1st vid discussion Flashcards
It is a groups that migrate in an established pattern to find pasture lands for their domestic livestock.
Greek word of Nomads __________ which means________?
To pasture
Three types of Nomads
- Foraging populations
- Pastoral Nomads
- Tinkers or Gypsies
They wander for foods.
Foraging populations
They move with their families, belongings, and herds of cattle, camel, sheep, or goats through an annual cycle of pastures whose availability is determined by the alteration of hot and cold and wet and dry seasons.
Pastoral Nomads
who make and sell their products
Tinkers or Gypsies
- Manpower
- Animal power
- Wind power
- Road and Vehicle
It was started in China and other parts of Far East. It is also called a shoulder pole or a milkmaid’s yoke, is a yoke of wood or bamboo, used by people to carry a load.
Carrying Pole
Goods are carried on the back.
Back load and tumpline
In _________ , (pots on the forehead)
In _______ (load at the back by strap passing over chest)
Old Stone Age in Northern Europe
Sledge on rollers/runners
Is a historical frame structure that was used by indigenous peoples, notably the Plains Aboriginals of North America, to drag loads over land.
It is used to transport agricultural products. First domesticated in Mesopotamia to draw war chariots while it was used in some parts of Africa for riding
It is used during Christians Eras on Siberia and northern part of the world to carry sled.
It is used in northern region especially in cold places to carry sled. Considered as the first domesticated animal
First domesticated in Middle East
It is used by the Indians to serve as weapon and used as a pack animal
first used by Asians. It was used to draw chariots
It is used in central Asia (Afghanistan) to travel in the dessert.
Bactrian Camel, also known as _______
Mongolian Camel
In the higher altitudes of the Himalayas Yak is used as a pack animal.
It is being used for measuring distances, testing the wind, signaling, and communication for military operations
Ancient Chinese kite
A Chinese philosophers who invented Ancient Chinese kite
Mozi and Lu Ban