7.EU Flashcards
The EU is successful at it’s aim of being a monetary union
In 1999 the EU created a monetary union called the eurozone and 2002 the fouding member states physically introduced the euro. This has simplified EU trade as currency conversions aren’t neccessary.
Additionally, the euro is the world’s second reserve currency after the US dollar
The EU is not successful at it’s aim of being a monetary union
Only 20 of the 27 members currently use the euro.
Additionally, when the UK was a member the pound was a strong separate currency.
The 2008 financial crisis created problems for Greece and Ireland which required bailouts from other EU countries
The EU is successful at it’s aim of expansion
By 2018 the EU had expanded from 6 members to 28 members.
Additionally, 5 other coutries have applied to join such as Turkey, Serbia and Montenegro
The EU is not successful at it’s aim of expansion
The UK, one of the strongest economies and largest population, leaving the EU highlights this is a failure of expansion with talks in France and Itlay about leaving.
The EU is successful at it’s aim of encouraging democracy in eastern europe
Has encouraged democracy in former Communist states in Eastern Europe through the promotion of core civil liberties as they are entrenched in European law e.g. Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania
The EU is not successful at it’s aim of encouraging democracy in eastern europe
The commitment of member states such as Hungary and Poland to the democratic principles of the EU is disputed, undermining the EU’s sense of a common purpose with the PM of Hungary being particularily right-wing
The EU is successful at it’s aim of being a strong single market
The implementation of the 4 freedoms means that the EU is now the biggest single market in the world, providing EU citizens with the right to live, work or study in any member state
The EU is not successful at it’s aim of being a strong single market
The removal of barriers to the free flow of workers has encouraged the rise of populist parites across Europe which are commtted to protecting their workforce from ‘foreign’ competition
Additionally, some EU citizens may not see this as a worthwhile trade for a decrease in soveringty. This can be seen in the UK when a driving force behind the Leave campaigin was the focus on immigration.
The 4 freedoms of the EU
Free movement of people.
Free movement of labour.
Free movement of financial capital.
Free movement of goods and services.
The 4 functions of the EU
Cutoms union
Single market
Economic policy
Political union
Leaving the EU has impacted the UK Parliamentary’s soverignty in relation to policy making - immigration
The UK has crafted its own immigration policy which can restrict unwanted EU immigrants which they couldn’t do when members. For example, the new points system for EU migrants was introduced under Home Secretary Priti Patel in 2021. Rwanda policy in 2022 included the moving of illegal immigrants and asylum seekers to Rwanda
Leaving the EU has not impacted the UK Parliamentary’s soverignty in relation to policy making - immigration
The UK’s ability to introduce a strict immigration policy is restricted by the fear of retalliation from the EU imposing strict immigration policy on the UK
Leaving the EU has impacted the UK Parliamentary’s soverignty in relation to policy making - Northern Ireland
Northern Ireland protocol means that the UK has decreased soverignty over NI as the custom border has split it from GB
Leaving the EU has not impacted the UK Parliamentary’s soverignty in relation to policy making - Northern Ireland
De jure the UK Parliament still has the complete ability to legilsate over NI
Leaving the EU has impacted the UK Parliamentary’s soverignty in relation to policy making - EU laws are no longer imposed
By leaving the EU the laws that Britain had previously been bound by, Britain is no longer forced to confirm EU law into UK law.
The UKSC no longer issues declarations of incompatiblity with EU law.
Leaving the EU has not impacted the UK Parliamentary’s soverignty in relation to policy making - lack of change
Tecnically this has made no difference to Parliamentary soveriegnty as EU law still had to be confrmed into British law by a majority vote in parliamnet.
Additionally, MEPS from Britain played a part in making and passing the legilsation so there has been some influence over the law.