7th Reading - Christmas Carol Act 2 Scenes 3-5 Flashcards
What does Scrooge first think when he sees the Cratchit family in scene 3?
He thinks it is foolishness for him to live in poverty after 15 shillings a week.
What does the Ghost of Christmas Present say to Scrooge know he can change what will happen in the future?
If you do not change your ways the child will die.
What are the two women and the man selling to Old Joe?
Scrooges belongings
What does the Ghost of Christmas Future do to give Scrooge hope?
It stops pointing at the gravestone with EBENEZER SCROOGE written on it.
Why does Fred continue to invite Scrooge to dinner every year even though he always says no?
He cares about his uncle
Why do those scoundrels have the ability to get to Scrooge’s possessions after his death?
Nobody cared about him.
Which line in the play, spoken by Marley, best summarizes the theme of the play?
Two misers turned alas one in death but the other in time’s culminate nick.
Why is the clock on the stage important to the action?
To tell when everything is happening
How does the Ghost of Christmas Future compare to the Ghost of Christmas Present?
Future is a phantom when present is a jolly man. Both are ghost.
Whose corpse does Scrooge see?
His corpse
What is the effect of the Ghost of Christmas Future’s silence?
It makes him more confusing and scarier.
What has happened to Tiny Tim in Scene 4?
He died
What promise does Scrooge make in Scene 5?
That he will change his life
What does Scrooge have Adam do?
Buy the biggest bird in the poulerture’s shop.
What does Scrooge whisper to the portly man?
He will repay him not a farthing less.
Loud enough to be heard.