7.1 Social Security Act Flashcards
“What is the Social Security Act, and how does it relate to disability programs?”
“The Social Security Act is the federal law that created the SSDI and SSI programs and governs their administration.”
Explanation: “The Act provides the legal framework for determining eligibility, benefits, and administrative processes for Social Security programs.”
Source: Social Security Act of 1935, as amended.
“What are the key sections of the Social Security Act related to disability programs?”
“Title II: SSDI program.”
“Title XVI: SSI program.”
Explanation: “Title II governs disability insurance for insured workers, while Title XVI provides income assistance for low-income individuals.”
Source: Social Security Act Titles II and XVI.
What authority does the SSA have under the Social Security Act?
“The SSA administers benefits, issues regulations, and resolves disputes related to SSDI and SSI under the Act.”
Explanation: “The Act gives SSA the power to make disability determinations and enforce rules for eligibility and appeals.”
Case Scenario: Tom applies for SSDI benefits but is denied due to insufficient work credits. He argues that his lack of work history should not affect his eligibility, as he has a significant disability.
Question: What does the Social Security Act say about work credit requirements for SSDI eligibility?
Answer: The Social Security Act requires that SSDI claimants have sufficient work credits based on age to qualify for benefits.
Legal Explanation: Title II of the Social Security Act establishes work credit requirements as a prerequisite for SSDI eligibility. Claimants must have earned credits within a specific timeframe before becoming disabled.
Key Resource: Social Security Act, Title II – Rules for SSDI eligibility based on work credits.
Case Scenario: Sarah, an SSI recipient, receives an inheritance of $5,000. Her benefits are suspended due to excess resources. She appeals, claiming the SSA has no legal basis to consider the inheritance.
Question: What does the Social Security Act state about resource limits for SSI?
Answer: The Social Security Act sets a $2,000 individual resource limit for SSI eligibility, which Sarah exceeded with her inheritance.
Legal Explanation: Title XVI of the Social Security Act governs SSI benefits, including strict resource and income limits to maintain eligibility. Excess resources result in suspension or termination of benefits.
Key Resource: Social Security Act, Title XVI – Financial criteria for SSI eligibility.
Social Security Act:
Title II governs SSDI; Title XVI governs SSI.