70-78 reading Flashcards
staying same forever
what have christians always called god even before thev word
what did pagans worship
many gods and goddesses like jupiter venus and mars
differece betwee pagan god and christian god
pagan gods were born and had bodies
most difficult thing for pagans to understand about christian god
how god could have existed in complete perfection for eternity
divine idleness question
if god existed forever, they wanted to know what was he doing all by himself for all that while before he created the universe
what does divine idleness question expose
problem of how a changeless being could be realted to the changing world
what is opposite of a bird question commits
category mistake
category mistake
sentene makes tje presupposition about its subject.
direction is a category that has ______
where does incoherent come from
comes from latin words for doesnt stick together
what does augustine do in regard to the pagans question
question the question
what question is not answeable
what was god doing before he created the world
-because it is impossible for there to be an age before the beginning of the ages
question ayed out by augustine about nature of time
does time exist objectviely or is time a subject feature of our minds
temporal realism
time exists indepdendently of the way the human mind expreiences it
opposing view to temporal realism
temporal anti realism
temporal anti realism
time is dependent on the human mind
what type of temporal realism does augustine advocate
temporal anti-realis