7 - Surface Warfare Flashcards
AEGIS Weapon System and AN/SPY1 Phased Array Radar and its purpose
- Most advanced anti-air system in existence and the Navy’s primary anti-air/anti-missile warfare system
- The heart of the AWS and it is able to perform search, track, and missile guidance functions with a track capacity of more than 100 targets.
- Found on:
- CG
AN/SQQ-89 USW/ASW Combat System
- Provides surface warships with a seamlessly integrated undersea/anti-submarine warfare detection localization, classification and targeting capability
- Provides a full range of undersea warfare functions such as underwater fire
- Control, on board trainer capability, a highly-evolved display subsystem, and integration with the Light Airborne Multi-Purpose System helicopter for sonobuoy signal processing
BGM-109 Tomahawk Land Attack Missile (TLAM)
- Land attack warfare and is designed to fly at extremely low altitudes at high subsonic speeds
- Long-range subsonic cruise missile for striking high value or heavily defended land targets.
LCS Mission Modules
- Mine countermeasure (MCM): Detect and neutralize mine threats
- Surface warfare (SUW): provide maritime security and prosecution of small boat threats
- Anti-submarine warfare (ASW): they detect, classify, localize, and prosecute enemy submarines
Mk 15 Phalanx CIWS
- Provides ships with an inner layer point defense capability against Anti-ship
- Missiles, aircraft, and littoral warfare threats
- Fast-reaction, detect-through-engage, radar guided 20-millimeter gun weapon system
- Found on
- CVNs
- CGs
- DDGs
Mk 45 5” 54/62 Caliber Gun
- Fully-automatic gun mount employed against surface, air, and land attack targets
- Designed to engage surface and air targets and to provide naval surface fire support for expeditionary operations
- Found on
- DDGs
- CGs
Mk 46 Torpedo
- Improved counter-countermeasure performance, enhanced target acquisition, a bottom-avoidance preset, and improved maintainability and reliability
- Serves as the payload for the vertical launch anti-submarine rocket
Mk 54 Torpedo (Lightweight Hybrid Torpedo – LHT)
- Advanced guidance and control section employing commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) processing technologies and tactical software improvements to significantly increase shallow water counter-countermeasure capability at reduced lifecycle costs
RIM-116 Rolling Airframe Missile (RAM)
- High-firepower, low cost, self-defense system against anti-ship cruise missiles and other asymmetric threats
- Lightweight, quick-reaction, fire-and-forget missile; destroys anti-ship cruise missiles and asymmetric air and surface threats.
RIM-162 Evolved Sea Sparrow Missile (ESSM)
- Medium-range, semi-active homing missile that makes flight corrections via radar and midcourse data uplinks
- Provides reliable ship self-defense capability against agile, high-speed, low-altitude anti-ship cruise missiles, low velocity air threats, and high-speed maneuverable surface threats
RGM-84 Harpoon
- Versatile, widely used anti-ship missile; Designed for shipboard launch against surface targets
SM-2 and SM-6 Standard Missile
- Primary surface-to-air defense weapon
- Primary missions are fleet area air defense and ship self-defense, also extended area air defense projection capability
- Provides an extended range anti-air warfare capability both over sea and over land
- Provides the surface Navy with an increased battlespace against anti-air warfare threats over-the-horizon
Details about the Military Sealift Command (MSC)
- Carry the designation United States Naval Ship (USNS)
- Crew primarily of civilians and Navy reservists
- Hull numbers as:
- Not armed
- Blue and Gold on ship stacks
Four categories of USNS ships
- Combat Logistics Force
- Special Mission
- Prepositioning
- Service Support
Mission and capabillities of the Zumwalt-class DDG
- Mission: Anti-Air Warfare (AAW), Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW), Anti-Surface Warfare (ASUW)
- Stealth warship: 50 foot reduction in radar cross section.
- Reduced ship cost, manpower requirements, fuel consumption, signatures, and maintenance from previous models
- Cost to build: $10 Billion
- Expected to operate with a minimum underway watch (18 crew members, with a bridge watch of 5)
- Has AGS: Advanced Gun System of 300 round magazine, with two 155mm weapons.
- Most advanced anti-air system in existence and the Navy’s primary anti-air/anti-missile warfare system
- The heart of the AWS and it is able to perform search, track, and missile guidance functions with a track capacity of more than 100 targets.
- Found on:
- CG
AEGIS Weapon System and AN/SPY1 Phased Array Radar and its purpose
- Provides surface warships with a seamlessly integrated undersea/anti-submarine warfare detection localization, classification and targeting capability
- Provides a full range of undersea warfare functions such as underwater fire
- Control, on board trainer capability, a highly-evolved display subsystem, and integration with the Light Airborne Multi-Purpose System helicopter for sonobuoy signal processing
AN/SQQ-89 USW/ASW Combat System
- Land attack warfare and is designed to fly at extremely low altitudes at high subsonic speeds
- Long-range subsonic cruise missile for striking high value or heavily defended land targets.
BGM-109 Tomahawk Land Attack Missile (TLAM)
- Mine countermeasure (MCM): Detect and neutralize mine threats
- Surface warfare (SUW): provide maritime security and prosecution of small boat threats
- Anti-submarine warfare (ASW): they detect, classify, localize, and prosecute enemy submarines
LCS Mission Modules
- Provides ships with an inner layer point defense capability against Anti-ship
- Missiles, aircraft, and littoral warfare threats
- Fast-reaction, detect-through-engage, radar guided 20-millimeter gun weapon system
- Found on
- CVNs
- CGs
- DDGs
Mk 15 Phalanx CIWS
- Fully-automatic gun mount employed against surface, air, and land attack targets
- Designed to engage surface and air targets and to provide naval surface fire support for expeditionary operations
- Found on
- DDGs
- CGs
Mk 45 5” 54/62 Caliber Gun
- Improved counter-countermeasure performance, enhanced target acquisition, a bottom-avoidance preset, and improved maintainability and reliability
- Serves as the payload for the vertical launch anti-submarine rocket
Mk 46 Torpedo
- Advanced guidance and control section employing commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) processing technologies and tactical software improvements to significantly increase shallow water counter-countermeasure capability at reduced lifecycle costs
Mk 54 Torpedo (Lightweight Hybrid Torpedo – LHT)
- High-firepower, low cost, self-defense system against anti-ship cruise missiles and other asymmetric threats
- Lightweight, quick-reaction, fire-and-forget missile; destroys anti-ship cruise missiles and asymmetric air and surface threats.
RIM-116 Rolling Airframe Missile (RAM)
- Medium-range, semi-active homing missile that makes flight corrections via radar and midcourse data uplinks
- Provides reliable ship self-defense capability against agile, high-speed, low-altitude anti-ship cruise missiles, low velocity air threats, and high-speed maneuverable surface threats
RIM-162 Evolved Sea Sparrow Missile (ESSM)
- Versatile, widely used anti-ship missile; Designed for shipboard launch against surface targets
RGM-84 Harpoon
- Primary surface-to-air defense weapon
- Primary missions are fleet area air defense and ship self-defense, also extended area air defense projection capability
- Provides an extended range anti-air warfare capability both over sea and over land
- Provides the surface Navy with an increased battlespace against anti-air warfare threats over-the-horizon
SM-2 and SM-6 Standard Missile
- Carry the designation United States Naval Ship (USNS)
- Crew primarily of civilians and Navy reservists
- Hull numbers as:
- Not armed
- Blue and Gold on ship stacks
Details about the Military Sealift Command (MSC)
- Combat Logistics Force
- Special Mission
- Prepositioning
- Service Support
Four categories of USNS ships
- Mission: Anti-Air Warfare (AAW), Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW), Anti-Surface Warfare (ASUW)
- Stealth warship: 50 foot reduction in radar cross section.
- Reduced ship cost, manpower requirements, fuel consumption, signatures, and maintenance from previous models
- Cost to build: $10 Billion
- Expected to operate with a minimum underway watch (18 crew members, with a bridge watch of 5)
- Has AGS: Advanced Gun System of 300 round magazine, with two 155mm weapons.
Mission and capabillities of the Zumwalt-class DDG