3: Antenatal care and screening in pregnancy Flashcards
When are the first, second and third trimesters?
1st trimester - 1 to 12 weeks
2nd trimester - 13 to 28 weeks
3rd trimester - 29 to 40 weeks
When is antenatal care given?
Before birth
What is the sensitivity of a test?
Proportion of people with a disease which are detected by the test
i.e test positives / (test positives + false negatives)
What is the specificity of a test?
Proportion of patients without a disease who are identified by a test
i.e true negatives / (true negatives + false positives)
How is sensitivity calculated?
Sensitivity = (True positives) / (True positives + False negatives)
How is specificity calculated?
Specificity = (True negatives) / (True negatives + False positives)
What is the positive / negative predictive value of a test?
Proportion of positives/negatives who are actually true
e.g PPV = (True positives) / (True positives + False positives)
gives you an idea of how reliable a test is
Screening tests tend to be used to rule diseases ___.
rule diseases out
wide variety of diseases can be screened for, then if any of them are positive, a diagnostic test can be performed
When are ultrasound scans carried out in pregnancy?
12 weeks
20 weeks - more detailed one
To test for structural abnormalities e.g those seen in Down’s syndrome
What is Naegele’s rule for calculating a woman’s due date?
Take date of last period
Add on nine months and seven days i.e 280 days
What are some early blood tests done in antenatal care?
Hb - for sickle cell anaemia anaemia
Blood group
Rhesus antibodies
STIs - syphilis, HIV, Hepatitis B & C
What are the steps of antenatal abdominal examination?
Palpate - fundus, fundal height, walls for foetal lie and presentation, ballot the presenting part
Auscultate - foetal heart
What vital signs and tests are routine at antenatal appointments?
What is the difference between the lie and presentation of a foetus?
Lie - baby’s position in the womb i.e longitudinal or transverse
Presentation - what part of the baby is most inferior i.e cephalic (head) or breech (feet)
What is a normal foetal heart rate?
120 - 160 bpm
How is fundal height measured?
Fundus of uterus to Pubic symphysis