7: Problems in pregnancy - large for dates Flashcards
What centiles are babies likely to be above/below if they are
a) large for dates
b) small for dates?
a) > 90th centile
b) < 10th centile
What is the definition of a large-for-dates baby?
Fundal height > 2cm greater than expected for gestational age
What is an innocent reason for a large-for-dates baby?
Mother has given the wrong dates
i.e can’t remember when her last pregnancy was, or has concealed it
Is macrosomia always caused by diabetes?
No, can occur on its own to produce a large-for-dates baby
What are three reasons for a large-for-dates pregnancy?
Multiple pregnancy
Foetal macrosomia
Gestational diabetes (causing macrosomia)
Wrong dates given
How is foetal weight estimated?
Using ultrasound measurements - abdominal circumference and femur length
Macrosomia describes a foetus above which weight centile?
> 90th centile
What disease must you exclude in foetal macrosomia?
Maternal diabetes
What does dystocia mean?
Obstructed birth
e.g large-for-dates babies who can’t squeeze through the birth canal
What complication of pregnancy, causing brachial plexus injury or clavicle fracture, may occur in macrosomic babies?
Shoulder dystocia
What are the three options in managing foetal macrosomia?
Conservative - wait for due date and see what happens
Induction of labour
Caesarean section
What is polyhydramnios?
Excess amniotic fluid
How is excess amniotic fluid detected?
Abdominal examination - increased fundal height, increased liqour
Ultrasound measurements
What amniotic fluid index on ultrasound is diagnostic of polyhydramnios?
> 25cm
What is the depth of amniotic fluid diagnostic of polyhydramnios on ultrasound?
> 8cm
What is the
a) amniotic fluid index
b) pool depth
diagnostic of polyhydramnios?
a) API > 25cm
b) Deepest pool > 8cm
What endocrine disease can cause polyhydramnios?
Maternal diabetes
This seems like a safe answer for any problem in pregnancy tbh
Which type of pregnancy may cause polyhydramnios?
Multiple pregnancy
Polyhydramnios can cause __-__ labour.
pre-term labour
i.e premature birth
What is the main symptom of polyhydramnios?
Abdominal pain
What are the physical signs of polyhydramnios?
Tense, shiny abdomen
Inability to feel foetal parts
Excess liquor
What test should be done for all patients with suspected diabetes?
2 hour OGTT following overnight fast
This is the standard Ix in pregnant women with suspected gestational diabetes
If a patient with polyhydramnios hasn’t given birth by 40 weeks, how should it be managed?
Induction of labour
What is the definition of multiple pregnancy?
Presence of > 1 foetus in the womb