7.4 Giving and understanding travel instructions at an airport Flashcards
overhead compartment
mkan el shont el fo2 fl autobes aw tayra
aisle (al) seat vs … seat
You should allow 20 minutes to get to the gate.
It takes 20 minutes to walk to the gate.
boarding pass
tazkart el tayran
My boarding pass says that my flight leaves from Gate 16.
And where is that?
… and follow the signs.
Turn right
The gate’s closing .. 15 minutes, so you’d better … way there now.
make your
Lots of is slightly more informal than a lot of.
In more formal spoken and written English, we often use many, much, plenty, a large number of and a large amount of.
Present continuous
activities at the moment of speaking:
future plans or arrangements:
something which is happening before and after a specific time:
At eight o’clock we are usually having breakfast.
something which we think is temporary:
Michael is at university. He’s studying history.
something which is changing, growing or developing:
Your English is improving.
something which happens again and again:
It’s always raining in London.
Do you have any information about Flight HJ 658? It’s … take off in 30 minutes’ time, but there’s no gate on the departure board.
due to
, you’ll need to wait in the … and check the departure board for … information.
: I … worry, sir. If the delay is less than an hour, it’s … that you will arrive on time.
We use the modals such as … to show that something is possible in the future, but not certain. If you are certain, you can use … You can further modify … by adding probably.
could, might and may
will or will not.
will and will not
In the positive sentence, probably comes after will, while in the negative sentence, probably comes before will not.
Notice the position of probably in positive and negative sentences:You will probably enjoy this book.You probably will not enjoy this book.
there are two other flights to London … tonight
Is someone … you at the airport?
But I’ll wait until I …. onto another flight.
’m booked