7th Vid discussion Flashcards
- Drive defensively
- Drive courteously
- Drive skillfully
When driving, make sure your number one priority. It’s you against dozens of accident situations. Anticipate the worst, continually ask yourself if the way you are driven in the safest way for the conditions and situation you are in.
Drive defensively
Good manners and tolerance of other drivers can do much to reduce the number of accidents ask yourself if you are treating others the way you would like them to treat you
Drive courteously
You may be tired of all the driving information that is circulated, but take a few minutes before you start the car, to recall many of the driving safety tips.
Drive skillfully
Keep your eyes moving in order to scan the road. Keep the whole scene in view – not just the car ahead Control your Speed; always make sure you do not exceed the posted speed limit. Allow a safe distance between you and the car in front of you.
Drive skillfully
• Driving at high speed gives you less time to react and the greater you speed, the lows likely you are to survive a collision Always drive within the speed limit and adjust your speed to rain and weather conditions
Obey speed limit
Learn to share the road with other drivers and pedestrians always stay in your lane of traffic
Be courteous
Use turn signals and let others know what you plan to do. Turn on your vehicle’s headlights at disk at night and in smoky, foggy or dusty weather of when there’s a heavy can Headlights will enable you to see and be seen.
Be visible
Even if someone is driving rudely, don’t make the situation worse by reacting in anger stay calm and never risk your life by challenging another driver.
Have a positive attitude
Stop sign and other traffic signals keep traffic flowing smoothly and safely.
Obey traffic signs and signal
These are your guides to safe traffic movement. Think of traffic lanes as safety zones and stay within them except when overtaking or changing lanes.
Respect and markings
Check tires for wear, keep them properly inflated, and have your brakes inspected regularly
Maintain your vehicle
Applying these tips is the key to good driving habits for your own safety and others
More safety driving tips
- Stay alert from road hazards
- Practice courtesy at all times
- Don’t try the unseen
Children playing, animals, vehicles discharging passengers, even large pieces of pavement can cause accidents.
Stay alert for road hazards
Be prepared for sudden stops intersections and for vehicle pulling away from the curve.
Stay alert for road hazards
When you consider the other person first, regardless of who has the Right-of way, you will probably enjoy driving to its fullest. A courteous driver is calm and the safest kind of driver
Practice courtesy at all times
This includes passing on hills and curves. Obstacles can hurt you when you did not see them in time,
Don’t try the unseen
Take extra care on freeways especially when entering or making an exit
Don’t try the unseen