7. Principles of Organising Flashcards
What does organising refer to?
It refers to the activities that leads to order. Certain activities helps you to organise.
What does organisation refer to?
Organisation refers to the company as a whole.
What does organisational structure refer to?
Organisational structure refers to the different departments within an organisation.
Why is organising important in achieving company goals?
If organising leads to a person knowing what is going on and where what is, then it would help that person achieve the company vision, mission, goals and strategies.
What is the first step to design an organisational structure?
Review the company’s vision, mission, goals & strategies.
Unity of command
Each employee should report to only one supervisor.
Unity of direction
All tasks and activities should be directed towards the same mission and goals
Chain of command
A clear unbroken chain of command should link every employee with someone at a higher level, all the way to the top of the organisation
Span of control
The number of subordinates reporting to a manager.
Division of work
Divide workload among business units, departments, sections and individual employees.
Develop uniform practices that employees need to follow in doing their jobs.
All business units, departments, sections and individuals should work together to accomplish organisational goals and objectives
The obligation to achieve goals by performing required activities.
The right to make decisions, issue orders and use resources.
The evaluation of how well individuals meet their responsibilities.