7: stem cells in development and Cancer Flashcards
what is the concept of a stem cell?
- Ability to devide
- power to differentiate
- self-renewal
What is asymmetrical cell division?
- stem cells can make otherstem cells while also producing cells for differentiation
they don’t have to produce 2 of the same cells
what is symetric cell division?
producing 2 stem cells or 2 differentiated cells
what can loss of asymmetry cause?
over proliferation
What is a totipotent stem cell?
stem cells that have the potential to differentiate into any cell type in the body (zygote)
What is a pluripotent stem cell
Same as toti but can not differentiatie into extra embryonic tissue (ICM)
what is a Multipotent stem cell?
stem cells that have the potential to differentiate into a limited range of cell types within a particular tissue or organ
What is a oligopotent stem cells?
cells with potential to differentiate into a few closely related cell types
What is an Unipotent stem cell?
cells with potential to differentiate into 1 celltype
out of what stem cells consists the embryo?
- Totipotent
- pluripotent
- Multipotent
what type of cells are adult stem cells?
What is cell potency?
potential to differentiate into different types of cells
what is a sten cell niche?
Microenvironment that Surrounds a stem cell
intracellular Mechanisms in stem cell regulation?
- Asymetric localization of cytoplasmic determinant
- Epigenetic regulation
- transcriptional regulation
Extracellular Mechanisms in stem cell regulation?
- Juxtacriene Signaling
- Mechanical force
- Paracriene and Exocriene Signaling
what is Anoikis?
special type of apoptosis due to loss of cell-to cell contact
Transit Amplifying zone?
Cell migration and amplification, progenitor cells : lineage committed
what happens in the Base off crypts/stem cell zone?
renewal ISC ‘s
what is the stem cell niche in Intestine?
Paneth cells and Crypt base columnar CBC
cell CBCC is the intestinal stem cell
How can ISC keep their ability to divide? (Intestinal cells)
pareth cells secrete Wnt ligands Which stimulate proliferation of the CBC cells
intestinal cell types present in an organoid?
- Goblet cells
- Enterocrine cells
- Enteroendocrine cells
- paneth cells
- Dead cells after anoikis
growth factors that play an important role in regulating cell growth, proliferation and differentiation?
- Wnt
- Notch
- Noggin
- Rspo
Whith what transcription factors can you reprogramma a somatic cell?
- Oct 4
- Sox2
- klf 4
- C- Myc
What is implantation?
Blastcyst burrows into the uterine endometrivm