7.1 Compliance with regulation/discipline and quality assurance
A registrant must:
a) cooperate with and be responsive to the regulation and discipline of the College; and
b) participate fully in all mandatory aspects of the
quality assurance program of the College.
7.2 Investigations and proceedings of College
A registrant must cooperate fully with the College in investigations and proceedings of the College and in any resulting requirements.
7.3 Response to College requests
A registrant must respond appropriately and promptly to all requests from the College, the registrar, the board, and committees for information respecting their activities.
7.4 Inappropriate communications
A registrant must not communicate with or about the College or a registrant in a manner that would reasonably be regarded by registrants as rude, disparaging, disrespectful or as a discredit to the profession.
7.5 Communicating with the Board on matters before the College
a) An applicant or registrant engaged with the Registration Committee about any aspect of their registration must not initiate any direct communication with any member of the Registration Committee or the Board concerning the matter.
b) A registrant involved in an active complaint, investigation, or discipline process must not initiate any direct communication with any member of the Inquiry Committee, the Discipline Committee, or the Board concerning the matter.
c) A registrant involved with the Quality Assurance Committee about their continuing competency activities or any other matter under the Quality Assurance Committee’s jurisdiction must not initiate any direct communication with any member of the Quality Assurance Committee
or the Board concerning the matter.
d) An applicant or registrant involved in any of the above matters may direct communications, including questions, to College staff, who will redirect the communication as appropriate or respond accordingly.
7.6 Compliance with undertaking
A registrant must comply with any undertaking and consent given to, or other agreement made with, the College, in accordance with the provisions of the Health Professions Act.
7.7 Compliance with limitation/condition
A registrant must comply with a condition or limitation imposed on
their registration by the College.
7.8 Unprofessional behaviour
A registrant must not engage in conduct unbecoming a member of the profession of psychology, or perform an act that, having regard to all the circumstances, would otherwise be regarded by registrants as disgraceful, dishonourable or unprofessional.
7.9 Professional cooperation
A registrant must seek to work with other professionals in a professional and cooperative manner, for the good of the client.
7.10 Providing information to clients
Registrants must provide to the recipients of their services, in writing, or by posting in a conspicuous location in the offices in which they provide psychological services, information about the mandate, function, and location of the College, the availability of information from the College respecting the laws, the Code, and guidelines governing the provision of psychological services, and their right to make a complaint to the College about the services received. In situations where this is impossible for reasons of institutional policy or setting, or due to client literacy issues, this information must be provided verbally.
7.12 Determination before offering overlapping services
When deciding whether to offer or provide psychological services to a client who is already receiving services of a related nature from another professional service provider, a registrant must carefully consider the treatment and/or assessment issues and the potential client’s welfare.
7.13 Minimizing conflict
A registrant must:
a) discuss the issues identified in Standards 7.9 and 7.12 with the client, or other person who is authorized to give informed consent for the client, in order to minimize the risk of confusion or conflict between services of a related nature;
b) consult with the other professional service provider(s) as appropriate; and
c) proceed with caution and sensitivity to the therapeutic issues.
7.17 Reporting required by law
Nothing in this Code is intended to relieve a registrant of any obligation to make any report required by law.
7.18 Conflicts between Code and institutional/ organizational regulations
If the obligations of a registrant to an institution or organization with which the registrant is affiliated conflict with the registrant’s obligations under this Code, the registrant must:
a) clarify the nature of the conflict;
b) make known the conflicting obligation and the registrant’s commitment to comply with this Code; and
c) to the extent feasible, seek to resolve the conflict in a way that permits full adherence to the Code.
7.19 Professional documentation
A registrant must appropriately document their professional and scientific work in order to:
a) facilitate provision of services in the future by themself or by other professional service providers;
b) ensure accountability; and
c) meet other legal or institutional requirements.
7.20 Signing Documents
All reports, letters, or other documents containing information, opinions, or assessments prepared by a registrant in the course of that registrant’s professional services must be signed by the registrant before they are provided to another party, in order to ensure authorship/responsibility is clear.
7.21 Electronic Documents
For the purposes of electronically created, transmitted, or filed documents, “signing” a document may include affixing an electronic signature or providing some other method of identification and authentication when the document is sent that ensures authorship/responsibility is clear.