or regions (Silicon Valley)
internal structure of cities
Agglomeration at smaller scales, e.g. commercial districts as shops & restaurants cluster in neighborhoods or a single street
or shopping mall
reasons for the existence of cities
- supply of public services
- a city exhibits increasing returns to scale
- large number of people faciliates the mutual provision of collective services (public transp., health care services, ..)
Evidence for the increasing returns to scale?
studies have shown that doubling a city size more than double the output
correlation of wages and density of economic activities is impressive!!
4 Reasons for Agglomeration
but not too important as its not economic relevant
reasons to cluster together
1) sociological -> you like to interact with people
2) psychological -> afraid of being alone
3) historicals -> your grandfather already lived where you live now
4) cultural -> incomparable atmosphere
why arelarger (denser) cities more productive & have higher wage rates?
1) increasing returns to scale
2) external economies (positive externalities)
what would happen in case of constant return?
so alrge group of firms in the same place -> high demand for land and labor -> increasing costs -> reducing profitability
–> Cluster will probably disappear
what would happen in case of increasing returns?
increasing efficiency will compensate the increased prices
-> attracting even more firms -> implying more growth and investment
–> cumulative local growth process
Internal EOS
reducing average costs by increasing production volume
External EOS
Agglomeration effects arising from the geographic concentration of companies
can apply to a sector or the whole economy
What does “Externalities” involve?
why do they arise?
known as neighborhood effects, involving interdependece of utility, production or profit funtions.
they arise bc of the non-existence of markets (technological) or market interdependence (pecuniary/monetary)
define technological externalities
what is the classic example?
how do they often appear?
when the production possibilities of a firm are directly affected by the action of another agent in the economy
classic example: fishery & oil refinery
they often appear as benefits due to KS
Pecuniary Externalities
affects firm’s demand & profit functions through changes in (input & output) prices
According Alfred Marshall: which 4 sectors are stimulated by external economies
1) geographical concentration of economic activity
2) thick markets for specialized labor
3) Knowledge and technology spillovers
4) emerge of subsidiary trades (Nebengeschäfte)
What are Marshall Externalities?
same as Localization Economies, arising from silimar firms/industries operating within a certain geographic area
What are Jacobs Externalities?
same as Urbanization Economies, so the benefits to economic growth of a sector fro the activities of other sectors within a city
Agglomeration effects on Production vs. Agglomeration effects on Consumption
Production side: emphasis on the EOS
consumption side: EOS in the provision of local public goods, amenities, access to a greater variety of goods, ..
what are the limits to such effects?
1) Congestion in Production and Consumption
2) Size Costs
production: when firms use common inputs in short supply
consumption: queues, rationing, waiting lists. with regard to traffic its bc the vehicle users dont pay for its marginal contribution
what are the disadvantages of a city’s big size?
- increasing rents
- increasing commuting costs
- increasing crime, noise and pollution
define monopolistic competition
large number of firms producing similiar but NOT identical products
the Introduction of product differentiation as an element of monopoly power
why monopolistic competition important for urban (patial) economies?
Producers & consumers have specialized demands and the wide variety of Services creats a demand for almost infinite Numbers of different specialities
“Love of Variety”
One hundred units of a single service is not of the same value as one unit from each of 100 services
larger city will have agreater variety of production inputs
as labor services are seen as production inputs