7c Flashcards
projective personality tests
a thematic apperception test item
consistency in a persons eotions, thoughts and behaviours across time and different situations
objective personality tests
this is a personality test that has been standardized (it is a test that gets similar results with similar types of people)
-these tests are good for measuring certain personality traits
Raymond B. Cattell and factor analysis
factor analysis that he used was measuring peoples answers to questionares, and seeing how they behaved and how others saw them behave
-he then used the factor analysis to group certain types of behaviours that are consistent with certain people all the time
central aspects of personality emerging from factor analysis (5)
- extroverstion vs introversion
- neuroticism vs. emotional stability
- agreeableness vs antagonism
- conscientiousness vs. impulsiveness
- openness vs. resistant to new experience
- these are the “big five personality traits”
- they are found in many countries across the world and are pretty consistent in people across their life
age related changes in personality traits
teens are more neurotic and less agreeable
-people are less extroverted and less open to new things as they age
what determines your personality when you are born
- infants differ in how cranky they are and stuff
- there is evidence to suggest that their temperments are largely genetic
- the personality of the infant can sometimes suggest the temperment of the adult
what determines your personality: abe & izard
the number of positive expressions by 18m olds after seeing their mother is associated with the agreeableness at age 3 1/2
-and vise versa with negative expressions, and neuroticism and dissagreeableness
how does heritability determine your personality?
the heritability of Big Five personality traits is about .5
what are the environmental influences on personality?
parents, peers, and life events
to what extent are your parents responsible for who you are?: problems with crediting or blaming parents
- the personality of an adopted child is not at all related to the personality of the adopted parents (the personality has more to do with life experiences that people dont share with family (non-shared environment))
- the parent’s child-raisig style fluctuates too much to cause consistent personality traits in kids
- childraising often depends on the childs personality
- much evidence reveals no relationship b\w parent’s behaviour and children’s personality in adulthood (some bad people come from good places and vise versa)
to what extent are your parents responsible for who you are?: parents do have a moderating effect (caspi,2000; mcCord 1992)
impulsive and agressive kids are moe likely to grow up to be impulsive, irresponsible
-although if parents maintain consistent discepline, and work at forming a close secure attachment, and set high standards for the child, this can be avoided
to what extent are your parents responsible for who you are?: parents are the people’s first close relationship
how the parents treat the child does affect the way the kid will see the world and what they will believe, and how they expect to get treated,and how they will treat ofhers and so on.
to what extent are your parents responsible for who you are?: or is it peers?
relationships with peers are more important than with parents (so it is weird that parents are blamed for much of the was a kid is brought up?)
beyond personality: the role of the situation
although personality is one thing, the situation may make ou act different (such as someone who is regularily an extrovert if they arein a room full of celebrites)
reciprocal determinism
this is the constant influence of both the current situation and personality on behaviour.
-so how you are acting based on what is happening and what you are generally like
individualistic cultures influence on personality
people that are defined mainly by individual accomplishments such as wealth and status really value independence
-some personality traits are more common here such as antagonism and impulsiveness (can make people selfish)
collectivist cultures influence on personality
people that are define by their larger society value contributions to family and community more than their individual sucess
-some personality traits that are common here are conscientiousness and agreeableness (these people tend to be more selfless)
cultural influences on interpretations of behaviour as caused by personality
behaviours may be explained as caused by personality traits that are actually due to a misunderstanding of cultural differences
monochronic cultures on personality
time is organized in chunks in which certain tasks much get done, schedules are meant to be kept, and punctuality is highly valued
-may think that people from polychronic cultures are irresponsible and undependable
polychronic cultures on personality
time is organized so that parallel task may happen at the same time with no set time for completion, and family trumps everything
- schedules are looser and being late is a common thing
- may think that people from monochronic cultures are too uptight, and with messed up priorities