73.5 Flashcards
True or false you shall wear approve neckwear anytime a jacket is worn
Who may wear the blue utility primary uniform
MAIT, MAIT Associates while proforming duties, K9, bomb officer with canine, full-time VIN, Commercial level one and two and SMPV regular basis
Can you wear the mock Dickie in short sleeve shirt with no jacket
Shall or should have campaign hat in patrol vehicle while on patrol
Shall wear campaign hat when
Part of the formal uniform at special events like graduation, funeral or directed by commander, crowd or traffic control when peace officer recognition is essential, When on or within the confines of the state capital
Male hair standards are
Shall not extend below the top of the uniform shirt collar while sitting or standing erect. Hair shall not cover any part of the outside portion of the ear. Hair shall not go lower than the relaxed eyebrow of an individual, measured from the High Point of the eyebrow, and shall not be visible on the forehead while wearing a hat, Or helmet
Female hair standards
Hair shall not extend below the bottom of the uniform shirt collar while sitting or standing erect. Hair cannot extend below the bottom of the ear and not more than 2 inches to the front of the ear
Left pocket flap is for
Medal of valor, officer of the year, US flag, military, or pin determined by commissioner
Right pocket flap is for 3 authorized pins
They are put on from the wearers left to right or the center out and the smallest shall be in the middle
US flag decals shall or should be worn on motorcycle, mounted duty, bicycle, and aviation helmets
T/f: Accouterments and badges shall be cleaned, but not polished
Sideburns can only go to the bottom of the ear, and will end with clean shaven horizontal line. It shall not exceed how many inches
1 1/2 inches
Mustaches shall not extend more than _____ inch beyond the corner of mouth nor below the Vermilion border of the upper lip or more than ____ below the corner of the mouth
No wax ends or Points
True or false males can wear to conservative rings and medical or ID bracelet
True or false females can wear to conservative rings, ring and band count as one, and medical or ID bracelet
Females can wear one set of earrings in civilian attire, must be stud, 4.0 MM, and in _____ color
Shall wear body armor when
All personnel assigned to field enforcement duties
All personnel who operate a marked patrol vehicle in uniform
All personnel participating in live fire training
Commanders may allow exemptions to wearing body armor if
Extremely hot weather, employees health, welfare, or ability to perform regular duties is impacted
When involved in shooting or traffic collision or object hits vest, or it is damaged in anyway within _____ working days a report is to be forwarded to OLA and then forward it to BSS
True or false four in hand neck tie is approve type
What type of socks can we wear on duty
Socks must be solid, without design, Royal, navy, or black anytime they are visible
Long sleeve shirt equals
Short sleeve shirt equals
Standard chevron’s
Mid size chevron’s
Morning ribbon shall be removed when following funeral service
The next calendar day
Baseball cap can be worn by:
Flight crew, performing ground duties outside the aircraft, MRE or commercial officers wearing utilities, canine officers, MAIT and MAIT associate performing MAIT duties
When wearing cold weather uniform, when wearing reindeer and heard is on over ca when wearing cold weather uniform, when wearing raingear and hood is on over cap
True or false wearing sunglasses on the top of the head is prohibited
Crockies must be what color
Brown or black
Shall always have reflective vest in car readily available and shall wear:
Directing traffic had stabilized closure or obstructive roadway, while investigating stabilized crime, collision, high profile incident close enough to right of way to constitute hazard. While outside of patrol vehicle and conducting traffic control at mazerp or cozeep or DUI checkpoint. As directed by commander at ICS When officer safety would be enhanced
Cell phone when worn in Plainview shall be conservative color and shall only be worn on belt. If not conservative shall be carried in holder or completely concealed. T/f
How often shall uniform inspections be conducted
Weapons shall be corrected and ____ days have deficiencies
30 days
If you are off more than ____ consecutive days for sick, injury or military leave or have suspended or leave of absence more than ____ days in a pay period. Your uniform allowance will be decreased on a pro rata basis
True or false state will pay to repair or replace uniforms and some equipment if damaged in line of duty
It will be prorated, and for equipment, they won’t pay more than what the state of equipment is worth
Uniform check usually comes on the 10th of the second month after graduation. T/F
Heels of boots can’t be more than ____ and soles can’t be more than ____?
1 1/2
What color T-shirt shall be worn with the cold weather uniform