3.1 Responsibility
A registrant must assume full responsibility for decisions they have made and actions they have taken in the performance of psychological services.
3.2 Maintaining competency
A registrant must maintain competency in the areas in which they practice through continuing education, consultation, and any other procedures that conform to current professional standards.
3.3 Demonstration of knowledge
A registrant must maintain demonstrable assessment and intervention skills related to all areas of practice in which they conduct assessments and interventions.
3.5 Limits on practice
A registrant must limit the practice of psychology and supervision of others in the practice of psychology:
a) to those areas of competence in which the registrant has gained proficiency through education, training, and experience; and
b) to any specific areas of practice, settings or populations conferred by class of registration or by undertaking or agreement
3.6 Referral
A registrant must make or recommend referral to other professional, technical, or administrative resources when such referral is in the best interests of the client.
3.7 Professional knowledge
A registrant must maintain current knowledge of scientific and professional developments that are directly related to the professional services the registrant renders.
3.8 Regulatory knowledge
A registrant must maintain current knowledge of all international, federal and provincial statutes and regulations, and other agency and professional bylaws, codes of conduct, and practice advisories that relate to the performance of their psychological services.
3.9 Empirical foundation of interventions
A registrant who performs interventions must:
a) be familiar with the reliability, validity, related standardization, and outcome studies of the techniques used; and
b) be trained in the proper applications and uses of these techniques
3.10 Empirical foundation of assessment
A registrant who administers, scores, interprets, or uses assessment techniques must:
a) be familiar with the reliability, validity, related standardization, and outcome studies of the techniques used; and
b) be trained in the proper applications and uses of these techniques.
3.11 Qualifications for tests and procedures
A registrant must only use psychological tests and procedures that they are qualified to use
3.12 Objectivity of opinions and interventions
A registrant must provide professional opinions and interventions in an objective and unbiased manner
3.13 Accuracy
A registrant must ensure that their reports and public statements accurately reflect the information provided or available to them, including providing any statements of limitations necessary to an accurate understanding of the information being provided.
3.14 Opinion based on proper information
A registrant must base their professional opinions on:
a) accurately represented information provided or made available to them; and
b) adequate and appropriate information
3.15 Making professional judgments
A registrant must rely on scientifically and professionally derived knowledge when making scientific or professional judgments or when engaging in research, clinical work, teaching, or other scholarly or professional endeavours.
3.16 Basis for opinion
A registrant giving a formal professional opinion or recommendation about a client must do so only after direct and sufficient professional contact with, or a formal assessment of, that client.
3.17 Exception to 3.16
If it is not possible to comply with Standard 3.16 due to extraordinary circumstances, such as those where there is a risk of imminent harm to self or others, a registrant must articulate the reasons for non-compliance in any verbal or written report related to the opinion or recommendation
3.18 Limitations on opinions
A registrant must disclose any limitations regarding the certainty of their opinions, including any limitations respecting diagnoses, judgments, predictions, or formal recommendations that can be made about groups or individuals, or that relate in any way to the nature of the service(s) provided.
3.19 Presentation of perspectives
When the perspectives of two or more individuals are presented in a report, a registrant must clarify authorship of each perspective in a clear and accurate manner.
3.20 Clear and understandable
A registrant must present their professional opinions and information about clients in a form that is clear and understandable.
3.21 New competencies
A registrant who is attaining competency in a service, technique, or intervention that is unfamiliar or new to them or to the profession must:
a) seek appropriate education and training in that service, technique, or intervention; and
b) engage in ongoing consultation with other registrants or appropriate professionals.
3.22 Where no standards for training
Where generally recognized standards for preparatory training for psychological services, techniques, or interventions do not exist, a registrant must take steps to ensure their competence in those services, techniques, or interventions and to protect clients, students, trainees, research participants, and others from harm. This includes adequately advising and obtaining the informed consent of the recipient, in advance of providing services, regarding the experimental nature of the service, technique, or intervention.
3.23 Identifying special client characteristics
A registrant must identify situations in which particular interventions, assessment techniques, or norms may not be applicable or may require adjustment in administration or interpretation because of factors such as gender, age, race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, disability, language, or socioeconomic status.
3.24 Obtaining needed training for special situations
Where differences of age, gender, race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, disability, language, socioeconomic status, or any other factor significantly affect a registrant’s work concerning particular individuals or groups, a registrant must obtain the training, experience, consultation, and/or
supervision necessary to ensure the competence of their psychological services, or must make appropriate referrals.
3.25 Special assessments/interventions
A registrant who conducts specific kinds of assessments and/or interventions, or who offers services in a new way (such as, for example, via telepsychology rather than in person), must ensure they have the necessary knowledge, training, and experience to conduct assessments and/or interventions in that area or in that fashion.
3.26 Issue beyond competence
If issues arise in a particular assessment or intervention that are outside the competence of a registrant, the registrant must refer that aspect of the assessment or intervention or the assessment or intervention in general to
another qualified professional.
3.27 Impaired competence
A registrant must refrain from accepting or continuing psychological work in any area if they know or should know that there is a substantial likelihood that their personal problems (e.g., physical illness, mental disorder, substance abuse, life situation, or other problem) will prevent them from fulfilling obligations and commitments or from performing in a competent manner, or will otherwise harm a client, colleague, student, research participant, or other person with whom they have a professional relationship.
3.28 Seeking assistance
A registrant has an obligation to maintain their physical and mental health sufficient to carry out professional work, and when they become aware of personal problems that may interfere with performing work-related duties adequately, the registrant must:
a) take appropriate measures, such as obtaining professional
consultation or assistance; and
b) determine whether they should limit, suspend, or terminate their
work-related duties.
3.29 Terminating due to impairment
If a registrant’s competence becomes impaired within the meaning of Standards 3.27 or 3.28 during the course of a professional relationship, such that the relationship should be terminated, the registrant must terminate the professional relationship appropriately, with due regard for the welfare of the client or other recipient of services, and where appropriate give formal notice of the termination in writing.
3.30 Offering services through telepsychology
a) Registrants who offer services to clients through telepsychology, are responsible for:
1) ensuring they have the necessary training, education, and experience, and seek consultation as appropriate, to provide the contemplated service(s) competently and with full regard for the welfare of potential clients;
2) ensuring they are knowledgeable and competent in the use of the proffered technology, including regarding any security issues related to that technology and regarding the impact of the technology on consumers, and engage in appropriate risk management practices to address potential information security risks;
3) ensuring each prospective client is fully informed regarding the service, including potential limitations to the service and threats to confidentiality and security of information specifically related to the technology, and has provided fully informed consent prior to proceeding;
4) ensuring they have any necessary liability insurance coverage; and
5) ensuring they maintain compliance with all relevant provisions of this Code.
b) In addition, if offering telepsychology services to clients in another jurisdiction, the registrant must:
1) determine any obligations for registration or licensure with the appropriate regulatory body in the other jurisdiction, and ensure they are in compliance with those requirements; and
2) determine any legal and/or ethical requirements for providing services in the other jurisdiction and maintain compliance with those requirements.
3.31 Exception to 3.30
Standard 3.30 is not intended to prohibit the planned provision of temporary services by a British Columbia registrant, to a client normally seen within British Columbia, when either the registrant or the client is in another jurisdiction on a vacation or other short stay in another jurisdiction, subject to any requirements of the other jurisdiction.