7.3 Overall position (Analysing internal position) Flashcards
Operations data
Capacity utilisation
Labour productivity
Unit costs
Quality (n’ of faults and complaints)
Capacity utilisation
Extent to which a business is using its max capacity with current resources in place.
Actual output
Max output
-There is a relationship between capacity utilisation and efficiency.
Labour productivity
How much employees are producing on average.
-Inverse relationship between labour productivity and unit cost.
N’ of employees
Unit costs
Directly related to capacity utilisation and labour productivity.
Lower unit costs= competitive advantage over rivals, allows lower prices.
Quality (n’ of faults & complaints)
Quality is judged by; customer loyalty (n’ of repeat customers)
customer satisfaction rates (questionnaires & surveys)
elements of operational performance e.g n’ of faulty products or response times to customer queries.
Advantage of financial measures of HR performance
Easy to analyse
Give business important data easily comparable to previous years as well as other businesses.
Environmental data
Important in judging business performance because;
-environment and global warming are major issues as science advances.
-businesses judged on environmental performance, receive negative publicity if activities damaging.
-can be a USP or opportunity.
-there is government legislation in place businesses must follow
Marketing data
Historic data on specific markets e.g company shares, overall market size etc.
-consumer behaviour & buying decisions
-sales figures
-data on other firms, particularly direct competition-market share
-results of market research
(Market data done in y12)
Core competences
Combined expertise, knowledge, experience of leaders & founders of a business.
-Do they allow for market development?
-Do they provide noticeable benefits to end user?
-Are they difficult to imitate?
Advantages to core competences
-collective learning and technical expertise.
-leads to competitive advantage.
-unique characteristics to a business.
-difficult to imitate by others.
What are core competences?
Unique abilities a business possesses, differentiates them from other businesses, giving competitive advantage.
Businesses compromise other functional areas focusing fully on what they do best.
e.g Apple- design & aesthetics through R&D.
Developing core competences
2 theorists: Prahalad and Hamal (Harvard Business Review) argued core comps are combination of business knowledge, production skills, technology use.
Questions that tested if a business truly developed their core competency
(developed by Prahalad & Hamal)
1- Do core competences provide access to wide range of markets?
2- Do core competences contribute to end product benefits received by customer?
3- Are they difficult for competitors to imitate? (IMPORTANT)
Why are core competences important?
They provide businesses with a competitive advantage, strengthen & develop brand image, contribute to market share, or even become market leader, helps them produce highly differentiated products.
Criticisms of core competences
-Outsourcing- common technique used so they can focus on core comps, if done badly can damage reputation, business can become fragmented(no clear leader).
-Theory is out of date. Mark Parker (ex CEO of Nike) argued that in a world experiencing rapid change, having core competences will fail to meet customers constant evolving demands.