7th Reading The Giver Chapter 1 - 10 questions Flashcards
What memory sparks a feeling of dread in Jonas at the beginning of the novel?
A jet flies over the community
What does it mean to be “released”?
To leave the community.
What is one reason why a person is released?
Breaking the rules.
What is the name of Jonas’s sister?
Jonas says he feels frightened in the beginning of the novel, then he changes his mind and replaces the name of his feeling with what word?
What is the name of Jonas’s best friend introduced in Chapter 1?
How many males are awarded per family?
What is the name of the infant that Father is concerned is not thriving?
What is Lily’s comfort object?
A elephant
What rule is NOT taken seriously?
8s riding bikes.
What is Gabriel’s comfort object?
A hippo
Jonas casually picks up what objet from a bucket where the snacks are kept?
An Apple
What kind of eyes does Gabriel, the new child, have?
The speaker accuses Jonas of this because he took an object home?
Where does Jonas go to volunteer at the beginning of Chapter 4?
The house of the old.
Information, including volunteer hours, is all housed in this building?
Hall of open records
What is a name of the man that Larissa announces was released the morning Jonas came to the House of the Old?
Roberto performed many functions in the Community. He was on the Planning Committee and he had a family, but he was most remembered for what position?
Instructor for the 11s.
Dream-telling begins at what age?
What will Jonas have to do because he is late for class in Chapter 5?
Make a public apology.
While Jonas’s mother is speaking with him about his dream, Jonas’ father takes Lily where?
To school
What is the activity of telling each family member about dreams?
The Dream Ritual
Seven’s see the first sign of independence when they are given what article of clothing?
Front buttoned jackets.
How does Lily react to Mother tying her hair ribbons?
She squirms.
What step must Tens make to continue on to adulthood?
Cut their hair.
What is Gabriel labeled at the Ceremony of Ones?
Where are child sent when they are released?
What objects were out at the Ceremony of Elevens?
New clothes
Which committee thought of the Assignments?
The committee of elders.
What does a child do to provoke Adults to call their children by their original number and not their names?
When he/she misbehaves
What is Jonas’s original number?
Who makes the opening speech at the Ceremony of Twelves?
The speaker
What assignment is Asher given?
Assistant director of recreation.
What assignment does Fiona receive?
Caretaker of the old.
After Jonas is skipped over, which character receives an assignment as Jonas sits silently hunched in his chair?
How many years have the Committee of Elders observed the community in order to decide on the next Receiver?
10 years
What quality does Jonas already have but cannot be described?
The capacity to see the beyond
What does the crowd do to show their acceptance of the Chief Elder’s final decision regarding Jonas’s assignment?
The chant JONAS
As Jonas is preparing for bed, he begins to read the description of his assignment, which is located in what?
A folder
Which instruction impresses Jonas the most?
He can lie
On the first day of training, Jonas rides to the House of Old with which character?
What is the first thing to catch Jonas’s eye when the receptionist leads him into the Receiver’s office?
The books
What is the Giver weighted with?
What is the first memory the Givers gives Jonas?
From Chapter 1, what is Jonas’s father’s assignment?